// Copyright 2022 gRPC authors. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // TODO(ctiller): Add a unit test suite for these filters once it's practical to // mock transport operations. #include #include "src/core/ext/filters/channel_idle/channel_idle_filter.h" #include #include #include #include "absl/types/optional.h" #include #include #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_args.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/channel_stack_builder.h" #include "src/core/lib/channel/promise_based_filter.h" #include "src/core/lib/config/core_configuration.h" #include "src/core/lib/debug/trace.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/debug_location.h" #include "src/core/lib/gprpp/orphanable.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/closure.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/error.h" #include "src/core/lib/iomgr/exec_ctx.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/exec_ctx_wakeup_scheduler.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/loop.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/poll.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/promise.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/sleep.h" #include "src/core/lib/promise/try_seq.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/channel_init.h" #include "src/core/lib/surface/channel_stack_type.h" #include "src/core/lib/transport/http2_errors.h" namespace grpc_core { namespace { // TODO(ctiller): The idle filter was disabled in client channel by default // due to b/143502997. Now the bug is fixed enable the filter by default. const auto kDefaultIdleTimeout = Duration::Infinity(); // If these settings change, make sure that we are not sending a GOAWAY for // inproc transport, since a GOAWAY to inproc ends up destroying the transport. const auto kDefaultMaxConnectionAge = Duration::Infinity(); const auto kDefaultMaxConnectionAgeGrace = Duration::Infinity(); const auto kDefaultMaxConnectionIdle = Duration::Infinity(); const auto kMaxConnectionAgeJitter = 0.1; TraceFlag grpc_trace_client_idle_filter(false, "client_idle_filter"); } // namespace #define GRPC_IDLE_FILTER_LOG(format, ...) \ do { \ if (GRPC_TRACE_FLAG_ENABLED(grpc_trace_client_idle_filter)) { \ gpr_log(GPR_INFO, "(client idle filter) " format, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } \ } while (0) namespace { Duration GetClientIdleTimeout(const ChannelArgs& args) { return args.GetDurationFromIntMillis(GRPC_ARG_CLIENT_IDLE_TIMEOUT_MS) .value_or(kDefaultIdleTimeout); } } // namespace struct MaxAgeFilter::Config { Duration max_connection_age; Duration max_connection_idle; Duration max_connection_age_grace; bool enable() const { return max_connection_age != Duration::Infinity() || max_connection_idle != Duration::Infinity(); } /* A random jitter of +/-10% will be added to MAX_CONNECTION_AGE to spread out connection storms. Note that the MAX_CONNECTION_AGE option without jitter would not create connection storms by itself, but if there happened to be a connection storm it could cause it to repeat at a fixed period. */ static Config FromChannelArgs(const ChannelArgs& args) { const Duration args_max_age = args.GetDurationFromIntMillis(GRPC_ARG_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE_MS) .value_or(kDefaultMaxConnectionAge); const Duration args_max_idle = args.GetDurationFromIntMillis(GRPC_ARG_MAX_CONNECTION_IDLE_MS) .value_or(kDefaultMaxConnectionIdle); const Duration args_max_age_grace = args.GetDurationFromIntMillis(GRPC_ARG_MAX_CONNECTION_AGE_GRACE_MS) .value_or(kDefaultMaxConnectionAgeGrace); /* generate a random number between 1 - kMaxConnectionAgeJitter and 1 + kMaxConnectionAgeJitter */ const double multiplier = rand() * kMaxConnectionAgeJitter * 2.0 / RAND_MAX + 1.0 - kMaxConnectionAgeJitter; /* GRPC_MILLIS_INF_FUTURE - 0.5 converts the value to float, so that result will not be cast to int implicitly before the comparison. */ return Config{args_max_age * multiplier, args_max_idle, args_max_age_grace}; } }; absl::StatusOr ClientIdleFilter::Create( const ChannelArgs& args, ChannelFilter::Args filter_args) { ClientIdleFilter filter(filter_args.channel_stack(), GetClientIdleTimeout(args)); return absl::StatusOr(std::move(filter)); } absl::StatusOr MaxAgeFilter::Create( const ChannelArgs& args, ChannelFilter::Args filter_args) { MaxAgeFilter filter(filter_args.channel_stack(), Config::FromChannelArgs(args)); return absl::StatusOr(std::move(filter)); } void MaxAgeFilter::Shutdown() { max_age_activity_.Reset(); ChannelIdleFilter::Shutdown(); } void MaxAgeFilter::PostInit() { struct StartupClosure { RefCountedPtr channel_stack; MaxAgeFilter* filter; grpc_closure closure; }; auto run_startup = [](void* p, grpc_error_handle) { auto* startup = static_cast(p); // Trigger idle timer startup->filter->IncreaseCallCount(); startup->filter->DecreaseCallCount(); grpc_transport_op* op = grpc_make_transport_op(nullptr); op->start_connectivity_watch.reset( new ConnectivityWatcher(startup->filter)); op->start_connectivity_watch_state = GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE; grpc_channel_next_op( grpc_channel_stack_element(startup->channel_stack.get(), 