{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "id": "http://json-schema.org/openstudio-urban-modeling/taxlot_properties.json#", "title": "URBANopt Site", "description": "Schema for an URBANopt Site object", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "description": "Unique id used to refer to this feature within this dataset, generated by database.", "type": "string" }, "project_id": { "description": "Project which this feature belongs to.", "type": "string" }, "name": { "description": "Feature name", "type": "string" }, "state": { "description": "State name", "type": "string" }, "city": { "description": "City name", "type": "string" }, "latitude": { "description": "Latitude of site origin in WGS 84 coordinate system (deg)", "type": "number" }, "longitude": { "description": "Longitude of site origin in WGS 84 coordinate system (deg)", "type": "number" }, "surface_elevation": { "description": "The surface elevation (above NAVD88 datum) of the project (ft). ", "type": "number" }, "import_surrounding_buildings_as_shading": { "description": "If true, import geometry from surrounding buildings when performing energy calculations.", "type": "boolean" }, "timesteps_per_hour": { "description": "Number of timesteps per hour for energy simulations.", "type": "integer", "minimum": 1, "maximum": 60 }, "begin_date": { "description": "Date to begin simulation, format YYYY-MM-DD.", "type": "string" }, "end_date": { "description": "Date to end simulation, format YYYY-MM-DD.", "type": "string" }, "climate_zone": { "description": "ASHRAE 169 climate zone.", "type": "string" }, "cec_climate_zone": { "description": "CEC Title24 climate zone.", "type": "string" }, "default_template": { "description": "Default OpenStudio Standards template.", "type": "string" }, "weather_filename": { "description": "Name of weather file in EPW format.", "type": "string" }, "tariff_filename": { "description": "Name of utility tariff file in IDF or URDB format.", "type": "string" }, "underground_cables_ratio": { "description": "Ratio of overall cables that are underground vs. overhead for RNM analysis.", "type": "number" }, "only_lv_consumers": { "description": "If true, only low voltage consumers will be considered in the RNM analysis.", "type": "boolean" }, "max_number_of_lv_nodes_per_building": { "description": "Maximum number of low voltage nodes to represent a single building.", "type": "number" }, "emissions": { "description": "Should be set to true to calculate emissions for the associated building.", "type": "boolean" }, "emissions_future_subregion": { "description": "Future subregion. Options are: AZNMc, CAMXc, ERCTc, FRCCc, MROEc, MROWc, NEWEc, NWPPc, NYSTc, RFCEc, RFCMc, RFCWc, RMPAc, SPNOc, SPSOc, SRMVc, SRMWc, SRSOc, SRTVc, and SRVCc", "type": "string" }, "emissions_hourly_historical_subregion": { "description": "Historical hourly subregion. Options are: California, Carolinas, Central, Florida, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest, New England, New York, Northwest, Rocky Mountains, Southeast, Southwest, Tennessee, and Texas", "type": "string" }, "emissions_annual_historical_subregion": { "description": "Historical annual subregion. Options are: AKGD, AKMS, AZNM, CAMX, ERCT, FRCC, HIMS, HIOA, MROE, MROW, NEWE, NWPP, NYCW, NYLI, NYUP, RFCE, RFCM, RFCW, RMPA, SPNO, SPSO, SRMV, SRMW, SRSO, SRTV, and SRVC", "type": "string" }, "emissions_future_year": { "description": "Future Year. Options are: 2020 to 2050 in two year increments", "type": "string" }, "emissions_hourly_historical_year": { "description": "Hourly Historical Year. Options are: 2019.", "type": "string" }, "emissions_annual_historical_year": { "description": "Annual Historical Year. Options are: 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018, and 2019.", "type": "string" }, "user_data": { "description": "Arbitrary user data" } }, "required": [ "latitude", "longitude" ], "additionalProperties": false }