;;;; ports.scm --- R6RS port API -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ;;;; Copyright (C) 2009-2011, 2013, 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc. ;;;; ;;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or ;;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either ;;;; version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ;;;; ;;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;;;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ;;;; Lesser General Public License for more details. ;;;; ;;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public ;;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software ;;;; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;;; Author: Ludovic Courtès ;;; Commentary: ;;; ;;; The I/O port API of the R6RS is provided by this module. In many areas ;;; it complements or refines Guile's own historical port API. For instance, ;;; it allows for binary I/O with bytevectors. ;;; ;;; Code: (library (rnrs io ports (6)) (export eof-object eof-object? ;; auxiliary types file-options buffer-mode buffer-mode? eol-style native-eol-style error-handling-mode make-transcoder transcoder-codec transcoder-eol-style transcoder-error-handling-mode native-transcoder latin-1-codec utf-8-codec utf-16-codec ;; transcoding bytevectors bytevector->string string->bytevector ;; input & output ports port? input-port? output-port? port-eof? port-transcoder binary-port? textual-port? transcoded-port port-position set-port-position! port-has-port-position? port-has-set-port-position!? call-with-port close-port ;; input ports open-bytevector-input-port open-string-input-port open-file-input-port make-custom-binary-input-port ;; binary input get-u8 lookahead-u8 get-bytevector-n get-bytevector-n! get-bytevector-some get-bytevector-all ;; output ports open-bytevector-output-port open-string-output-port open-file-output-port make-custom-binary-output-port call-with-bytevector-output-port call-with-string-output-port make-custom-textual-output-port output-port-buffer-mode flush-output-port ;; input/output ports open-file-input/output-port make-custom-binary-input/output-port ;; binary output put-u8 put-bytevector ;; textual input get-char get-datum get-line get-string-all get-string-n get-string-n! lookahead-char ;; textual output put-char put-datum put-string ;; standard ports standard-input-port standard-output-port standard-error-port current-input-port current-output-port current-error-port ;; condition types &i/o i/o-error? make-i/o-error &i/o-read i/o-read-error? make-i/o-read-error &i/o-write i/o-write-error? make-i/o-write-error &i/o-invalid-position i/o-invalid-position-error? make-i/o-invalid-position-error &i/o-filename i/o-filename-error? make-i/o-filename-error i/o-error-filename &i/o-file-protection i/o-file-protection-error? make-i/o-file-protection-error &i/o-file-is-read-only i/o-file-is-read-only-error? make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error &i/o-file-already-exists i/o-file-already-exists-error? make-i/o-file-already-exists-error &i/o-file-does-not-exist i/o-file-does-not-exist-error? make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error &i/o-port i/o-port-error? make-i/o-port-error i/o-error-port &i/o-decoding i/o-decoding-error? make-i/o-decoding-error &i/o-encoding i/o-encoding-error? make-i/o-encoding-error i/o-encoding-error-char) (import (ice-9 binary-ports) (only (rnrs base) assertion-violation) (only (ice-9 ports internal) port-write-buffer port-buffer-bytevector port-line-buffered?) (only (rnrs bytevectors) bytevector-length) (prefix (ice-9 iconv) iconv:) (rnrs enums) (rnrs records syntactic) (rnrs exceptions) (rnrs conditions) (rnrs files) ;for the condition types (srfi srfi-8) (ice-9 rdelim) (except (guile) raise display) (prefix (only (guile) display) guile:)) ;;; ;;; Auxiliary types ;;; (define-enumeration file-option (no-create no-fail no-truncate) file-options) (define-enumeration buffer-mode (none line block) buffer-modes) (define (buffer-mode? symbol) (enum-set-member? symbol (enum-set-universe (buffer-modes)))) (define-enumeration eol-style (lf cr crlf nel crnel ls none) eol-styles) (define (native-eol-style) (eol-style none)) (define-enumeration error-handling-mode (ignore raise replace) error-handling-modes) (define-record-type (transcoder %make-transcoder transcoder?) (fields codec eol-style error-handling-mode)) (define* (make-transcoder codec #:optional (eol-style (native-eol-style)) (handling-mode (error-handling-mode replace))) (%make-transcoder codec eol-style handling-mode)) (define (native-transcoder) (make-transcoder (or (fluid-ref %default-port-encoding) (latin-1-codec)))) (define (latin-1-codec) "ISO-8859-1") (define (utf-8-codec) "UTF-8") (define (utf-16-codec) "UTF-16") ;;; ;;; Transcoding bytevectors ;;; (define (string->bytevector str transcoder) "Encode @var{str} using @var{transcoder}, returning a bytevector." (iconv:string->bytevector str (transcoder-codec transcoder) (case (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder) ((raise) 'error) ((replace) 'substitute) (else (error "unsupported error handling mode" (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder)))))) (define (bytevector->string