require 'sequel' require 'pony' class Delayed::Job::Monitor class << self def run(options) end attr_accessor :default_table_name end DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME = "delayed_jobs".freeze self.default_table_name = DEFAULT_TABLE_NAME attr_reader :table_name DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS = { :total_job_threshold => 50, :failed_job_threshold => 5, :scheduled_job_threshold => 50, :waiting_job_threshold => 5, :running_job_threshold => 10 }.freeze THRESHOLD_ATTRIBUTES = DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS.keys attr_accessor *THRESHOLD_ATTRIBUTES def initialize(options) @options = options @db_options = @options[:database] @table_name = @db_options.delete(:table_name) { Delayed::Job::Monitor.default_table_name } # set thresholds, use default if not provided DEFAULT_THRESHOLDS.each do |attribute, threshold| send("#{attribute}=", options.delete(attribute) { threshold }) end end def run alert if sick? end def alert Pony.mail(:to => "", :from => "", :subject => "[Alert] DJ Queue", :body => alert_body) end def alert_body %Q{ Delayed::Job Summary -------------------- Total jobs:\t\t#{total_jobs} Failed jobs:\t\t#{failed_jobs} Scheduled jobs:\t\t#{scheduled_jobs} Waiting jobs:\t\t#{waiting_jobs} Running jobs:\t\t#{running_jobs} } end def sick? total_jobs >= total_job_threshold || failed_jobs >= failed_job_threshold || scheduled_jobs >= scheduled_job_threshold || waiting_jobs >= waiting_job_threshold || running_jobs >= running_job_threshold end def healthy? !sick? end def reset @total_jobs = nil @scheduled_jobs = nil @waiting_jobs = nil @running_jobs = nil @failed_jobs = nil end def total_jobs @total_jobs ||= count end def scheduled_jobs @scheduled_jobs ||= count(["run_at > ? AND locked_at IS NULL AND attempts = 0",]) end def waiting_jobs @waiting_jobs ||= count(["run_at <= ? AND locked_at IS NULL AND attempts = 0",]) end def running_jobs @running_jobs ||= count(["locked_at IS NOT NULL"]) end def failed_jobs @failed_jobs ||= count(["(run_at > ? AND last_error IS NOT NULL) OR failed_at IS NOT NULL",]) end def count(filter = nil) if filter delayed_jobs.filter(filter).count else delayed_jobs.count end end def delayed_jobs @delayed_jobs ||= database[table_name.to_sym] end def database @database ||= Sequel.connect(@db_options) end end