#### Download and Install Prerequisites Download and install [VirtualBox 5.0.14+](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads). Download and install [Vagrant 1.8.5+](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html). Install the vagrant-persistent-storage plugin. ``` vagrant plugin install vagrant-persistent-storage ``` Download and install [ChefDK](http://downloads.chef.io/). Run `chef shell-init` to read its usage docs. Then run the appropriate command for your shell. #### Download dev-lxc-platform ``` git clone https://github.com/jeremiahsnapp/dev-lxc-platform.git ``` #### Configure .kitchen.yml The cpus and memory .kitchen.yml values are set high to give enough resources to comfortably run multiple containers. Configure .kitchen.yml settings such as cpus, memory, synced_folders as desired. #### Build the dev-lxc-platform VM This should take less than 15 minutes. ``` cd dev-lxc-platform kitchen converge ``` #### Enable Vagrant Control for VM Typically we want to be able to shutdown and startup the dev-lxc-platform VM rather than use the usual kitchen model of converge and destroy so we need to enable Vagrant control over the VM for easier management. Install [direnv](http://direnv.net/) to use the `.envrc` file included in the dev-lxc-platform repo to automatically set `VAGRANT_CWD` upon entering the top level directory of the dev-lxc-platform repo. Vagrant commands run from this directory such as `vagrant up`, `vagrant ssh` and `vagrant halt` will manage the dev-lxc-platform VM. ``` brew install direnv ``` Be sure to follow the [direnv install instructions](http://direnv.net/) to add the appropriate line to your user's shell rc file. Run the following to approve the `.envrc` file ``` direnv allow ``` #### Setup Networking Your workstation needs to know how to resolve the .lxc domain that dev-lxc containers use. For OS X you can run the following command. ``` sudo mkdir -p /etc/resolver echo nameserver | sudo tee /etc/resolver/lxc ``` Adding a route entry to the workstation enables direct communication between the workstation and any dev-lxc container. For OS X run the following command. The route entry won't survive a workstation reboot. You will have to recreate it as needed. ``` sudo route -n add ```