bv transcoder) "Decode @var{bv} using @var{transcoder}, returning a string." (iconv:bytevector->string bv (transcoder-codec transcoder) (case (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder) ((raise) 'error) ((replace) 'substitute) (else (error "unsupported error handling mode" (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder)))))) ;;; ;;; Internal helpers ;;; (define (with-i/o-filename-conditions filename thunk) (with-throw-handler 'system-error thunk (lambda args (let ((errno (system-error-errno args))) (let ((construct-condition (cond ((= errno EACCES) make-i/o-file-protection-error) ((= errno EEXIST) make-i/o-file-already-exists-error) ((= errno ENOENT) make-i/o-file-does-not-exist-error) ((= errno EROFS) make-i/o-file-is-read-only-error) (else make-i/o-filename-error)))) (raise (construct-condition filename))))))) (define (with-i/o-port-error port make-primary-condition thunk) (with-throw-handler 'system-error thunk (lambda args (let ((errno (system-error-errno args))) (if (memv errno (list EIO EFBIG ENOSPC EPIPE)) (raise (condition (make-primary-condition) (make-i/o-port-error port))) (apply throw args)))))) (define-syntax with-textual-output-conditions (syntax-rules () ((_ port body0 body ...) (with-i/o-port-error port make-i/o-write-error (lambda () (with-i/o-encoding-error body0 body ...)))))) (define-syntax with-textual-input-conditions (syntax-rules () ((_ port body0 body ...) (with-i/o-port-error port make-i/o-read-error (lambda () (with-i/o-decoding-error body0 body ...)))))) ;;; ;;; Input and output ports. ;;; (define (port-transcoder port) "Return the transcoder object associated with @var{port}, or @code{#f} if the port has no transcoder." (and (textual-port? port) ;; All textual ports have transcoders. (make-transcoder (port-encoding port) (native-eol-style) (case (port-conversion-strategy port) ((error) 'raise) ((substitute) 'replace) (else (assertion-violation 'port-transcoder "unsupported error handling mode")))))) (define (binary-port? port) "Return @code{#t} if @var{port} appears to be a binary port, else return @code{#f}. Note that Guile does not currently distinguish between binary and textual ports, so this predicate is not a reliable indicator of whether the port was created as a binary port. Currently, it returns @code{#t} if and only if the port encoding is ``ISO-8859-1'', because Guile uses this encoding when creating a binary port." (equal? (port-encoding port) "ISO-8859-1")) (define (textual-port? port) "Return @code{#t} if @var{port} appears to be a textual port, else return @code{#f}. Note that Guile does not currently distinguish between binary and textual ports, so this predicate is not a reliable indicator of whether the port was created as a textual port. Currently, it always returns @code{#t}, because all ports can be used for textual I/O in Guile." #t) (define (port-eof? port) (eof-object? (if (binary-port? port) (lookahead-u8 port) (lookahead-char port)))) (define (transcoded-port port transcoder) "Return a new textual port based on @var{port}, using @var{transcoder} to encode and decode data written to or read from its underlying binary port @var{port}." ;; Hackily get at %make-transcoded-port. (let ((result ((@@ (ice-9 binary-ports) %make-transcoded-port) port))) (set-port-encoding! result (transcoder-codec transcoder)) (case (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder) ((raise) (set-port-conversion-strategy! result 'error)) ((replace) (set-port-conversion-strategy! result 'substitute)) (else (error "unsupported error handling mode" (transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder)))) result)) (define (port-position port) "Return the offset (an integer) indicating where the next octet will be read from/written to in @var{port}." ;; FIXME: We should raise an `&assertion' error when not supported. (seek port 0 SEEK_CUR)) (define (set-port-position! port offset) "Set the position where the next octet will be read from/written to @var{port}." ;; FIXME: We should raise an `&assertion' error when not supported. (seek port offset SEEK_SET)) (define (port-has-port-position? port) "Return @code{#t} is @var{port} supports @code{port-position}." (and (false-if-exception (port-position port)) #t)) (define (port-has-set-port-position!? port) "Return @code{#t} is @var{port} supports @code{set-port-position!}." (and (false-if-exception (set-port-position! port (port-position port))) #t)) (define (call-with-port port proc) "Call @var{proc}, passing it @var{port} and closing @var{port} upon exit of @var{proc}. Return the return values of @var{proc}." (call-with-values (lambda () (proc port)) (lambda vals (close-port port) (apply values vals)))) (define* (call-with-bytevector-output-port proc #:optional (transcoder #f)) (receive (port extract) (open-bytevector-output-port transcoder) (call-with-port port proc) (extract))) (define (open-string-input-port str) "Open an input port that will read from @var{str}." (open-input-string str)) (define (r6rs-open filename mode buffer-mode transcoder) (let ((port (with-i/o-filename-conditions filename (lambda () (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (open filename mode)))))) (setvbuf port buffer-mode) (when transcoder (set-port-encoding! port (transcoder-codec transcoder))) port)) (define (file-options->mode file-options base-mode) (logior base-mode (if (enum-set-member? 