Daniel Tamiosso http://danieltamiosso.com Only me Wed, 15 Jul 2009 23:32:34 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.8.5 en 1.0 http://danieltamiosso.com http://danieltamiosso.com agil boas-praticas bpmn desenvolvimento design agil apache arquitetura boas-praticas bpmn carreira desenvolvimento design diagrama ejb ensinar eventos geral hospedagem implantacao java jvm notacao oo orientacao-a-objetos performance pessoal stateful stateless tdd tomcat uml http://danieltamiosso.com http://danieltamiosso.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/favicon.ico Daniel Tamiosso Ou uma coisa ou outra: Command and Query Separation http://danieltamiosso.com/2009/07/09/ou-uma-coisa-ou-outra-command-and-query/ Thu, 09 Jul 2009 16:50:14 +0000 http://danieltamiosso.com/?p=160 160 2009-07-09 13:50:14 2009-07-09 16:50:14 open open ou-uma-coisa-ou-outra-command-and-query publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247700758 _edit_last 1 984 contato@wagnerandrade.com http://wagnerandrade.com 2009-07-09 16:33:45 2009-07-09 19:33:45 1 0 0 1895 alisson.duarte@gmail.com http:// 2009-09-11 23:35:17 2009-09-12 02:35:17 1 0 0 3963 saraward@mail333.com http://www.bestfinance-blog.com 2010-07-14 00:33:15 2010-07-14 03:33:15 home loans. Just because that would help you unquestionably. I get collateral loan every single year and feel OK because of it.]]> spam 0 0 Ou uma coisa ou outra: Command and Query Separation 2 http://danieltamiosso.com/2009/07/09/ou-uma-coisa-ou-outra-command-and-query/ Thu, 09 Jul 2009 16:50:14 +0000 http://danieltamiosso.com/?p=160 160 2009-07-09 13:50:14 2009-07-09 16:50:14 open open ou-uma-coisa-ou-outra-command-and-query publish 0 0 post _edit_lock 1247700758 _edit_last 1 984 contato@wagnerandrade.com http://wagnerandrade.com 2009-07-09 16:33:45 2009-07-09 19:33:45 1 0 0 1895 alisson.duarte@gmail.com http:// 2009-09-11 23:35:17 2009-09-12 02:35:17 1 0 0 3963 saraward@mail333.com http://www.bestfinance-blog.com 2010-07-14 00:33:15 2010-07-14 03:33:15 home loans. Just because that would help you unquestionably. I get collateral loan every single year and feel OK because of it.]]> spam 0 0