var vows = require("vows"), load = require("../load"), assert = require("../assert"); var suite = vows.describe("d3.geo.rotation"); suite.addBatch({ "rotation": { topic: load("geo/rotation").expression("d3.geo.rotation"), "a rotation of [+90°, 0°]": { topic: function(rotation) { return rotation([90, 0]); }, "only rotates longitude": function(rotation) { assert.inDelta(rotation([0, 0]), [90, 0], 1e-6); }, "wraps around when crossing the antimeridian": function(rotation) { assert.inDelta(rotation([150, 0]), [-120, 0], 1e-6); } }, "a rotation of [-45°, -45°]": { topic: function(rotation) { return rotation([-45, 45]); }, "rotates longitude and latitude": function(rotation) { assert.inDelta(rotation([0, 0]), [-54.73561, 30], 1e-6); }, "inverse rotation of longitude and latitude": function(rotation) { assert.inDelta(rotation.invert([-54.73561, 30]), [0, 0], 1e-6); } } } }); suite.export(module);