'no-create file-options) 0 O_CREAT) (if (enum-set-member? 'no-truncate file-options) 0 O_TRUNC) (if (enum-set-member? 'no-fail file-options) 0 O_EXCL))) (define* (open-file-input-port filename #:optional (file-options (file-options)) (buffer-mode (buffer-mode block)) transcoder) "Return an input port for reading from @var{filename}." (r6rs-open filename O_RDONLY buffer-mode transcoder)) (define* (open-file-input/output-port filename #:optional (file-options (file-options)) (buffer-mode (buffer-mode block)) transcoder) "Return a port for reading from and writing to @var{filename}." (r6rs-open filename (file-options->mode file-options O_RDWR) buffer-mode transcoder)) (define (open-string-output-port) "Return two values: an output port that will collect characters written to it as a string, and a thunk to retrieve the characters associated with that port." (let ((port (open-output-string))) (values port (lambda () (let ((s (get-output-string port))) (seek port 0 SEEK_SET) (truncate-file port 0) s))))) (define* (open-file-output-port filename #:optional (file-options (file-options)) (buffer-mode (buffer-mode block)) maybe-transcoder) "Return an output port for writing to @var{filename}." (r6rs-open filename (file-options->mode file-options O_WRONLY) buffer-mode maybe-transcoder)) (define (call-with-string-output-port proc) "Call @var{proc}, passing it a string output port. When @var{proc} returns, return the characters accumulated in that port." (let ((port (open-output-string))) (proc port) (get-output-string port))) (define (make-custom-textual-output-port id write! get-position set-position! close) (make-soft-port (vector (lambda (c) (write! (string c) 0 1)) (lambda (s) (write! s 0 (string-length s))) #f ;flush #f ;read character close) "w")) (define (output-port-buffer-mode port) "Return @code{none} if @var{port} is unbuffered, @code{line} if it is line buffered, or @code{block} otherwise." (let ((buffering (bytevector-length (port-buffer-bytevector (port-write-buffer port))))) (cond ((= buffering 1) 'none) ((port-line-buffered? port) 'line) (else 'block)))) (define (flush-output-port port) (force-output port)) ;;; ;;; Textual output. ;;; (define-condition-type &i/o-encoding &i/o-port make-i/o-encoding-error i/o-encoding-error? (char i/o-encoding-error-char)) (define-syntax with-i/o-encoding-error (syntax-rules () "Convert Guile throws to `encoding-error' to `&i/o-encoding'." ((_ body ...) ;; XXX: This is heavyweight for small functions like `put-char'. (with-throw-handler 'encoding-error (lambda () (begin body ...)) (lambda (key subr message errno port chr) (raise (make-i/o-encoding-error port chr))))))) (define (put-char port char) (with-textual-output-conditions port (write-char char port))) (define (put-datum port datum) (with-textual-output-conditions port (write datum port))) (define* (put-string port s #:optional start count) (with-textual-output-conditions port (cond ((not (string? s)) (assertion-violation 'put-string "expected string" s)) ((and start count) (display (substring/shared s start (+ start count)) port)) (start (display (substring/shared s start (string-length s)) port)) (else (display s port))))) ;; Defined here to be able to make use of `with-i/o-encoding-error', but ;; not exported from here, but from `(rnrs io simple)'. (define* (display object #:optional (port (current-output-port))) (with-textual-output-conditions port (guile:display object port))) ;;; ;;; Textual input. ;;; (define-condition-type &i/o-decoding &i/o-port make-i/o-decoding-error i/o-decoding-error?) (define-syntax with-i/o-decoding-error (syntax-rules () "Convert Guile throws to `decoding-error' to `&i/o-decoding'." ((_ body ...) ;; XXX: This is heavyweight for small functions like `get-char' and ;; `lookahead-char'. (with-throw-handler 'decoding-error (lambda () (begin body ...)) (lambda (key subr message errno port) (raise (make-i/o-decoding-error port))))))) (define (get-char port) (with-textual-input-conditions port (read-char port))) (define (get-datum port) (with-textual-input-conditions port (read port))) (define (get-line port) (with-textual-input-conditions port (read-line port 'trim))) (define (get-string-all port) (with-textual-input-conditions port (read-string port))) (define (get-string-n port count) "Read up to @var{count} characters from @var{port}. If no characters could be read before encountering the end of file, return the end-of-file object, otherwise return a string containing the characters read." (let* ((s (make-string count)) (rv (get-string-n! port s 0 count))) (cond ((eof-object? rv) rv) ((= rv count) s) (else (substring/shared s 0 rv))))) (define (lookahead-char port) (with-textual-input-conditions port (peek-char port))) ;;; ;;; Standard ports. ;;; (define (standard-input-port) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (dup->inport 0))) (define (standard-output-port) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (dup->outport 1))) (define (standard-error-port) (with-fluids ((%default-port-encoding #f)) (dup->outport 2))) ) ;;; ports.scm ends here