class ArchivePage < Page cattr_accessor :allowed_children cattr_accessor :single_use_children @@single_use_children = [ArchiveDayIndexPage, ArchiveMonthIndexPage, ArchiveYearIndexPage, FileNotFoundPage] @@allowed_children = [self.default_child, *@@single_use_children] def allowed_children overlap = @@allowed_children & (existing_child_types - [default_child]) (@@allowed_children - overlap) end def existing_child_types children(:select => 'DISTINCT class_name', :order => nil).collect{|p| p.class }.uniq end description %{ An archive page provides behavior similar to a blog archive or a news archive. Child page URLs are altered to be in %Y/%m/%d format (2004/05/06). An archive page can be used in conjunction with the "Archive Year Index", "Archive Month Index", and "Archive Day Index" page types to create year, month, and day indexes. } def child_path(child) year, month, day = $1, ($2 || 1).to_i, ($3 || 1).to_i if child.request and child.request.request_uri =~ %r{/(\d{4})(?:/(\d{2})(?:/(\d{2}))?)?/?$} if year && %w{ ArchiveYearIndexPage ArchiveMonthIndexPage ArchiveDayIndexPage }.include?(child.class_name) date =, month, day) if ArchiveYearIndexPage === child clean_path "#{ path }/#{ date.strftime '%Y' }/" elsif ArchiveMonthIndexPage === child clean_path "#{ path }/#{ date.strftime '%Y/%m' }/" else ArchiveDayIndexPage === child clean_path "#{ path }/#{ date.strftime '%Y/%m/%d/' }/" end else if child.published_at? clean_path "#{ path }/#{ child.published_at.strftime '%Y/%m/%d' }/#{ child.slug }" else clean_path "#{ path }/#{ '%Y/%m/%d' }/#{ child.slug }" end end end def child_url(child) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("`child_url' has been deprecated; use `child_path' instead.", caller) child_path(child) end def find_by_path(path, live = true, clean = false) path = clean_path(path) if clean if path =~ %r{^#{ self.path }(\d{4})(?:/(\d{2})(?:/(\d{2})(?:/([-_.A-Za-z0-9]*))?)?)?/?$} year, month, day, slug = $1, $2, $3, $4 children.find_by_class_name( case when slug.present? found = children.find_by_slug(slug) return found if found when day.present? 'ArchiveDayIndexPage' when month.present? 'ArchiveMonthIndexPage' else 'ArchiveYearIndexPage' end ) else super end end def find_by_url(*args) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("`find_by_url' has been deprecated; use `find_by_path' instead.", caller) find_by_path(*args) end end