<%- if magic_insights.kind_of?(Array) %> <%- magic_insight = magic_insights.last %> <%- else %> <%- magic_insight = magic_insights %> <%- end %> <%- if magic_insight.class.ancestors.include?(Rack::Insight::MagicInsight) %> <%- magic_insight._magic_insight_methods.each do |method| %> <%- if idiomatic_method = magic_insight._idiomatic_method(method) %> <%- else %> <%- end %> <%- end %> <%- if magic_insights.respond_to?(:each) %> <%- i = 1 %> <%- magic_insights.each do |an_object| %> <%- row_class = i % 2 == 0 ? 'even' : 'odd' details = an_object.respond_to?(:children) && !an_object.children.empty? %> <%= render_template 'magic_insight', :magic_insight => an_object, :row_class => row_class, :details => details %> <%- if details %> <%- end %> <%- i += 1 %> <%- end %> <%- else %> <%- details = magic_insights.respond_to?(:children) && !magic_insights.children.empty? %> <%= render_template 'magic_insight', :magic_insight => magic_insights, :row_class => 'odd', :details => details %> <%- if details %> <%- end %> <%- end %>
<%= idiomatic_method %><%= method %>
<%= render_template 'magic_insights', :magic_insights => an_object.children %>
<%= render_template 'magic_insights', :magic_insights => magic_insights.children %>
<%- elsif !magic_insight.nil? %>

Magic Panel Template for <%= magic_insight.class %>

If you want to have the magic panel template render your data first read the warning below


      <%= Rack::Insight::MagicInsight::WARNING.join('
').gsub(/\s/,' ') %>

If you are sure, do the following in your class to be rendered by this template:

      include Rack::Insight::MagicInsight

<%- else %>

nil is non-magical

<%- end %>