require 'appium_lib' require 'json' require 'net/http' require 'net/https' require 'uri' module TestCentricity module AppiumConnect attr_accessor :driver attr_accessor :running attr_accessor :endpoint attr_accessor :capabilities attr_accessor :global_scope # Create a new driver instance with capabilities specified in the options parameter, or via Environment Variables. # Refer to the `Connecting to a Mobile Simulator or Device` section of the ruby docs for this gem. # def self.initialize_appium(options = nil) @endpoint = nil @capabilities = nil @running = false @global_scope = false Environ.driver_name = nil Environ.device_orientation = nil Environ.platform = :mobile Environ.device = :simulator if options.is_a?(Hash) @endpoint = options[:endpoint] if options.key?(:endpoint) @capabilities = options[:capabilities] if options.key?(:capabilities) @global_scope = options[:global_driver] if options.key?(:global_driver) Environ.driver = options[:driver] if options.key?(:driver) Environ.driver_name = options[:driver_name] if options.key?(:driver_name) Environ.device_type = options[:device_type] if options.key?(:device_type) end if @capabilities.nil? Environ.driver = ENV['DRIVER'].downcase.to_sym if ENV['DRIVER'] Environ.device_type = ENV['DEVICE_TYPE'] if ENV['DEVICE_TYPE'] Environ.device_orientation = ENV['ORIENTATION'] if ENV['ORIENTATION'] else raise ':browserName is specified in capabilities' if @capabilities[:browserName] end raise 'You must specify a driver' if Environ.driver.nil? raise 'You must specify a device type - :phone or :tablet' if Environ.device_type.nil? driver_caps = case Environ.driver when :appium appium_local_capabilities when :custom raise 'User-defined cloud driver requires that you define options' if options.nil? custom_capabilities when :browserstack browserstack_capabilities when :testingbot testingbot_capabilities # :nocov: when :saucelabs sauce_capabilities else raise "#{Environ.driver} is not a supported driver" # :nocov: end driver_opts = { caps: driver_caps, appium_lib: { server_url: @endpoint } } @driver =, global_driver = @global_scope) @driver.start_driver Environ.appium_driver = @driver @running = true Appium.promote_appium_methods(TestCentricity::ScreenObject, driver = @driver) Appium.promote_appium_methods(TestCentricity::ScreenSection, driver = @driver) Appium.promote_appium_methods(TestCentricity::AppElements::AppUIElement, driver = @driver) Environ.screen_size = window_size unless Environ.driver_name Environ.driver_name = "#{Environ.driver}_#{Environ.device_os}_#{Environ.device_type}".downcase.to_sym end Environ.session_state = :running end # Quit the running driver instance. Sets Environ.session_state to :quit. # def self.quit_driver if @running driver.driver_quit @running = false end Environ.session_state = :quit end # Return a reference to last created Appium driver # def self.driver @driver end # Save a screenshot in .png format to the specified file path. # # @param png_save_path [String] path to save the screenshot # @example # AppiumConnect.take_screenshot('reports/screenshots/login_screen.png') # def self.take_screenshot(png_save_path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(png_save_path)) driver.driver.save_screenshot(png_save_path) end # Install app on device. If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id # or Environ.current.android_app_id dependent on which platform is being tested. # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @example # AppiumConnect.install_app('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.install_app(app_path) driver.install_app(app_path) end # Remove app from device. If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id # or Environ.current.android_app_id dependent on which platform is being tested. # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @example # AppiumConnect.remove_app('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.remove_app(bundle_id = nil) driver.remove_app(get_app_id(bundle_id)) end # Is the app installed? If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id # or Environ.current.android_app_id dependent on which platform is being tested. # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @return [Boolean] TRUE if app is installed # @example # AppiumConnect.app_installed?('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.app_installed?(bundle_id = nil) driver.app_installed?