#!/bin/bash echo -e "\n\n==== Setup ====" source /etc/profile git fetch && git reset origin/master --hard # FIXME: Jenkins user doesn't have permissions to run it. # PATH=/usr/sbin:$PATH ./bin/set_test_suite_realms_up.sh echo "~ NOT running ./bin/set_test_suite_realms_up.sh" echo -e "\n\n==== Ruby 1.9.2 Head ====" rvm use 1.9.2-head@ruby-amqp gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc bundle install --path vendor/bundle/1.9.2 --without development; echo bundle update; echo bundle exec rspec spec return_status=$? echo -e "\n\n==== Ruby 1.8.7 ====" rvm use 1.8.7@ruby-amqp gem install bundler --no-ri --no-rdoc bundle install --path vendor/bundle/1.8.7 --without development; echo bundle update; echo bundle exec rspec spec return_status=$(expr $return_status + $?) test $return_status -eq 0