# Generates necessary html flash tag to support ZiYa
# TODO -- Rewrite to use content tag block instead...
# Author: Fernand Galiana
module Ziya::HtmlHelpers::Gauges
include Ziya::HtmlHelpers::Base
# generates necessary html tags to display a gauge.
def ziya_gauge( url, gauge_options={} )
options = default_gauge_options.merge( gauge_options )
_ziya_gauge( url, gauges_swf, options )
# =========================================================================
# private
# Const accessors...
def gauges_swf() "%s/gauge.swf?xml_source=%s"; end
def gauge_path() "/gauges"; end
def class_id() "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" end
def codebase() "http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,45,0"; end
def default_gauge_options
{ :width => "200",
:height => "200",
:align => "middle",
:scale => "noscale",
:script_access => "sameDomain",
:salign => "",
:class => "",
:class_id => "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000",
:id => "ziya_gauge",
:swf_path => gauge_path,
:use_cache => false,
:timeout => false,
:retry => 2,
:use_stage => false }
def _ziya_gauge( url, swf_path, options )
# Setup options for opaque mode
setup_wmode( options )
# setup width and height
setup_movie_size( options )
color_param = tag( 'param', {:name => 'bgcolor', :value => options[:bgcolor]}, true )
color_param += tag( 'param', {:name => "wmode", :value => options[:wmode]}, true )
xml_swf_path = swf_path % [options[:swf_path], url]
xml_swf_path << "×tamp=#{Time.now.to_i}" if options[:use_cache] == true
xml_swf_path << "&timeout=#{options[:timeout]}&retry=#{options[:retry]}" if options[:timeout] == true
xml_swf_path << "&stage_width=#{options[:width]}&stage_height=#{options[:height]}" if options[:use_stage] == true
tags = <<-TAGS