(get_app_id(bundle_id)) end # Backgrounds the app for a specified number of seconds. # # @param duration [Integer] number of seconds to background the app for # @example # AppiumConnect.background_app(20) # def self.background_app(duration = 0) driver.background_app(duration) end # Launch the app. If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id, # Environ.current.android_app_id, or Environ.current.mac_bundle_id dependent on which platform is being tested. # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @example # AppiumConnect.activate_app('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.activate_app(bundle_id = nil) if Environ.is_macos? @driver.execute_script('macos: activateApp', { bundleId: get_app_id(bundle_id) }) else driver.activate_app(get_app_id(bundle_id)) if Environ.is_android? sleep(1.5) if app_state == :running_in_foreground end end Environ.new_app_session end # Get status of app. If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id, # Environ.current.android_app_id, or Environ.current.mac_bundle_id dependent on which platform is being tested. Returns # the following statuses: # :not_installed - The current application state cannot be determined/is unknown # :not_running - The application is not running # :running_in_background_suspended - The application is running in the background and is suspended # :running_in_background - The application is running in the background and is not suspended # :running_in_foreground - The application is running in the foreground # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @return [Symbol] status of app # @example # AppiumConnect.app_state('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.app_state(bundle_id = nil) if Environ.is_macos? state = @driver.execute_script('macos: queryAppState', { bundleId: get_app_id(bundle_id) }) case state when 0 :not_installed when 1 :not_running when 2 :running_in_background_suspended when 3 :running_in_background when 4 :running_in_foreground end else driver.app_state(get_app_id(bundle_id)) end end # Terminate the app. If bundle_id is not specified, then bundle id will be retrieved from Environ.current.ios_bundle_id, # Environ.current.android_app_id, or Environ.current.mac_bundle_id dependent on which platform is being tested. # # @param bundle_id [String] OPTIONAL bundle id of app # @example # AppiumConnect.terminate_app('com.saucelabs.mydemoapp.rn') # def self.terminate_app(bundle_id = nil) if Environ.is_macos? @driver.execute_script('macos: terminateApp', { bundleId: get_app_id(bundle_id) }) else driver.terminate_app(get_app_id(bundle_id)) end end # Set the amount of time the driver should wait when searching for elements. # # @param timeout [Integer] number of seconds to wait # def self.implicit_wait(timeout) driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = timeout end # Hide the onscreen keyboard # def self.hide_keyboard driver.hide_keyboard end # Is onscreen keyboard displayed? # # @return [Boolean] TRUE if keyboard is shown. Return false if keyboard is hidden. # def self.keyboard_shown? @driver.execute_script('mobile: isKeyboardShown') end # Get the current screen orientation # # @return [Symbol] :landscape or :portrait # def self.orientation driver.driver.orientation end # Change the screen orientation # # @param orientation [Symbol or String] :landscape or :portrait # def self.rotation(orientation) orientation.downcase.to_sym if orientation.is_a?(String) driver.driver.rotation = orientation end # Get the device's window size. # # @return [Array] window size as [width, height] # def self.window_size size = driver.window_size [size.width, size.height] end # Get the device's window rectangle. # # @return (Selenium::WebDriver::Rectangle) # def self.window_rect driver.window_rect end def self.geolocation driver.driver.location end def self.set_geolocation(location_data) driver.set_location(location_data) end def self.current_context driver.current_context end def self.set_context(context) driver.set_context(context) end def self.available_contexts driver.available_contexts end def self.is_webview? driver.current_context.start_with?('WEBVIEW') end def self.is_native_app? driver.current_context.start_with?