require 'rails/generators' module Spree module Generators class TestAppGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base class << self attr_accessor :verbose end class_option :app_name, :type => :string, :desc => "The name of the test rails app to generate. Defaults to test_app.", :default => "test_app" def self.source_root File.expand_path('../../templates', __FILE__) end def generate_app remove_directory_if_exists("spec/#{test_app}") inside "spec" do run "rails new #{test_app} --database=#{database_name} -GJTq --skip-gemfile" end end def create_rspec_gemfile # newer versions of rspec require a Gemfile in the local gem dirs so create one there as well as in spec/test_app silence_stream(STDOUT) { template "Gemfile", :force => true remove_file "Gemfile.lock" } end def create_root self.destination_root = File.expand_path("spec/#{test_app}", destination_root) end def remove_unneeded_files silence_stream(STDOUT) { remove_file "doc" remove_file "lib/tasks" remove_file "public/images/rails.png" remove_file "public/index.html" remove_file "README" remove_file "vendor" } end def replace_gemfile silence_stream(STDOUT) { template "Gemfile" } end def setup_environments silence_stream(STDOUT) { template "config/environments/cucumber.rb" } end def create_databases_yml silence_stream(STDOUT) { remove_file "config/database.yml" template "config/database.yml.#{database_name}" mv "spec/test_app/config/database.yml.#{database_name}", "spec/test_app/config/database.yml", :verbose => false } end def tweak_gemfile silence_stream(STDOUT) { append_file '../../Gemfile' do full_path_for_local_gems end append_file 'Gemfile' do full_path_for_local_gems end } end def append_db_adapter_gem silence_stream(STDOUT) { case database_name when "mysql" gem "mysql2" append_file '../../Gemfile' do "gem 'mysql2'" end else gem "sqlite3-ruby" append_file '../../Gemfile' do "gem 'sqlite3-ruby'" end end } end protected def full_path_for_local_gems # Gemfile needs to be full local path to the source (ex. /Users/schof/repos/spree/auth) # By default we do nothing but each gem should override this method with the appropriate content end private def run_migrations silence_stream(STDOUT) { inside "" do run "rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=test" run "rake db:drop db:create db:migrate db:seed RAILS_ENV=cucumber" end } end def test_app options[:app_name] end def database_name ENV['DB_NAME'] || "sqlite3" end def remove_directory_if_exists(path) silence_stream(STDOUT) { run "rm -r #{path}" if } end def silence_stream(stream) if self.class.verbose yield else begin old_stream = stream.dup stream.reopen(RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ ? 'NUL:' : '/dev/null') stream.sync = true yield ensure stream.reopen(old_stream) end end end end end end