  title: 108(I)
  date: '2019-03-01'
  source: BIPM - Pavillon de Breteuil
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-1
  identifier: 108-1
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  - type: acknowledging
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: accepted the minutes of the 107th meeting of the CIPM as a true record.
  actions: []
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-2
  identifier: 108-2
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  - type: noting
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: noted the decision taken by correspondence on 14 August 2018 amending
      Regulation 8.2 of the BIPM Regulations, Rules and Instructions (RRI) to stipulate
      that the whole service under fixed-term appointments shall not exceed 5 years.
  actions: []
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-3
  identifier: 108-3
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: elected Dr W. Louw as President of the CIPM by secret ballot.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-4
  identifier: 108-4
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: |-
      elected the following by secret ballot:

      * Dr T. Usuda as Secretary of the CIPM;
      * Prof. J. Ullrich and Dr J. Olthoff as Vice-Presidents of the CIPM.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-5
  identifier: 108-5
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: approves
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: supported the establishment of a Joint Task Group at an operational level
      to further improve the cooperation between the BIPM and the International Organization
      of Legal Metrology (OIML), following the proposal made by the President of the
      International Committee of Legal Metrology (CIML). Dr T. Liew was appointed
      to act as CIPM liaison to the Task Group.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-6
  identifier: 108-6
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: thanks / expresses-appreciation
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: thanked the members of the CIPM Task Group for Promotion of the SI and
      decided that it had successfully completed its tasks. It thanked the PR Expert
      Group and asked them to continue with their effective collaboration with the
      BIPM International Liaison and Communication Department and their coordination
      role with PR experts amongst National Metrology Institutes world wide.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-7
  identifier: 108-7
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: 'appointed Dr S.-R. Park as the President of the Consultative Committee
      for Amount of Substance: Metrology in Chemistry and Biology (CCQM) for a four
      year term.'
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-8
  identifier: 108-8
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Dr stem:["N"]. Dimarcq as the President of the Consultative
      Committee for Time and Frequency (CCTF) for a four year term.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-9
  identifier: 108-9
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: thanks / expresses-appreciation
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: "thanked the Presidents of the Consultative Committees for their work
      and their excellent reports to the 26th meeting of the CGPM. It decided to reappoint
      the Presidents of the following Consultative Committees for four year terms:\n\n*
      Consultative Committee for Acoustics, Ultrasound and Vibration (CCAUV): Dr T.
      Usuda.\n* Consultative Committee for Electricity and Magnetism (CCEM): Dr G.
      Rietveld. \n* Consultative Committee for Length (CCL): Dr I. Castelazo. \n*
      Consultative Committee for Mass and Related Quantities (CCM): Dr P. Richard.
      \n* Consultative Committee for Photometry and Radiometry (CCPR): Dr M.L. Rastello.
      \n* Consultative Committee for Ionizing Radiation (CCRI): Dr W. Louw. \n* Consultative
      Committee for Thermometry (CCT): Dr Y. Duan. \n* Consultative Committee for
      Units (CCU): Prof. J. Ullrich."
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-10
  identifier: 108-10
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Dr A. Steele as the Chair of the Pension Fund Advisory Board
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-11
  identifier: 108-11
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Dr T. Usuda as the Chair of the CIPM _ad hoc_ Working Group
      on Conditions of Employment.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-12
  identifier: 108-12
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: "appointed the following CIPM members to serve on the CIPM Sub Committees
      and _ad hoc_ Working Groups:\n\n* CIPM Sub-Committee on Finance: Dr M. Sené
      (Chair), Dr Y. Duan, Dr W. Louw, +\nDr P. Richard, Dr T. Usuda.\n* Pension Fund
      Advisory Board (PFAB): Dr A. Steele (Chair), Dr M. Sené (Chair of the CIPM Sub-Committee
      on Finance), Dr T. Usuda. \n* CIPM Sub-Committee on Strategy: Dr M. Milton (Chair),
      Dr D. del Campo Maldonado, +\nDr T. Liew, Dr W. Louw, Prof. P. Neyezhmakov,
      Dr J. Olthoff, Dr M.L. Rastello, +\nDr G. Rietveld, Dr A. Steele, Prof. J. Ullrich.