('NATIVE_APP') end def self.webview_context contexts = driver.available_contexts puts "Contexts = #{contexts}" if ENV['DEBUG'] set_context(contexts.last) puts "Current context = #{driver.current_context}" if ENV['DEBUG'] end def self.is_biometric_enrolled? if Environ.is_ios? @driver.execute_script('mobile: isBiometricEnrolled') else puts 'biometric_enrollment is not supported for this platform' end end def self.set_biometric_enrollment(state) if Environ.is_ios? @driver.execute_script('mobile: enrollBiometric', { isEnabled: state }) else puts 'biometric_enrollment is not supported for this platform' end end def self.biometric_match(type, match) if Environ.is_ios? @driver.execute_script('mobile: sendBiometricMatch', { type: type, match: match }) else raise 'biometric_match is not supported for this platform' end end # :nocov: def self.upload_app(service) # determine app custom test id (if specified) custom_id = if ENV['APP_ID'] ENV['APP_ID'] else Environ.is_android? ? Environ.current.android_test_id : Environ.current.ios_test_id end # determine endpoint url, user id, and auth key for specified cloud service provider case service when :browserstack url = '' user_id = ENV['BS_USERNAME'] auth_key = ENV['BS_AUTHKEY'] when :testingbot url = '' url = "#{url}/#{custom_id}" unless custom_id.nil? user_id = ENV['TB_USERNAME'] auth_key = ENV['TB_AUTHKEY'] else raise "#{service} is not supported" end # determine file path of app to be uploaded to cloud service file_path = if Environ.is_android? Environ.current.android_apk_path elsif Environ.is_ios? Environ.is_device? ? Environ.current.ios_ipa_path : Environ.current.ios_app_path end request = boundary = "WebAppBoundary" post_body = [] post_body << "--#{boundary}\r\n" post_body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"file\"; filename=\"#{file_path}\"\r\n" post_body << "\r\n" post_body << {|io|} # add custom id form data to post body if a custom test id has been provided if !custom_id.nil? && service == :browserstack post_body << "\r\n--#{boundary}\r\n" post_body << "Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"custom_id\"\r\n" post_body << "\r\n" post_body << "#{custom_id}" end post_body << "\r\n--#{boundary}--\r\n" request.body = post_body.join request["Content-Type"] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=#{boundary}" request.basic_auth(user_id, auth_key) # send the request to upload to cloud service provider uri = URI.parse(url) conn =, uri.port) if uri.scheme == 'https' conn.use_ssl = true conn.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE end response = conn.request(request) result = JSON.parse(response.body) if response.code.to_i > 202 raise "An error has occurred while attempting to upload #{file_path} to the #{service} service\n#{result}" else puts "Successfully uploaded #{file_path} to the #{service} service\n#{result}" end end # :nocov: private def self.get_app_id(bundle_id = nil) return bundle_id unless bundle_id.nil? case when Environ.is_ios? Environ.current.ios_bundle_id when Environ.is_android? Environ.current.android_app_id when Environ.is_macos? Environ.current.mac_bundle_id else nil end end def self.appium_local_capabilities # specify endpoint url if @endpoint.nil? @endpoint = if ENV['APPIUM_SERVER_VERSION'] && ENV['APPIUM_SERVER_VERSION'].to_i == 1 '' else '' end end # define local Appium capabilities if @capabilities.nil? Environ.device_name = ENV['APP_DEVICE'] Environ.device_os = ENV['APP_PLATFORM_NAME'] Environ.device_os_version = ENV['APP_VERSION'] Environ.device = ENV['UDID'] ? :device : :simulator caps = { platformName: ENV['APP_PLATFORM_NAME'], 'appium:platformVersion': ENV['APP_VERSION'], 'appium:deviceName': ENV['APP_DEVICE'], 'appium:automationName': ENV['AUTOMATION_ENGINE'] } caps[:'appium:avd'] = ENV['APP_DEVICE'] if ENV['APP_PLATFORM_NAME'].downcase.to_sym == :android caps[:'appium:orientation'] = ENV['ORIENTATION'].upcase if ENV['ORIENTATION'] if ENV['LOCALE'] && ENV['LANGUAGE'] caps[:'appium:language'] = ENV['LANGUAGE'] caps[:'appium:locale'] = if Environ.is_android? locale = ENV['LOCALE'].gsub('-', '_') locale.split('_')[1] else ENV['LOCALE'].gsub('-', '_') end end caps[:'appium:newCommandTimeout'] = ENV['NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT'] if ENV['NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT'] caps[:'appium:noReset'] = ENV['APP_NO_RESET'] if ENV['APP_NO_RESET'] caps[:'appium:fullReset'] = ENV['APP_FULL_RESET'] if ENV['APP_FULL_RESET'] caps[:'appium:autoLaunch'] = ENV['AUTO_LAUNCH'] if ENV['AUTO_LAUNCH'] caps[:'appium:webkitDebugProxyPort'] = ENV['WEBKIT_DEBUG_PROXY_PORT'] if ENV['WEBKIT_DEBUG_PROXY_PORT'] caps[:'appium:webDriverAgentUrl'] = ENV['WEBDRIVER_AGENT_URL'] if ENV['WEBDRIVER_AGENT_URL'] caps[:'appium:wdaLocalPort'] = ENV['WDA_LOCAL_PORT'] if