== 0.5.1 Fix History methods missing super == 0.5.0 * Minor changes to History#read_history == 0.4.2 * Make Shell#input= and Shell#in_loop available == 0.4.1 * More support for internationalization == 0.4.0 * Support internationalization * Allow #history to be overridden easily == 0.3.6 * Add Ripl.started? == 0.3.5 * Fix subclassed runner printing version == 0.3.4 * Rescue failure while printing result == 0.3.3 * Warn about unused arguments == 0.3.2 * Open #write_history to plugins * Fix 1.9 tests * Fix Ctrl-D for non-readline == 0.3.1 * Allow :readline option to take a string == 0.3.0 * Add Runner#app to allow any executable to use Runner * Parse global options after args in a subcommand * Change Runner to a class == 0.2.9 * Add autoloaded plugin completions * Make Shell#include public for plugins * Rescue LoadError in .rc files == 0.2.8 * Allow completion to be optional * Save commandline args to Ripl::Runner.argv == 0.2.7 * Fix and (change order of) option parsing for ripl commands * Add default help for a ripl command == 0.2.6 * Add ctrl-c handling * Clean up api to extend options * Allow exit with 'quit' == 0.2.5 * Add -F option * Extendable commandline options * Rescue failing dynamic prompts == 0.2.4 * Add modular console commands with Ripl::Commands * Add Shell#result_prompt for plugins * Re-enable Shell#eval_input and #loop_once for plugins == 0.2.3 * Add Shell docs * Sync shell binding with completion binding * Removed Shell#options == 0.2.2 * Add man page == 0.2.1 * Add tests * Add more flexible -I and -r * Update Shell::API to be more plugin friendly * Handle invalid options == 0.2.0 * Full support for plugins * Add history support for all shells * Add ~/.riplrc * Add usage and more commandline options == 0.1.2 * Add support for commands * Add -I, -r and -v options * Better docs == 0.1.1 * Provide hooks for shell plugins * Rescue irbrc exceptions * Add bond as dependency for completion * Exit with ctrl-D * Fix buggy _ * Fix missing executable in gemspec == 0.1.0 * Most basic working idea