require 'pathname' require 'rbconfig' module Adhearsion module ScriptAhnLoader RUBY = File.join(*RbConfig::CONFIG.values_at("bindir", "ruby_install_name")) + RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"] SCRIPT_AHN = File.join('script', 'ahn') def self.exec_script_ahn!(args = ARGV) cwd = Dir.pwd return unless in_ahn_application? || in_ahn_application_subdirectory? exec RUBY, SCRIPT_AHN, *args if in_ahn_application? Dir.chdir("..") do # Recurse in a chdir block: if the search fails we want to be sure # the application is generated in the original working directory. exec_script_ahn! unless cwd == Dir.pwd end rescue SystemCallError # could not chdir, no problem just return end def self.in_ahn_application? File.exists? SCRIPT_AHN end def self.in_ahn_application_subdirectory?(path = File.exists?(File.join(path, SCRIPT_AHN)) || !path.root? && in_ahn_application_subdirectory?(path.parent) end end end