ENV['WDA_LOCAL_PORT'] caps[:'appium:usePrebuiltWDA'] = ENV['USE_PREBUILT_WDA'] if ENV['USE_PREBUILT_WDA'] caps[:'appium:useNewWDA'] = ENV['USE_NEW_WDA'] if ENV['USE_NEW_WDA'] caps[:'appium:autoWebview'] = ENV['AUTO_WEBVIEW'] if ENV['AUTO_WEBVIEW'] caps[:'appium:chromedriverExecutable'] = ENV['CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE'] if ENV['CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE'] caps[:'appium:autoWebviewTimeout'] = ENV['AUTO_WEBVIEW_TIMEOUT'] if ENV['AUTO_WEBVIEW_TIMEOUT'] caps[:'appium:udid'] = ENV['UDID'] if ENV['UDID'] caps[:'appium:xcodeOrgId'] = ENV['TEAM_ID'] if ENV['TEAM_ID'] caps[:'appium:xcodeSigningId'] = ENV['TEAM_NAME'] if ENV['TEAM_NAME'] caps[:'appium:appActivity'] = ENV['APP_ACTIVITY'] if ENV['APP_ACTIVITY'] caps[:'appium:appPackage'] = ENV['APP_PACKAGE'] if ENV['APP_PACKAGE'] caps[:'appium:forceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence'] = ENV['SHOW_SIM_KEYBOARD'] if ENV['SHOW_SIM_KEYBOARD'] if Environ.is_ios? caps[:'appium:webviewConnectTimeout'] = 90000 caps[:'appium:maxTypingFrequency'] = 15 caps[:'appium:respectSystemAlerts'] = true end if ENV['BUNDLE_ID'] caps[:'appium:bundleId'] = ENV['BUNDLE_ID'] else app_id = get_app_id caps[:'appium:bundleId'] = app_id unless app_id.nil? end caps[:'appium:app'] = if ENV['APP'] ENV['APP'] else if Environ.is_android? Environ.current.android_apk_path elsif Environ.is_ios? Environ.is_device? ? Environ.current.ios_ipa_path : Environ.current.ios_app_path end end caps else Environ.device_os = @capabilities[:platformName] Environ.device_name = @capabilities[:'appium:deviceName'] Environ.device_os_version = @capabilities[:'appium:platformVersion'] Environ.device_orientation = @capabilities[:'appium:orientation'] Environ.device = @capabilities[:'appium:udid'] ? :device : :simulator @capabilities end end def self.custom_capabilities raise 'User-defined cloud driver requires that you provide capabilities' if @capabilities.nil? raise 'User-defined cloud driver requires that you provide an endpoint' if @endpoint.nil? Environ.device_os = @capabilities[:platformName] Environ.device_name = @capabilities[:'appium:deviceName'] Environ.device_os_version = @capabilities[:'appium:platformVersion'] @capabilities end def self.browserstack_capabilities # specify endpoint url @endpoint = "https://#{ENV['BS_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['BS_AUTHKEY']}" if @endpoint.nil? # define BrowserStack options options = if @capabilities.nil? Environ.device_name = ENV['BS_DEVICE'] Environ.device_os = ENV['BS_OS'] Environ.device_os_version = ENV['BS_OS_VERSION'] # define the required set of BrowserStack options bs_options = { userName: ENV['BS_USERNAME'], accessKey: ENV['BS_AUTHKEY'], sessionName: test_context_message } # define the optional BrowserStack options bs_options[:projectName] = ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] if ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] bs_options[:buildName] = ENV['AUTOMATE_BUILD'] if ENV['AUTOMATE_BUILD'] bs_options[:geoLocation] = ENV['IP_GEOLOCATION'] if ENV['IP_GEOLOCATION'] bs_options[:timezone] = ENV['TIME_ZONE'] if ENV['TIME_ZONE'] bs_options[:video] = ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] if ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] bs_options[:debug] = ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] if ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] bs_options[:local] = ENV['TUNNELING'] if ENV['TUNNELING'] bs_options[:deviceOrientation] = ENV['ORIENTATION'] if ENV['ORIENTATION'] bs_options[:appiumLogs] = ENV['APPIUM_LOGS'] if ENV['APPIUM_LOGS'] bs_options[:networkLogs] = ENV['NETWORK_LOGS'] if ENV['NETWORK_LOGS'] bs_options[:deviceLogs] = ENV['DEVICE_LOGS'] if ENV['DEVICE_LOGS'] bs_options[:networkProfile] = ENV['NETWORK_PROFILE'] if ENV['NETWORK_PROFILE'] bs_options[:idleTimeout] = ENV['IDLE_TIMEOUT'] if ENV['IDLE_TIMEOUT'] bs_options[:resignApp] = ENV['RESIGN_APP'] if ENV['RESIGN_APP'] bs_options[:gpsLocation] = ENV['GPS_LOCATION'] if ENV['GPS_LOCATION'] bs_options[:acceptInsecureCerts] = ENV['ACCEPT_INSECURE_CERTS'] if ENV['ACCEPT_INSECURE_CERTS'] bs_options[:disableAnimations] = ENV['DISABLE_ANIMATION'] if ENV['DISABLE_ANIMATION'] bs_options[:appiumVersion] = ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] ? ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] : '2.6.0' capabilities = { platformName: ENV['BS_OS'], 'appium:platformVersion': ENV['BS_OS_VERSION'], 'appium:deviceName': ENV['BS_DEVICE'], 'appium:automationName': ENV['AUTOMATION_ENGINE'], 'appium:app': ENV['APP'], 'bstack:options': bs_options } capabilities[:language] = ENV['LANGUAGE'] if ENV['LANGUAGE'] capabilities[:locale] = ENV['LOCALE'] if ENV['LOCALE'] capabilities else Environ.device_os = @capabilities[:platformName] Environ.device_name = @capabilities[:'appium:deviceName'] Environ.device_os_version = @capabilities[:'appium:platformVersion'] @capabilities end # BrowserStack uses only real devices Environ.device = :device upload_app(:browserstack) if ENV['UPLOAD_APP'] options end # :nocov: def self.testingbot_capabilities Environ.device = :simulator # specify endpoint url @endpoint = "http://#{ENV['TB_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['TB_AUTHKEY']}" if @endpoint.nil? # define TestingBot options options = if @capabilities.nil? Environ.device_name = ENV['TB_DEVICE'] Environ.device_os = ENV['TB_OS'] Environ.device_os_version = ENV['TB_OS_VERSION'] Environ.device = :device if ENV['REAL_DEVICE'] == 'true' # define the required set of TestingBot options tb_options = { build: test_context_message } # define the optional TestingBot options tb_options[:name] = ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] if ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] tb_options[:timeZone] = ENV['TIME_ZONE'] if ENV['TIME_ZONE'] tb_options['testingbot.geoCountryCode'] = ENV['IP_GEOLOCATION'] if ENV['IP_GEOLOCATION'] tb_options[:screenrecorder] = ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] if ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] tb_options[:screenshot] = ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] if ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] tb_options[:appiumVersion] = ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] ? ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] : '2.10.3' capabilities = { platformName: ENV['TB_OS'], 'appium:platformVersion': ENV['TB_OS_VERSION'], 'appium:deviceName': ENV['TB_DEVICE'], 'appium:automationName': ENV['AUTOMATION_ENGINE'], 'appium:app': ENV['APP'], 'tb:options': tb_options } capabilities[:'appium:realDevice'] = ENV['REAL_DEVICE'] if ENV['REAL_DEVICE'] capabilities else Environ.device_os = @capabilities[:platformName] Environ.device_name = @capabilities[:'appium:deviceName'] Environ.device_os_version = @capabilities[:'appium:platformVersion'] if @capabilities.key?(:'appium:realDevice') && @capabilities[:'appium:realDevice'] == true Environ.device = :device end @capabilities end upload_app(:testingbot) if ENV['UPLOAD_APP'] options end def self.sauce_capabilities # specify endpoint url if @endpoint.nil? @endpoint = "https://#{ENV['SL_USERNAME']}:#{ENV['SL_AUTHKEY']}@ondemand.#{ENV['SL_DATA_CENTER']}" end # define SauceLabs options options = if @capabilities.nil? Environ.device_name = ENV['SL_DEVICE'] Environ.device_os = ENV['SL_OS'] Environ.device_os_version = ENV['SL_OS_VERSION'] # define the required set of SauceLabs options sl_options = { build: test_context_message } # define the optional SauceLabs options sl_options[:name] = ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] if ENV['AUTOMATE_PROJECT'] sl_options[:deviceOrientation] = ENV['ORIENTATION'].upcase if ENV['ORIENTATION'] sl_options[:recordVideo] = ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] if ENV['RECORD_VIDEO'] sl_options[:recordScreenshots] = ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] if ENV['SCREENSHOTS'] sl_options[:appiumVersion] = ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] ? ENV['APPIUM_VERSION'] : '2.1.3' capabilities = { platformName: ENV['SL_OS'], 'appium:platformVersion': ENV['SL_OS_VERSION'], 'appium:deviceName': ENV['SL_DEVICE'], 'appium:automationName': ENV['AUTOMATION_ENGINE'], 'appium:app': ENV['APP'], 'sauce:options': sl_options } capabilities else Environ.device_os = @capabilities[:platformName] Environ.device_name = @capabilities[:'appium:deviceName'] Environ.device_os_version = @capabilities[:'appium:platformVersion'] @capabilities end options end def self.test_context_message context_message = if ENV['TEST_CONTEXT'] "#{Environ.test_environment.to_s.upcase} - #{ENV['TEST_CONTEXT']}" else Environ.test_environment.to_s.upcase end if ENV['PARALLEL'] thread_num = ENV['TEST_ENV_NUMBER'] thread_num = 1 if thread_num.blank? context_message = "#{context_message} - Thread ##{thread_num}" end context_message end # :nocov: end end