describe Retriable do let(:time_table_handler) do ->(_exception, try, _elapsed_time, next_interval) { @next_interval_table[try] = next_interval } end before(:each) do described_class.configure { |c| c.sleep_disabled = true } @tries = 0 @next_interval_table = {} end def increment_tries @tries += 1 end def increment_tries_with_exception(exception_class = nil) exception_class ||= StandardError increment_tries raise exception_class, "#{exception_class} occurred" end context "global scope extension" do it "cannot be called in the global scope without requiring the core_ext/kernel" do expect { retriable { puts "should raise NoMethodError" } }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "can be called once the kernel extension is required" do require_relative "../lib/retriable/core_ext/kernel" expect { retriable { increment_tries_with_exception } }.to raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(3) end end context "#retriable" do it "raises a LocalJumpError if not given a block" do expect { described_class.retriable }.to raise_error(LocalJumpError) expect { described_class.retriable(timeout: 2) }.to raise_error(LocalJumpError) end it "stops at first try if the block does not raise an exception" do described_class.retriable { increment_tries } expect(@tries).to eq(1) end it "makes 3 tries when retrying block of code raising StandardError with no arguments" do expect { described_class.retriable { increment_tries_with_exception } }.to raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(3) end it "makes only 1 try when exception raised is not descendent of StandardError" do expect do described_class.retriable { increment_tries_with_exception(NonStandardError) } raise_error(NonStandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(1) end it "with custom exception tries 3 times and re-raises the exception" do expect do described_class.retriable(on: NonStandardError) { increment_tries_with_exception(NonStandardError) } raise_error(NonStandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(3) end it "tries 10 times when specified" do expect { described_class.retriable(tries: 10) { increment_tries_with_exception } }.to raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(10) end it "will timeout after 1 second" do expect { described_class.retriable(timeout: 1) { sleep(1.1) } }.to raise_error(Timeout::Error) end it "applies a randomized exponential backoff to each try" do expect do described_class.retriable(on_retry: time_table_handler, tries: 10) { increment_tries_with_exception } raise_error(StandardError) expect(@next_interval_table).to eq( 1 => 0.5244067512211441, 2 => 0.9113920238761231, 3 => 1.2406087918999114, 4 => 1.7632403621664823, 5 => 2.338001204738311, 6 => 4.350816718580626, 7 => 5.339852157217869, 8 => 11.889873261212443, 9 => 18.756037881636484, 10 => nil, ) expect(@tries).to eq(10) end context "with rand_factor 0.0 and an on_retry handler" do let(:tries) { 6 } let(:no_rand_timetable) { { 1 => 0.5, 2 => 0.75, 3 => 1.125 } } let(:args) { { on_retry: time_table_handler, rand_factor: 0.0, tries: tries } } it "applies a non-randomized exponential backoff to each try" do described_class.retriable(args) do increment_tries raise StandardError if @tries < tries end expect(@tries).to eq(tries) expect(@next_interval_table).to eq(no_rand_timetable.merge(4 => 1.6875, 5 => 2.53125)) end it "obeys a max interval of 1.5 seconds" do expect do described_class.retriable(args.merge(max_interval: 1.5)) { increment_tries_with_exception } raise_error(StandardError) expect(@next_interval_table).to eq(no_rand_timetable.merge(4 => 1.5, 5 => 1.5, 6 => nil)) end it "obeys custom defined intervals" do interval_hash = no_rand_timetable.merge(4 => 1.5, 5 => 1.5, 6 => nil) intervals = interval_hash.values.compact.sort expect do described_class.retriable(on_retry: time_table_handler, intervals: intervals) do increment_tries_with_exception end raise_error(StandardError) expect(@next_interval_table).to eq(interval_hash) expect(@tries).to eq(intervals.size + 1) end end context "with an array :on parameter" do it "handles both kinds of exceptions" do described_class.retriable(on: [StandardError, NonStandardError]) do increment_tries raise StandardError if @tries == 1 raise NonStandardError if @tries == 2 end expect(@tries).to eq(3) end end context "with a hash :on parameter" do let(:on_hash) { { NonStandardError => /NonStandardError occurred/ } } it "where the value is an exception message pattern" do expect do described_class.retriable(on: on_hash) { increment_tries_with_exception(NonStandardError) } raise_error(NonStandardError, /NonStandardError occurred/) expect(@tries).to eq(3) end it "matches exception subclasses when message matches pattern" do expect do described_class.retriable(on: on_hash.merge(DifferentError => [/shouldn't happen/, /also not/])) do increment_tries_with_exception(SecondNonStandardError) end raise_error(SecondNonStandardError, /SecondNonStandardError occurred/) expect(@tries).to eq(3) end it "does not retry matching exception subclass but not message" do expect do described_class.retriable(on: on_hash) do increment_tries raise SecondNonStandardError, "not a match" end raise_error(SecondNonStandardError, /not a match/) expect(@tries).to eq(1) end it "successfully retries when the values are arrays of exception message patterns" do exceptions = [] handler = ->(exception, try, _elapsed_time, _next_interval) { exceptions[try] = exception } on_hash = { StandardError => nil, NonStandardError => [/foo/, /bar/] } expect do described_class.retriable(tries: 4, on: on_hash, on_retry: handler) do increment_tries case @tries when 1 raise NonStandardError, "foo" when 2 raise NonStandardError, "bar" when 3 raise StandardError else raise NonStandardError, "crash" end end raise_error(NonStandardError, /crash/) expect(exceptions[1]).to be_a(NonStandardError) expect(exceptions[1].message).to eq("foo") expect(exceptions[2]).to be_a(NonStandardError) expect(exceptions[2].message).to eq("bar") expect(exceptions[3]).to be_a(StandardError) end end it "runs for a max elapsed time of 2 seconds" do described_class.configure { |c| c.sleep_disabled = false } expect do described_class.retriable(base_interval: 1.0, multiplier: 1.0, rand_factor: 0.0, max_elapsed_time: 2.0) do increment_tries_with_exception end raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(2) end it "raises ArgumentError on invalid options" do expect { described_class.retriable(does_not_exist: 123) { increment_tries } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end end context "#configure" do it "raises NoMethodError on invalid configuration" do expect { described_class.configure { |c| c.does_not_exist = 123 } }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end end context "#with_context" do let(:api_tries) { 4 } before do described_class.configure do |c| c.contexts[:sql] = { tries: 1 } c.contexts[:api] = { tries: api_tries } end end it "stops at first try if the block does not raise an exception" do described_class.with_context(:sql) { increment_tries } expect(@tries).to eq(1) end it "respects the context options" do expect { described_class.with_context(:api) { increment_tries_with_exception } }.to raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(api_tries) end it "allows override options" do expect do described_class.with_context(:sql, tries: 5) { increment_tries_with_exception } raise_error(StandardError) expect(@tries).to eq(5) end it "raises an ArgumentError when the context isn't found" do expect { described_class.with_context(:wtf) { increment_tries } }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /wtf not found/) end end end