      \n* CIPM _ad hoc_ Working Group on Conditions of Employment: Dr T. Usuda (Chair),
      +\nDr I. Castelazo, Dr M.L. Rastello, Dr P. Richard. \n* CIPM Sub-Committee
      on Awards: Dr F. Bulygin (Chair), Dr T. Liew, Dr S.‑R. Park. \n* CIPM _ad hoc_
      Working Group on the Reproducibility of Research Data and Related Topics: +\nDr
      T. Liew (Chair), Dr F. Bulygin, Dr I. Castelazo, Dr H. Laiz, Dr M.L. Rastello,
      Dr M. Sené, Prof. J. Ullrich."
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-13
  identifier: 108-13
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: confirms
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: Following Decision CIPM/107-13, the CIPM confirmed the establishment
      of the CIPM Task Group on "unit" and asked the Chair to propose terms of reference
      to the next meeting of the CIPM that address the comments of CIPM members regarding
      the expansion of its scope. It appointed Prof. J. Ullrich as the Chair. Drs
      F. Bulygin, I. Castelazo, H. Laiz, A. Steele, Prof. P. Neyezhmakov and the Director
      of the BIPM were appointed to be members.
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-14
  identifier: 108-14
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: charged Dr T. Liew to draft terms of reference for the CIPM _ad hoc_
      Working Group on the Reproducibility of Research Data and Related Topics taking
      into account the comments of CIPM members regarding the expansion of the mandate
      and to present them to the next meeting of the CIPM.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-15
  identifier: 108-15
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Dr J. Olthoff to represent the CIPM at the Joint Committee
      of the Regional Metrology Organizations and the BIPM (JCRB) and asked the JCRB
      to amend document CIPM MRA-D-01 "Rules of procedure for the JCRB" as necessary.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-16
  identifier: 108-16
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Dr T. Liew to represent the CIPM at the Joint Committee for
      Traceability in Laboratory Medicine (JCTLM) and Dr S.‑R. Park as deputy.
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-17
  identifier: 108-17
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: appointed Prof. P. Neyezhmakov to represent the CIPM at the Joint Committee
      for Guides in Metrology (JCGM).
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-18
  identifier: 108-18
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: approves
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: approved the revisions to the "Joint ILAC - CIPM Communication regarding
      the Accreditation of Calibration and Measurement Services of National Metrology
  subject: The CIPM
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-19
  identifier: 108-19
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: appoints
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: "In response to discussions held before the adoption of Resolution 3
      \"On the objectives of the BIPM\" at the 26th meeting of the CGPM, the CIPM
      established a CIPM Task Group to propose terms of reference for a Working Group
      of Member State representatives. It appointed Dr W. Louw as its convener, assisted
      by Drs P. Richard and A. Steele. Drs F. Bulygin, I. Castelazo, stem:[\"N\"].
      Dimarcq, H. Laiz, T. Liew, Prof. J. Ullrich and the Director of the BIPM were
      appointed as the members. +\n +\nIt charged the Director of the BIPM to provide
      the Task Group with appropriate background information, in a concise format,
      as soon as possible. +\n +\nIt requested the Task Group:\n\n* to identify the
      main issuestem:[(\"s\")],\n* to determine if any of those issuestem:[(\"s\")]
      can be addressed by the CIPM, \n* to propose terms of reference for a Working
      Group of Member State representatives - for agreement by the CIPM prior to circulation,
      and\n* to establish a timeline consistent with the meeting of Member State representatives
      to be held in October 2019."
- dates:
  - '2019-03-01'
  title: Decision CIPM/108-20
  identifier: 108-20
  url: https://www.bipm.org/en/committees/cipm/meeting/108(I).html
  reference: https://www.bipm.org/utils/en/pdf/CIPM/CIPM2019-I-Decisions-EN.pdf
  considerations: []
  - type: welcomes
    date_effective: '2019-03-01'
    message: welcomed the progress on the rationalization of the suite of CIPM MRA
      guidance documents and accepted the proposal from the JCRB that the JCRB should
      oversee their completion and implementation.
  subject: The CIPM