require 'engineyard-serverside/rails_assets/strategy' require 'forwardable' module EY module Serverside class RailsAssets extend Forwardable def self.detect_and_compile(*args) new(*args).detect_and_compile end attr_reader :config, :shell, :runner def initialize(config, shell, runner) @config, @shell, @runner = config, shell, runner end def_delegators :config, :paths, :asset_dependencies, :asset_roles, :framework_envs, :precompile_assets?, :skip_precompile_assets?, :precompile_unchanged_assets?, :precompile_assets_task, :precompile_assets_command def detect_and_compile runner.roles asset_roles do if precompile_assets? if precompile_unchanged_assets? shell.status "Precompiling assets without change detection. (precompile_unchanged_assets: true)" run_precompile_assets_task elsif reuse_assets? shell.status "Reusing existing assets. (configured asset_dependencies unchanged from #{previous_revision[0,7]}..#{active_revision[0,7]})" asset_strategy.reuse else shell.status "Precompiling assets. (precompile_assets: true)" run_precompile_assets_task end elsif skip_precompile_assets? shell.status "Skipping asset precompilation. (precompile_assets: false)" elsif !application_rb_path.readable? || ! # Not a Rails app. Ignore assets completely. elsif app_disables_assets? shell.status "Skipping asset precompilation. ('config/application.rb' disables assets.)" elsif paths.public_assets.exist? shell.status "Skipping asset precompilation. ('public/assets' directory already exists.)" else shell.status "Precompiling assets. ('app/assets' exists, 'public/assets' not found, not disabled in config.)" precompile_detected_assets end end end def run_precompile_assets_task asset_strategy.prepare do cd = "cd #{paths.active_release}" task = "PATH=#{paths.binstubs}:$PATH #{framework_envs} #{precompile_assets_command}" # This is a hack right now, but I haven't iterated over it enough for a good solution yet. if config.experimental_sync_assets? shell.status "Compiling assets once on localhost (experimental_sync_assets: true)" compilation_result = shell.logged_system("sh -l -c '#{cd} && #{task}'") raise "Assets compilation error" unless compilation_result.success? shell.status "Syncing assets to other remote servers (experimental_sync_assets: true)" runner.servers.remote.run_for_each do |server| server.sync_directory_command(paths.public_assets) end else "#{cd} && #{task}" end end end def previous_revision @previous_revision ||= config.previous_revision end def active_revision @active_revision ||= config.active_revision end # Note on reusing assets when assets may fail silently: # It's difficult and error prone to reuse assets that may have failed # silently in the previous deploy. If the assets are unchanged during # this deploy, but failed last deploy, we would incorrectly reuse # silentely failed assets. Only reusing when assets are enabled # ensures that existing assets were successful. def reuse_assets? asset_strategy.reusable? && previous_revision && active_revision && runner.unchanged_diff_between_revisions?(previous_revision, active_revision, asset_dependencies) end def precompile_detected_assets if !runner.rails_application? shell.warning "Precompiling assets even though Rails was not bundled." end run_precompile_assets_task shell.warning <<-WARN Assets were detected and precompiled for this application, but asset precompile failures may be silently ignored in the future. ACTION REQUIRED: Add or update config/ey.yml in your project to ensure assets are compiled every deploy and halted on failure. precompile_assets: true # precompile assets This warning will continue until you update and commit config/ey.yml. WARN rescue EY::Serverside::RemoteFailure => e # If we are implicitly precompiling, we want to fail non-destructively # because we don't know if the rake task exists or if the user # actually intended for assets to be compiled. if e.to_s =~ /Don't know how to build task '#{precompile_assets_task}'/ shell.warning <<-WARN Asset precompilation detected but compilation failure ignored! Rake task '#{precompile_assets_task}' was not found. ACTION REQUIRED: Add precompile_assets option to ey.yml. precompile_assets: false # disable assets to avoid this error. WARN else shell.error <<-ERROR Asset precompilation detected but compilation failed! ACTION REQUIRED: Add precompile_assets option to ey.yml. precompile_assets: true # precompile assets when asset changes detected precompile_assets: false # disable asset compilation. ERROR raise end end def app_disables_assets? do |fd| fd.grep(/^[^#]*config\.assets\.enabled\s*=\s*(false|nil)/).any? end end # This check is very expensive, and has been deemed not worth the time. # Leaving this here in case someone comes up with a faster way. # # Runs 'rake -T' to see if there is an assets:precompile task. def app_has_asset_task? # We just run this locally on the app master; everybody else should # have the same code anyway. task_check = "PATH=#{paths.binstubs}:$PATH #{framework_envs} rake -T #{precompile_assets_task} | grep '#{precompile_assets_task}'" cmd = "cd #{paths.active_release} && #{task_check}" shell.logged_system(cmd).success? end def application_rb_path paths.path(:active_release,'config','application.rb') end def app_assets_path paths.path(:active_release,'app','assets') end def asset_strategy @asset_strategy ||= RailsAssets::Strategy.fetch(config.asset_strategy, paths, runner) end end end end