module Bones::Plugins::Ann include ::Bones::Helpers extend self module Syntax def use_gmail( user = nil ) email = user ||= email.username user email.server '' email.port 587 email.authtype :plain end end def initialize_ann ::Bones.config { desc 'Configuration for creating and mailing an announcement message.' ann { file 'announcement.txt', :desc => <<-__ When announcing a release of your project the announcement text will be written to this file. __ text nil, :desc => 'Extra text to be appended to the announcement.' paragraphs, :desc => <<-__ Array of paragraphs from the README file to include in the announcement. The paragraphs are identified by their heading name in the README, but when listed here they can be given as lowercase or uppercase. __ desc <<-__ Configuration for e-mailing the announcement. A convenience method is provided for configuring Mr Bones to use gmail for sending project announcements. The project's e-mail address isused by default if a gmail username is not supplied. | | use_gmail | use_gmail 'username' | Use the latter form of the method is your gmail username is different then the project's e-mail address. __ email { from nil, :desc => <<-__ The name to show on the 'from' line of the annoucement e-mail. This will default to the author name or the project e-mail if an author is not specified. __ to %w(, :desc => 'An array of e-mail recipients.' server 'localhost', :desc => 'The server used to send the announcement e-mail.' port 25, :desc => 'The server port number to connect to.' domain ENV['HOSTNAME'], :desc => <<-__ The originating domain of the e-mail. This safely deafaults to the local hostname. __ username nil, :desc => 'The e-mail account name used to log into the e-mail server.' password nil, :desc => 'The e-mail password used to log into the e-mail server.' authtype :plain, :desc => <<-__ The authentication type used by the e-mail server. This should be one of :plain, :login, or :cram_md5. See the documentation on the Net::SMTP class for more information. __ } } } have?(:ann) { true } end def post_load config = ::Bones.config config.exclude << "^#{Regexp.escape(config.ann.file)}$" ||= Array(config.authors).first || ||= ||= 'localhost' end def define_tasks config = ::Bones.config namespace :ann do # A prerequisites task that all other tasks depend upon task :prereqs file config.ann.file do ann = config.ann puts "Generating #{ann.file}",'w') do |fd| fd.puts("#{} version #{config.version}") fd.puts(" by #{Array(config.authors).first}") if config.authors fd.puts(" #{config.url}") if config.url.valid? fd.puts(" (the \"#{config.release_name}\" release)") if config.release_name fd.puts fd.puts("== DESCRIPTION") fd.puts fd.puts(config.description) fd.puts fd.puts(config.changes.sub(%r/^.*$/, '== CHANGES')) fd.puts ann.paragraphs.each do |p| fd.puts "== #{p.upcase}" fd.puts fd.puts paragraphs_of(config.readme_file, p).join("\n\n") fd.puts end fd.puts ann.text if ann.text end end desc "Create an announcement file" task :announcement => ['ann:prereqs', config.ann.file] desc "Send an email announcement" task :email => ['ann:prereqs', config.ann.file] do ann = config.ann email = from = email.from to = Array( ### build a mail header for RFC 822 rfc822msg = "From: #{from}\n" rfc822msg << "To: #{to.join(',')}\n" rfc822msg << "Subject: [ANN] #{} #{config.version}" rfc822msg << " (#{config.release_name})" if config.release_name rfc822msg << "\n" rfc822msg << "Date: #{}\n" rfc822msg << "Message-Id: " rfc822msg << "<#{"%.8f" %}@#{email.domain}>\n\n" rfc822msg << params = [:server, :port, :domain, :username, :password, :authtype].map { |key| email[key] } if params[4].nil? STDOUT.write "Please enter your e-mail password (#{params[3]}): " params[4] = STDIN.gets.chomp end ### send email Net::SMTP.start(*params) {|smtp| smtp.sendmail(rfc822msg, from, to)} end end # namespace :ann desc 'Alias to ann:announcement' task :ann => 'ann:announcement' CLOBBER << config.ann.file end end # module Bones::Plugins::Ann # EOF