@drb @wip-jruby @spawn Feature: DRb Server Integration To prevent waiting for Rails and other large Ruby applications to load their environments for each feature run Cucumber ships with a DRb client that can speak to a server which loads up the environment only once. This regression test highlights bug related to DRb server arguments processing, for more details see https://github.com/cucumber/cucumber/issues/117 Background: App with Spork support Spork is a gem that has a DRb server and the scenarios below illustrate how to use it. However, any DRb server that adheres to the protocol that the client expects would work. Given a directory without standard Cucumber project directory structure And a file named "features/support/env.rb" with: """ require 'rubygems' require 'spork' Spork.prefork do puts "I'm loading all the heavy stuff..." end Spork.each_run do puts "I'm loading the stuff just for this run..." end """ And a file named "config/cucumber.yml" with: """ <% std_opts = "--format #{ENV['CUCUMBER_FORMAT'] || 'pretty'} --strict --tags ~@wip" %> default: --drb <%= std_opts %> features """ And a file named "features/sample.feature" with: """ # language: en Feature: Sample Scenario: this is a test Given I am just testing stuff """ And a file named "features/step_definitions/all_your_steps_are_belong_to_us.rb" with: """ Given /^I am just testing stuff$/ do # no-op end """ Scenario: Single feature passing with '-r features' option Given I am running spork in the background When I run `cucumber features/sample.feature -r features --tags ~@wip` And it should pass with: """ 1 step (1 passed) """ Scenario: Single feature passing without '-r features' option Given I am running spork in the background When I run `cucumber features/sample.feature --tags ~@wip` And it should pass with: """ 1 step (1 passed) """