require 'spec_helper.rb' describe SimpleModel::Attributes do # We need a clean class for each spec around(:each) do |example| class AttributesTest include SimpleModel::Attributes end Object.send(:remove_const,:AttributesTest) if defined?(:AttributesTest) end context "class methods" do describe '#config' do it { expect(AttributesTest.config).to be_a(SimpleModel::Config) } end describe '#create_attribute_methods' do context "no options" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:has_foo],{}) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:has_foo)} it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:has_foo=)} it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:has_foo?)} it "should set the value" do expect(attributes_test.has_foo = "test").to eql("test") end it "should get the value" do attributes_test.has_foo = "test" expect(attributes_test.has_foo).to eql("test") end it "should get? boolean value" do expect(attributes_test).to_not be_has_foo attributes_test.has_foo = "test" expect(attributes_test).to be_has_foo end end context "options set" do context "with default" do context "with initialize == true" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:with_default], {:default => "foo", :initialize => true}) end let(:attributes_test) { } it "should work" do expect(attributes_test.raw_attribute(:with_default)).to eql('foo') end context 'should override config setting' do it "should still work" do AttributesTest.config.initialize_defaults = false expect(attributes_test.initialized?(:with_default)).to eql(true) end it {expect(attributes_test.with_default).to eql('foo')} end end context "with initialize == false" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:with_default_no_init], {:default => "foo", :initialize => false}) end let(:attributes_test) { } it { expect(attributes_test.attributes).to_not have_key(:with_default_no_init) } it "should set on get" do expect(attributes_test.with_default_no_init).to eql('foo') end context 'config.initialize_defaults? == false' do it "should override config setting" do AttributesTest.config.initialize_defaults = true expect(attributes_test.attributes.key?(:with_default)).to eql(false) end end end context "set to a symbol for a method" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.send(:define_method, :default_method) do end AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:with_default_method], {:default => :default_method}) end let(:attributes_test) { } it { expect(attributes_test.with_default_method).to eql( } end context "set to a non-method symbol" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:with_default_sym], {:default => :_foo}) end let(:attributes_test) { } it { expect(attributes_test.with_default_sym).to eql(:_foo) } end end context "with on_set" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:with_on_set], {:on_set => lambda {|obj,val| val.to_i } }) end let(:attributes_test) { => "1") } it {expect(attributes_test.with_on_set).to eql(1)} end context "with allow_blank == false" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:prevent_blank], {:allow_blank => false}) end let(:attributes_test) { => "") } it "should not initialize" do expect(attributes_test.attributes).to_not have_key(:prevent_blank) end it "should allow setting with non-blank value" do attributes_test.prevent_blank = "not blank" expect(attributes_test.prevent_blank).to eql("not blank") attributes_test.prevent_blank = nil expect(attributes_test.prevent_blank).to eql("not blank") attributes_test.prevent_blank = 1 expect(attributes_test.prevent_blank).to eql(1) end end context "with allow_blank == false and boolean == true" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.create_attribute_methods([:allow_false_boolean], {:allow_blank => false, :boolean => true}) end let(:attributes_test) { => "") } it "should not initialize" do expect(attributes_test.attributes).to_not have_key(:allow_false_boolean) end it "should allow setting with non-blank value" do attributes_test.allow_false_boolean = 1 expect(attributes_test.allow_false_boolean).to eql(1) attributes_test.allow_false_boolean = nil expect(attributes_test.allow_false_boolean).to eql(1) attributes_test.allow_false_boolean = false expect(attributes_test.allow_false_boolean).to eql(false) end end context "with :if" do context "set to a proc" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_date :if_proc, :if => lambda {|obj,val| !val.blank?