module FlashSDK ## # Creates AIR certificates and compiles AIR packages for distribution. # # Following is an example of how this tool might be used to create # a certificate and AIR package: # # mxmlc 'bin/SomeProject.swf' do |t| # t.input = 'src/' # end # # adt 'cert/SomeProject.pfx' do |t| # t.certificate = true # = 'SelfCertificate' # t.key_type = '2048-RSA' # t.pfx_file = 'cert/SomeProject.pfx' # # Don't check the .password file into version control: # t.password ='cert/.password') # end # # adt 'bin/SomeProject.air' => ['bin/SomeProject.swf', 'cert/SomeProject.pfx'] do |t| # t.package = true # t.package_input = 'SomeProject.xml' # t.package_output = 'bin/SomeProject.air' # t.storetype = 'PKCS12' # t.keystore = 'cert/SomeProject.pfx' # # Don't check the .password file into version control: # t.storepass ='cert/.password') # t.included_files << 'bin/SomeProject.swf' # end # # desc "Compile, certify and package the AIR application" # task package => 'bin/SomeProject.air' # class ADT < Sprout::Executable::Base #NOTE: # The order of these parameters is important! # Please do not alphabetize or rearrange unless you're # fixing a bug related to how ADT actually expects # the arguments... ## # Install an app on a device # add_param :installApp, Boolean, { :hidden_value => true } ## # Uninstall an app from a device # add_param :uninstallApp, Boolean, { :hidden_value => true } ## # Launch an app on a device # add_param :launchApp, Boolean, { :hidden_value => true } ## # The platform to use (ex: android) # add_param :platform, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # The appid of the app being installed/uninstalled (ex: # add_param :appid, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Create an AIR package. # add_param :package, Boolean, { :hidden_value => true } ## # Use a specific target, like apk-debug for Android or ipa-debug for iOS # add_param :target, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Set true to create a certificate. # # If this value is true, you can optionally set org_unit, org_name and country. # # If this value is true, you MUST set +cn+, +key_type+, and +pfx_file+. # # adt 'cert/SampleCert.pfx' do |t| # t.certificate = true # = 'SelfCertificate' # t.key_type = '1024-RSA' # t.pfx_file = 'cert/SampleCert.pfx' # t.password = 'samplepassword' # end # add_param :certificate, Boolean, { :hidden_value => true } ## # A Signing Option # add_param :storetype, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # A Signing Option # add_param :keystore, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Provide the password directly to the ADT task # so that it doesn't attempt to prompt. # add_param :storepass, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # A Signing Option # add_param :keypass, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # A Signing Option # add_param :providername, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # A Signing Option # add_param :tsa, String ## # Check Store Signing options # add_param :checkstore, String ## # Provisioning profile for iOS apps # add_param :provisioning_profile, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Expects two files: # # 1) The Airi file (?) # 2) The application description #add_param :prepare, Files ## # Expects two files: # # 1) The Airi file (?) # 2) The Air file add_param :sign, Files, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # The AIR runtime version to use. add_param :version, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # The AIR file that should be created # after packaging is complete. # add_param :package_output, String, { :hidden_name => true } ## # The XML application descriptor that # should be used to create an AIR # application. # add_param :package_input, File, { :hidden_name => true } ## # Organization unit, follows certificate. # add_param :org_unit, String ## # Organization name, follows certificate. # add_param :org_name, String ## # Country, follows certificate. # add_param :country, String ## # The Certificate name. # add_param :cn, String, { :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Key Type, follows certificate. # add_param :key_type, String, { :hidden_name => true } ## # PFX File # add_param :pfx_file, String, { :hidden_name => true } ## # When creating a certificate, this is the file # where the password can be found. # add_param :password, String, { :hidden_name => true, :delimiter => ' ' } ## # Expects Signing Options, plus # two files: # # 1) The Air file in # 2) The Air file out # add_param :migrate, Files ## # A list of files to include in the # add_param :included_files, Files, { :hidden_name => true } ## # A list of paths (directories) to search # for contents that will be included in the # packaged AIR application. # # If files are hidden from the file system, # they will not be included. # add_param :included_paths, Paths, { :hidden_name => true } ## # The the Ruby file that will load the expected # Sprout::Specification. # # Default value is 'flex4' # set :pkg_name, 'flex4' ## # The default pkg version # set :pkg_version, ">= #{FlashSDK::VERSION}" ## # The default executable target. # set :executable, :adt ## # Ensure the default prefix is '-' set :default_prefix, '-' end end def adt *args, &block exe = exe.to_rake(*args, &block) exe end