0), op); delete startup; }; auto* startup = new StartupClosure{this->channel_stack()->Ref(), this, grpc_closure{}}; GRPC_CLOSURE_INIT(&startup->closure, run_startup, startup, nullptr); ExecCtx::Run(DEBUG_LOCATION, &startup->closure, GRPC_ERROR_NONE); auto channel_stack = this->channel_stack()->Ref(); // Start the max age timer if (max_connection_age_ != Duration::Infinity()) { max_age_activity_.Set(MakeActivity( TrySeq( // First sleep until the max connection age Sleep(Timestamp::Now() + max_connection_age_), // Then send a goaway. [this] { GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_REF(this->channel_stack(), "max_age send_goaway"); // Jump out of the activity to send the goaway. auto fn = [](void* arg, grpc_error_handle) { auto* channel_stack = static_cast(arg); grpc_transport_op* op = grpc_make_transport_op(nullptr); op->goaway_error = grpc_error_set_int( GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("max_age"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_HTTP2_ERROR, GRPC_HTTP2_NO_ERROR); grpc_channel_element* elem = grpc_channel_stack_element(channel_stack, 0); elem->filter->start_transport_op(elem, op); GRPC_CHANNEL_STACK_UNREF(channel_stack, "max_age send_goaway"); }; ExecCtx::Run( DEBUG_LOCATION, GRPC_CLOSURE_CREATE(fn, this->channel_stack(), nullptr), GRPC_ERROR_NONE); return Immediate(absl::OkStatus()); }, // Sleep for the grace period [this] { return Sleep(Timestamp::Now() + max_connection_age_grace_); }), ExecCtxWakeupScheduler(), [channel_stack, this](absl::Status status) { // OnDone -- close the connection if the promise completed // successfully. // (if it did not, it was cancelled) if (status.ok()) CloseChannel(); })); } } // Construct a promise for one call. ArenaPromise ChannelIdleFilter::MakeCallPromise( CallArgs call_args, NextPromiseFactory next_promise_factory) { using Decrementer = std::unique_ptr; IncreaseCallCount(); return ArenaPromise( [decrementer = Decrementer(this), next = next_promise_factory(std::move(call_args))]() mutable -> Poll { return next(); }); } bool ChannelIdleFilter::StartTransportOp(grpc_transport_op* op) { // Catch the disconnect_with_error transport op. if (!GRPC_ERROR_IS_NONE(op->disconnect_with_error)) Shutdown(); // Pass the op to the next filter. return false; } void ChannelIdleFilter::Shutdown() { // IncreaseCallCount() introduces a phony call and prevent the timer from // being reset by other threads. IncreaseCallCount(); activity_.Reset(); } void ChannelIdleFilter::IncreaseCallCount() { idle_filter_state_->IncreaseCallCount(); } void ChannelIdleFilter::DecreaseCallCount() { if (idle_filter_state_->DecreaseCallCount()) { // If there are no more calls in progress, start the idle timer. StartIdleTimer(); } } void ChannelIdleFilter::StartIdleTimer() { GRPC_IDLE_FILTER_LOG("timer has started"); auto idle_filter_state = idle_filter_state_; // Hold a ref to the channel stack for the timer callback. auto channel_stack = channel_stack_->Ref(); auto timeout = client_idle_timeout_; auto promise = Loop([timeout, idle_filter_state]() { return TrySeq(Sleep(Timestamp::Now() + timeout), [idle_filter_state]() -> Poll> { if (idle_filter_state->CheckTimer()) { return Continue{}; } else { return absl::OkStatus(); } }); }); activity_.Set(MakeActivity(std::move(promise), ExecCtxWakeupScheduler{}, [channel_stack, this](absl::Status status) { if (status.ok()) CloseChannel(); })); } void ChannelIdleFilter::CloseChannel() { auto* op = grpc_make_transport_op(nullptr); op->disconnect_with_error = grpc_error_set_int( GRPC_ERROR_CREATE_FROM_STATIC_STRING("enter idle"), GRPC_ERROR_INT_CHANNEL_CONNECTIVITY_STATE, GRPC_CHANNEL_IDLE); // Pass the transport op down to the channel stack. auto* elem = grpc_channel_stack_element(channel_stack_, 0); elem->filter->start_transport_op(elem, op); } const grpc_channel_filter ClientIdleFilter::kFilter = MakePromiseBasedFilter( "client_idle"); const grpc_channel_filter MaxAgeFilter::kFilter = MakePromiseBasedFilter("max_age"); void RegisterChannelIdleFilters(CoreConfiguration::Builder* builder) { builder->channel_init()->RegisterStage( GRPC_CLIENT_CHANNEL, GRPC_CHANNEL_INIT_BUILTIN_PRIORITY, [](ChannelStackBuilder* builder) { auto channel_args = builder->channel_args(); if (!channel_args.WantMinimalStack() && GetClientIdleTimeout(channel_args) != Duration::Infinity()) { builder->PrependFilter(&ClientIdleFilter::kFilter); } return true; }); builder->channel_init()->RegisterStage( GRPC_SERVER_CHANNEL, GRPC_CHANNEL_INIT_BUILTIN_PRIORITY, [](ChannelStackBuilder* builder) { auto channel_args = builder->channel_args(); if (!channel_args.WantMinimalStack() && MaxAgeFilter::Config::FromChannelArgs(channel_args).enable()) { builder->PrependFilter(&MaxAgeFilter::kFilter); } return true; }); } MaxAgeFilter::MaxAgeFilter(grpc_channel_stack* channel_stack, const Config& max_age_config) : ChannelIdleFilter(channel_stack, max_age_config.max_connection_idle), max_connection_age_(max_age_config.max_connection_age), max_connection_age_grace_(max_age_config.max_connection_age_grace) {} } // namespace grpc_core