} end it {expect( => nil)).to_not be_initialized(:if_proc)} it {expect( => "2014-05-01")).to be_initialized(:if_proc)} end context "set to a :blank" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute :if_blank, :if => :blank end it "init" do init = => "") expect(init).to be_initialized(:if_blank) end it {expect( => nil)).to be_initialized(:if_blank)} it {expect( => "foo")).to_not be_initialized(:if_blank)} end context "set to a symbol" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute :if_attr_1, :if => :if_true AttributesTest.has_attribute :if_attr_2, :if => :if_false AttributesTest.send :define_method, :if_true do true end AttributesTest.send :define_method, :if_false do false end end let(:attributes_test) { => "test", :if_attr_2 => "test" ) } it {expect(attributes_test).to be_initialized(:if_attr_1)} it {expect(attributes_test).to_not be_initialized(:if_attr_2)} end end context "with :unless" do context "set to a proc" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_date :unless_proc, :unless => lambda {|obj,val| val.blank?} end it {expect( => nil)).to_not be_initialized(:unless_proc)} it {expect( => "2014-05-01")).to be_initialized(:unless_proc)} end context "set to a :blank" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute :unless_blank, :unless => :blank end it {expect( => "")).to_not be_initialized(:unless_blank)} it {expect( => nil)).to_not be_initialized(:unless_blank)} it {expect( => "foo")).to be_initialized(:unless_blank)} end context "set to a symbol" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute :unless_attr_1, :unless => :unless_true AttributesTest.has_attribute :unless_attr_2, :unless => :unless_false AttributesTest.send :define_method, :unless_true do true end AttributesTest.send :define_method, :unless_false do false end end let(:attributes_test) { => "test", :unless_attr_2 => "test" ) } it {expect(attributes_test).to_not be_initialized(:unless_attr_1)} it {expect(attributes_test).to be_initialized(:unless_attr_2)} end end end # end with options end # end #create_attribute_methods describe '#has_attribute' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_attribute)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute(:test_attr) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_attr)} end describe '#has_boolean' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_boolean)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_boolean(:test_bool) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_bool)} it "should cast to a boolean" do attributes_test.test_bool = "false" expect(attributes_test.test_bool).to eql(false) attributes_test.test_bool = "true" expect(attributes_test.test_bool).to eql(true) end end describe '#has_date' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_date)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_date(:test_date) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_date)} it "should cast to a date" do attributes_test.test_date = "2014-12-22" expect(attributes_test.test_date).to be_a(Date) end end describe '#has_decimal' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_decimal)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_decimal(:test_deci) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_deci)} it "should cast to a decimal" do attributes_test.test_deci = "1.0" expect(attributes_test.test_deci).to be_a(BigDecimal) end end describe '#has_float' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_float)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_float(:test_float) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_float)} it "should cast to a float" do attributes_test.test_float = "1.0" expect(attributes_test.test_float).to be_a(Float) end end describe '#has_int' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_int)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_int(:test_int) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_int)} it "should cast to a float" do attributes_test.test_int = "1" expect(attributes_test.test_int).to be_a(Fixnum) end end describe '#has_time' do it {expect(AttributesTest).to respond_to(:has_time)} before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_time(:test_time) end let(:attributes_test) { } it {expect(attributes_test).to respond_to(:test_time)} it "should cast to a date" do attributes_test.test_time = "2014-12-22" expect(attributes_test.test_time).to be_a(Time) end end describe '#alias_attribute' do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attribute :base_foo AttributesTest.alias_attribute :alias_foo, :base_foo end context "attribute is not defined" do it { expect {AttributesTest.alias_attribute :alias_foo, :nope}.to raise_error(SimpleModel::UndefinedAttribute) } end it "should work" do test_alias = => "foo") expect(test_alias.alias_foo).to eql("foo") expect(test_alias.base_foo).to eql("foo") end end end # end class methods describe '#attributes' do it { expect( respond_to(:attributes) } it { expect( be_a(Hash)} context "set hash with string keys" do let(:attrs) do {'test1' => '2', 'test2' => '2'} end let(:set_attrs) { => attrs)} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute(:test1)).to eql('2')} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute('test1')).to eql('2')} end context "set hash with string keys" do let(:attrs) do {:test1 => '2', :test2 => '2'} end let(:set_attrs) { => attrs)} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute(:test1)).to eql('2')} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute('test1')).to eql('2')} end context "set with HashWithIndifferentAccess" do let(:attrs) do {:test1 => '2', :test2 => '2'}.with_indifferent_access end let(:set_attrs) { => attrs)} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute(:test1)).to eql('2')} it {expect(set_attrs.raw_attribute('test1')).to eql('2')} end end describe '#delete_attributes' do it "should work" do AttributesTest.has_attributes(:foo, :bar,:fred) test_attr = => "foo", :bar => "bar", :fred => 'stone') test_attr.delete_attributes(:foo, :bar) expect(test_attr).to_not be_initialized(:foo) expect(test_attr).to_not be_initialized(:bar) expect(test_attr).to be_initialized(:fred) end end context "initializing" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.has_attributes :test1,:test2 end let(:init_test) { => '1', :test2 => '2') } it { expect(init_test.test1).to eql('1') } it { expect(init_test.test2).to eql('2') } describe '#before_initialize' do context "before_initialize is not a Proc" do it { expect {AttributesTest.before_initialize = "bad stuff"}.to raise_error } end before(:each) do # Do not initialize blank attributes AttributesTest.before_initialize = lambda {|obj,attrs|{|k,v| !v.blank?}} AttributesTest.has_attribute :before_init end it "should work" do expect( => "")).to_not be_initialized(:before_init) expect( => "t")).to be_initialized(:before_init) end end describe '#after_initialize' do context "before_initialize is not a Proc" do it { expect {AttributesTest.after_initialize = "bad stuff"}.to raise_error } end before(:each) do # Do not initialize blank attributes AttributesTest.after_initialize = lambda { |obj| obj.after_init = "test" if obj.after_init.blank?} AttributesTest.has_attribute :after_init end it "should work" do expect( => "").after_init).to eql("test") end end describe '#new_with_store'do it "should work" do my_store = {:test1 => 1,:test2 => 2} nw = AttributesTest.new_with_store(my_store) expect(AttributesTest.new_with_store(my_store).attributes.object_id).to eql(my_store.object_id) end end context "defaults" do before(:each) do AttributesTest.config.initialize_defaults = true AttributesTest.has_attribute :has_def, :default => "Test" AttributesTest.has_attribute :has_other, :default => "Other" AttributesTest.has_attribute :has_derived, :default => :default_derived class AttributesTest def default_derived val = "Derived" if has_def == "Test" end end end let(:defaults_test) { => 'Foo') } it { expect(defaults_test.initialized?(:has_def)).to eql(true)} it { expect(defaults_test.has_def).to eql("Test")} it { expect(defaults_test.initialized?(:has_other)).to eql(true)} it { expect(defaults_test.has_other).to eql("Foo")} it { expect(defaults_test.initialized?(:has_derived)).to eql(true)} it { expect(defaults_test.has_derived).to eql("Derived")} end end context "inheritance" do class MyBase include SimpleModel::Attributes has_boolean :bar has_attribute :str, :stuff has_decimal :amount, :default => BigDecimal("0.0"), :initialize => false has_dates :some, :thing, :default => :fetch_date, :allow_blank => false, :initialize => false alias_attribute :other, :bar alias_attribute :other_amount, :amount def fetch_date end end class NewerBase < MyBase has_boolean :foo has_int :str end class NewestBase < NewerBase alias_attribute :some_amount, :other_amount end it "should merge defined attributes when class are inherited" do expect(NewerBase).to be_attribute_defined(:bar) newer_base = expect(newer_base).to respond_to(:bar_will_change!) end it "should set defaults that were not initialized should work from parent class" do newer_base = expect(newer_base.some).to eql(newer_base.send(:fetch_date)) expect(newer_base.thing).to eql(newer_base.send(:fetch_date)) end it "should allow redefining methods in child classes" do newer_base = newer_base.str = '1' expect(newer_base.str).to eql(1) end it "should set attribute from alias" do expect( => true)).to be_bar expect( => true)).to be_bar end it "should properly alias attributes from parent class" do newer_base = => 1.0) expect(newer_base.other_amount).to eql(1.0.to_d) expect(newer_base.amount).to eql(1.0.to_d) end end context 'REGRESSION' do context 'default is an array that is not initialized (ONlY FAILS IN RAILS ~> 3.0)' do before(:each) do class InitArray < SimpleModel::Base self.config.attributes_store = :indifferent has_attribute :conditions, :default => :new_array def new_array [[]] end def add_one conditions << 1 end end end it "should not rest amount to default" do test_array = expect(test_array.attributes).to be_a(HashWithIndifferentAccess) expect(test_array).to_not be_initialized(:conditions) test_array.add_one expect(test_array.conditions).to eql([[],1]) end end end end