class Tryouts; module CLI # = Run # # The logic bin/tryouts uses for running tryouts. class Run < Drydock::Command def init @tryouts_globs = [GYMNASIUM_GLOB, File.join(Dir.pwd, '*_tryouts.rb')] end # $ sergeant dreams [path/2/tryouts] # Display the dreams from all known tryouts def dreams load_available_tryouts_files if @global.verbose > 0 puts Tryouts.dreams.to_yaml else Tryouts.dreams.each_pair do |n,dreams| puts n dreams.each_pair do |n, dream| puts " " << n dream.each_pair do |n, drill| puts " " << n end end end end end # $ sergeant run [path/2/tryouts] # Executes all tryouts that can be found from the current working directory. def run if @global.verbose > 0 puts "#{Tryouts.sysinfo.to_s} (#{RUBY_VERSION})" end load_available_tryouts_files passed, failed = 0, 0 Tryouts.instances.each_pair do |group,tryouts_inst| puts '', ' %-60s'.att(:reverse) % group puts " #{tryouts_inst.paths.join("\n ")}" if @global.verbose > 0 tryouts_inst.tryouts.each_pair do |name,to| STDOUT.flush passed += to.passed failed += to.failed end end unless @global.quiet if (passed == 0 && failed == 0) puts DEV if @global.verbose > 4 msg = " You didn't even try to acheive your dreams :[ " elsif failed == 0 puts PUG if @global.verbose > 4 msg = " All %s dreams came true ".color(:green) msg = msg % [passed+failed] else puts BUG if @global.verbose > 4 score = (passed.to_f / (passed.to_f+failed.to_f)) * 100 msg = " %s of %s dreams came true (%d%%) ".color(:red) msg = msg % [passed, passed+failed, score.to_i] end puts $/, msg.att(:reverse) end end # $ sergeant list # Displays all known tryouts from the current working directory def list load_available_tryouts_files Tryouts.instances.each_pair do |n,tryouts_inst| puts n if @global.verbose > 0 puts " #{tryouts_inst.paths.join("\n ")}" end tryouts_inst.tryouts.each_pair do |t2,tryout| puts " " << tryout.drills.each do |drill| puts " " << end end end end private # Find and load all tryouts files def load_available_tryouts_files @tryouts_files = [] # If file paths were given, check those only. unless @argv.empty? @argv.each do |file| file = File.join(file, '**', '*_tryouts.rb') if @tryouts_files += Dir.glob file end # Otherwise check the default globs else @tryouts_globs.each do |glob| @tryouts_files += Dir.glob glob end end @tryouts_files.uniq! # Don't load the same file twice @tryouts_files.each { |f| puts "LOADING: #{f}"} if @global.verbose > 0 @tryouts_files.each { |file| Tryouts.parse_file file } end end end; end class Tryouts::CLI::Run DEV = %q{ ^^ @@@@@@@@@ ^^ ^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ^^ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ~~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~~ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ } BUG = %q{ ,--.____ ____.--. / .'.'"``--...----------.___.----------...--''"`.`. \ | .'.' . . `.`. | `. .'| . ' - . _ `-----' _ . - ' . |`. .' `.' `| .' _ "-._ _.-" _ `. |' `.' | | " -. .- " | | \| ;;.. "|i. .i|" ..;; |/ `| ,---.``. ' ' .'',---. |' | <'(__.'>.'---` '---`.<`.__)`> | | `. `~ .' ,-------. `. ~'.' | | |=_"`=.' . `-.___.-' . `.='"_=| | | | ==/ : ` : i : ' : \== | | | | ==/ /\___|___/\ \== | | `.| =Y .' """_""" `. Y= |.' L || ; .=="==. ; || J \ ; .' ' ` `. ; / `. ; ; .' ; ;'\ /`; ; `; .'.'/. ,\`.`. ;' `-=;_-' `-----' `-_;=-' -bodom- } PUG = %q{ __,-----._ ,-. ,' ,-. \`---. ,-----<._/ (,.-. o:.` )),"\\\-._ ,' `. ('"-` .\ \`:_ )\ `-;'-._ \ ,,-. \` ; : \( `-' ) -._ : `: ( \ `._\\\ ` ; ; ` : ) \`. `-. __ , / \ ;, ( `.`-.___--' `- / ; | : | `-' `-.`--._ ' ; | (`--._`. ; /\ | \ ' \ , ) : | `--::---- \' ; ;| \ .__,- ( ) : :| \ : `------; \ | | ; \ : / , ) | | ( \ \ `-^-| | / , ,\ ) ) | -^- ; `-^-^' _,' _ ; | | / , , ,' /---. : `-^-^' ( : :,' `-^--' -hrr- } end