module WebStepsHelpers def assert_visible(options) visibility_test(options.merge(:expectation => :visible)) end def assert_hidden(options) visibility_test(options.merge(:expectation => :hidden)) end private def visibility_test(options) if javascript_capable? detect_visibility_with_js(options) else detect_visibility_with_capybara(options) end end def detect_visibility_with_js(options) patiently do if selector = options[:selector] visible = page.execute_script(<<-JAVASCRIPT) function isVisible(element) { return !!(element.offsetWidth || element.offsetHeight || element.getClientRects().length); } var element = document.querySelector(#{selector.to_json}); if (!element) { throw new Error("No element found for selector: "+ #{selector.to_json}); } return isVisible(element); JAVASCRIPT elsif text = options[:text] visible = page.execute_script(<<-JAVASCRIPT) // This entire code block can be replaced with this single line // when we drop support for ancient Firefoxes (< 45): // // return document.body.innerText.indexOf(#{text.to_json}) >= 0 function isVisible(element) { return !!(element.offsetWidth || element.offsetHeight || element.getClientRects().length); } var candidates = document.querySelectorAll('*'); // Convert NodeList to Array so we can use #filter() and #some() candidates =; // Keep only candidates that contain the given text candidates = candidates.filter(function(candidate) { var text = candidate.textContent; return text && text.indexOf(#{text.to_json}) >= 0; }); // Keep only candidates without another candidate in its descendants. // If that descendant exists, it's a better match. candidates = candidates.filter(function(candidate) { return !candidates.some(function(other) { return candidate !== other && candidate.contains(other); }); }); return candidates.some(isVisible); JAVASCRIPT else raise "Must pass either :selector or :text option" end if options[:expectation] == :visible expect(visible).to eq(true) else expect(visible).to eq(false) end end end def detect_visibility_with_capybara(options) begin old_ignore_hidden_elements = Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false if options.has_key?(:selector) selector = options[:selector].strip expect(page).to have_css options[:selector] have_hidden_tag = have_css %(.hidden #{selector}, .invisible #{selector}, [style~="display: none"] #{selector}) if options[:expectation] == :hidden expect(page).to have_hidden_tag else expect(page).not_to have_hidden_tag end else expect(page).to have_css('*', :text => options[:text]) have_hidden_text = have_css('.hidden, .invisible, [style~="display: none"]', :text => options[:text]) if options[:expectation] == :hidden expect(page).to have_hidden_text else expect(page).not_to have_hidden_text end end ensure Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = old_ignore_hidden_elements end end end World(WebStepsHelpers)