require 'spec_helper' require 'mongoid' Stateflow.persistence = :mongoid connection = Mongoid.database = connection.db("stateflow_test") class MongoRobot include Mongoid::Document include Stateflow field :state field :name stateflow do initial :red state :red, :green event :change do transitions :from => :red, :to => :green end end end describe Stateflow::Persistence::Mongoid do after { MongoRobot.collection.drop } let(:robot) { } describe "includes" do it "should include current_state" do robot.respond_to?(:current_state).should be_true end it "should include current_state=" do robot.respond_to?(:set_current_state).should be_true end it "should include save_to_persistence" do robot.respond_to?(:save_to_persistence).should be_true end it "should include load_from_persistence" do robot.respond_to?(:load_from_persistence).should be_true end end describe "bang method" do before do @robot = robot @robot.state = "red" end it "should call the set_current_state with save being true" do @robot.should_receive(:set_current_state).with(@robot.machine.states[:green], {:save=>true}) @robot.change! end it "should call the setter method for the state column" do @robot.should_receive(:state=).with("green") @robot.change! end it "should call save after setting the state column" do @robot.should_receive(:save) @robot.change! end it "should save the record" do @robot.new_record?.should be_true @robot.change! @robot.new_record?.should be_false @robot.reload.state.should == "green" end end describe "non bang method" do before do @robot = robot @robot.state = "red" end it "should call the set_current_state with save being false" do @robot.should_receive(:set_current_state).with(@robot.machine.states[:green], {:save=>false}) @robot.change end it "should call the setter method for the state column" do @robot.should_receive(:state=).with("green") @robot.change end it "should call save after setting the state column" do @robot.should_not_receive(:save) @robot.change end it "should not save the record" do @robot.new_record?.should be_true @robot.change @robot.new_record?.should be_true @robot.state.should == "green" end end it "Make sure stateflow saves the initial state if no state is set" do @robot = robot @robot.reload @robot.state.should == "red" end describe "load from persistence" do before do @robot = robot @robot.state = "green" = "Bottie" end it "should call the load_from_persistence method" do @robot.reload @robot.should_receive(:load_from_persistence) @robot.current_state end end end