# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rumale/validation' require 'rumale/base/estimator' require 'rumale/base/classifier' require 'rumale/linear_model/logistic_regression' require 'rumale/model_selection/stratified_k_fold' require 'rumale/preprocessing/label_encoder' module Rumale module Ensemble # StackingClassifier is a class that implements classifier with stacking method. # # @example # require 'rumale/ensemble/stacking_classifier' # # estimators = { # lgr: Rumale::LinearModel::LogisticRegression.new(reg_param: 1e-2), # mlp: Rumale::NeuralNetwork::MLPClassifier.new(hidden_units: [256], random_seed: 1), # rnd: Rumale::Ensemble::RandomForestClassifier.new(random_seed: 1) # } # meta_estimator = Rumale::LinearModel::LogisticRegression.new # classifier = Rumale::Ensemble::StackedClassifier.new( # estimators: estimators, meta_estimator: meta_estimator, random_seed: 1 # ) # classifier.fit(training_samples, training_labels) # results = classifier.predict(testing_samples) # # *Reference* # - Zhou, Z-H., "Ensemble Methods - Foundations and Algorithms," CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2012. class StackingClassifier < ::Rumale::Base::Estimator include ::Rumale::Base::Classifier # Return the base classifiers. # @return [Hash] attr_reader :estimators # Return the meta classifier. # @return [Classifier] attr_reader :meta_estimator # Return the class labels. # @return [Numo::Int32] (size: n_classes) attr_reader :classes # Return the method used by each base classifier. # @return [Hash] attr_reader :stack_method # Create a new classifier with stacking method. # # @param estimators [Hash] The base classifiers for extracting meta features. # @param meta_estimator [Classifier/Nil] The meta classifier that predicts class label. # If nil is given, LogisticRegression is used. # @param n_splits [Integer] The number of folds for cross validation with stratified k-fold on meta feature extraction in training phase. # @param shuffle [Boolean] The flag indicating whether to shuffle the dataset on cross validation. # @param stack_method [String] The method name of base classifier for using meta feature extraction. # If 'auto' is given, it searches the callable method in the order 'predict_proba', 'decision_function', and 'predict' # on each classifier. # @param passthrough [Boolean] The flag indicating whether to concatenate the original features and meta features when training the meta classifier. # @param random_seed [Integer/Nil] The seed value using to initialize the random generator on cross validation. def initialize(estimators:, meta_estimator: nil, n_splits: 5, shuffle: true, stack_method: 'auto', passthrough: false, random_seed: nil) super() @estimators = estimators @meta_estimator = meta_estimator || ::Rumale::LinearModel::LogisticRegression.new @params = { n_splits: n_splits, shuffle: shuffle, stack_method: stack_method, passthrough: passthrough, random_seed: random_seed || srand } end # Fit the model with given training data. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model. # @param y [Numo::Int32] (shape: [n_samples]) The labels to be used for fitting the model. # @return [StackedClassifier] The learned classifier itself. def fit(x, y) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) y = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_label_array(y) ::Rumale::Validation.check_sample_size(x, y) n_samples, n_features = x.shape @encoder = ::Rumale::Preprocessing::LabelEncoder.new y_encoded = @encoder.fit_transform(y) @classes = Numo::NArray[*@encoder.classes] # training base classifiers with all training data. @estimators.each_key { |name| @estimators[name].fit(x, y_encoded) } # detecting feature extraction method and its size of output for each base classifier. @stack_method = detect_stack_method @output_size = detect_output_size(n_features) # extracting meta features with base classifiers. n_components = @output_size.values.sum z = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_samples, n_components) kf = ::Rumale::ModelSelection::StratifiedKFold.new( n_splits: @params[:n_splits], shuffle: @params[:shuffle], random_seed: @params[:random_seed] ) kf.split(x, y_encoded).each do |train_ids, valid_ids| x_train = x[train_ids, true] y_train = y_encoded[train_ids] x_valid = x[valid_ids, true] f_start = 0 @estimators.each_key do |name| est_fold = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(@estimators[name])) f_last = f_start + @output_size[name] f_position = @output_size[name] == 1 ? f_start : f_start...f_last z[valid_ids, f_position] = est_fold.fit(x_train, y_train).public_send(@stack_method[name], x_valid) f_start = f_last end end # concatenating original features. z = Numo::NArray.hstack([z, x]) if @params[:passthrough] # training meta classifier. @meta_estimator.fit(z, y_encoded) self end # Calculate confidence scores for samples. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to compute the scores. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes]) The confidence score per sample. def decision_function(x) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) z = transform(x) @meta_estimator.decision_function(z) end # Predict class labels for samples. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the labels. # @return [Numo::Int32] (shape: [n_samples]) The predicted class label per sample. def predict(x) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) z = transform(x) Numo::Int32.cast(@encoder.inverse_transform(@meta_estimator.predict(z))) end # Predict probability for samples. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to predict the probabilities. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_classes]) The predicted probability of each class per sample. def predict_proba(x) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) z = transform(x) @meta_estimator.predict_proba(z) end # Transform the given data with the learned model. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The samples to be transformed with the learned model. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_components]) The meta features for samples. def transform(x) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) n_samples = x.shape[0] n_components = @output_size.values.sum z = Numo::DFloat.zeros(n_samples, n_components) f_start = 0 @estimators.each_key do |name| f_last = f_start + @output_size[name] f_position = @output_size[name] == 1 ? f_start : f_start...f_last z[true, f_position] = @estimators[name].public_send(@stack_method[name], x) f_start = f_last end z = Numo::NArray.hstack([z, x]) if @params[:passthrough] z end # Fit the model with training data, and then transform them with the learned model. # # @param x [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_features]) The training data to be used for fitting the model. # @param y [Numo::Int32] (shape: [n_samples]) The labels to be used for fitting the model. # @return [Numo::DFloat] (shape: [n_samples, n_components]) The meta features for training data. def fit_transform(x, y) x = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_sample_array(x) y = ::Rumale::Validation.check_convert_label_array(y) ::Rumale::Validation.check_sample_size(x, y) fit(x, y).transform(x) end private STACK_METHODS = %i[predict_proba decision_function predict].freeze private_constant :STACK_METHODS def detect_stack_method if @params[:stack_method] == 'auto' @estimators.each_key.with_object({}) do |name, obj| obj[name] = STACK_METHODS.detect do |m| @estimators[name].respond_to?(m) end end else @estimators.each_key.with_object({}) { |name, obj| obj[name] = @params[:stack_method].to_sym } end end def detect_output_size(n_features) x_dummy = Numo::DFloat.new(2, n_features).rand @estimators.each_key.with_object({}) do |name, obj| output_dummy = @estimators[name].public_send(@stack_method[name], x_dummy) obj[name] = output_dummy.ndim == 1 ? 1 : output_dummy.shape[1] end end end end end