# typed: strict # frozen_string_literal: true module RubyLsp module Requests #  # # The [code action resolve](https://microsoft.github.io/language-server-protocol/specification#codeAction_resolve) # request is used to to resolve the edit field for a given code action, if it is not already provided in the # textDocument/codeAction response. We can use it for scenarios that require more computation such as refactoring. # # # Example: Extract to variable # # ```ruby # # Before: # 1 + 1 # Select the text and use Refactor: Extract Variable # # # After: # new_variable = 1 + 1 # new_variable # # ``` # class CodeActionResolve < Request extend T::Sig include Support::Common NEW_VARIABLE_NAME = "new_variable" NEW_METHOD_NAME = "new_method" class CodeActionError < StandardError; end class Error < ::T::Enum enums do EmptySelection = new InvalidTargetRange = new UnknownCodeAction = new end end sig { params(document: RubyDocument, code_action: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped]).void } def initialize(document, code_action) super() @document = document @code_action = code_action end sig { override.returns(T.any(Interface::CodeAction, Error)) } def perform return Error::EmptySelection if @document.source.empty? case @code_action[:title] when CodeActions::EXTRACT_TO_VARIABLE_TITLE refactor_variable when CodeActions::EXTRACT_TO_METHOD_TITLE refactor_method when CodeActions::TOGGLE_BLOCK_STYLE_TITLE switch_block_style else Error::UnknownCodeAction end end private sig { returns(T.any(Interface::CodeAction, Error)) } def switch_block_style source_range = @code_action.dig(:data, :range) return Error::EmptySelection if source_range[:start] == source_range[:end] target = @document.locate_first_within_range( @code_action.dig(:data, :range), node_types: [Prism::CallNode], ) return Error::InvalidTargetRange unless target.is_a?(Prism::CallNode) node = target.block return Error::InvalidTargetRange unless node.is_a?(Prism::BlockNode) indentation = " " * target.location.start_column unless node.opening_loc.slice == "do" Interface::CodeAction.new( title: CodeActions::TOGGLE_BLOCK_STYLE_TITLE, edit: Interface::WorkspaceEdit.new( document_changes: [ Interface::TextDocumentEdit.new( text_document: Interface::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.new( uri: @code_action.dig(:data, :uri), version: nil, ), edits: [ Interface::TextEdit.new( range: range_from_location(node.location), new_text: recursively_switch_nested_block_styles(node, indentation), ), ], ), ], ), ) end sig { returns(T.any(Interface::CodeAction, Error)) } def refactor_variable source_range = @code_action.dig(:data, :range) return Error::EmptySelection if source_range[:start] == source_range[:end] scanner = @document.create_scanner start_index = scanner.find_char_position(source_range[:start]) end_index = scanner.find_char_position(source_range[:end]) extracted_source = T.must(@document.source[start_index...end_index]) # Find the closest statements node, so that we place the refactor in a valid position node_context = @document .locate(@document.parse_result.value, start_index, node_types: [Prism::StatementsNode, Prism::BlockNode]) closest_statements = node_context.node parent_statements = node_context.parent return Error::InvalidTargetRange if closest_statements.nil? || closest_statements.child_nodes.compact.empty? # Find the node with the end line closest to the requested position, so that we can place the refactor # immediately after that closest node closest_node = T.must(closest_statements.child_nodes.compact.min_by do |node| distance = source_range.dig(:start, :line) - (node.location.end_line - 1) distance <= 0 ? Float::INFINITY : distance end) return Error::InvalidTargetRange if closest_node.is_a?(Prism::MissingNode) closest_node_loc = closest_node.location # If the parent expression is a single line block, then we have to extract it inside of the oneline block if parent_statements.is_a?(Prism::BlockNode) && parent_statements.location.start_line == parent_statements.location.end_line variable_source = " #{NEW_VARIABLE_NAME} = #{extracted_source};" character = source_range.dig(:start, :character) - 1 target_range = { start: { line: closest_node_loc.end_line - 1, character: character }, end: { line: closest_node_loc.end_line - 1, character: character }, } else # If the closest node covers the requested location, then we're extracting a statement nested inside of it. In # that case, we want to place the extraction at the start of the closest node (one line above). Otherwise, we # want to place the extract right below the closest node if closest_node_loc.start_line - 1 <= source_range.dig( :start, :line, ) && closest_node_loc.end_line - 1 >= source_range.dig(:end, :line) indentation_line_number = closest_node_loc.start_line - 1 target_line = indentation_line_number else target_line = closest_node_loc.end_line indentation_line_number = closest_node_loc.end_line - 1 end lines = @document.source.lines indentation_line = lines[indentation_line_number] return Error::InvalidTargetRange unless indentation_line indentation = T.must(indentation_line[/\A */]).size target_range = { start: { line: target_line, character: indentation }, end: { line: target_line, character: indentation }, } line = lines[target_line] return Error::InvalidTargetRange unless line variable_source = if line.strip.empty? "\n#{" " * indentation}#{NEW_VARIABLE_NAME} = #{extracted_source}" else "#{NEW_VARIABLE_NAME} = #{extracted_source}\n#{" " * indentation}" end end Interface::CodeAction.new( title: CodeActions::EXTRACT_TO_VARIABLE_TITLE, edit: Interface::WorkspaceEdit.new( document_changes: [ Interface::TextDocumentEdit.new( text_document: Interface::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.new( uri: @code_action.dig(:data, :uri), version: nil, ), edits: [ create_text_edit(source_range, NEW_VARIABLE_NAME), create_text_edit(target_range, variable_source), ], ), ], ), ) end sig { returns(T.any(Interface::CodeAction, Error)) } def refactor_method source_range = @code_action.dig(:data, :range) return Error::EmptySelection if source_range[:start] == source_range[:end] scanner = @document.create_scanner start_index = scanner.find_char_position(source_range[:start]) end_index = scanner.find_char_position(source_range[:end]) extracted_source = T.must(@document.source[start_index...end_index]) # Find the closest method declaration node, so that we place the refactor in a valid position node_context = @document.locate(@document.parse_result.value, start_index, node_types: [Prism::DefNode]) closest_def = T.cast(node_context.node, Prism::DefNode) return Error::InvalidTargetRange if closest_def.nil? end_keyword_loc = closest_def.end_keyword_loc return Error::InvalidTargetRange if end_keyword_loc.nil? end_line = end_keyword_loc.end_line - 1 character = end_keyword_loc.end_column indentation = " " * end_keyword_loc.start_column target_range = { start: { line: end_line, character: character }, end: { line: end_line, character: character }, } new_method_source = <<~RUBY.chomp #{indentation}def #{NEW_METHOD_NAME} #{indentation} #{extracted_source} #{indentation}end RUBY Interface::CodeAction.new( title: CodeActions::EXTRACT_TO_METHOD_TITLE, edit: Interface::WorkspaceEdit.new( document_changes: [ Interface::TextDocumentEdit.new( text_document: Interface::OptionalVersionedTextDocumentIdentifier.new( uri: @code_action.dig(:data, :uri), version: nil, ), edits: [ create_text_edit(target_range, new_method_source), create_text_edit(source_range, NEW_METHOD_NAME), ], ), ], ), ) end sig { params(range: T::Hash[Symbol, T.untyped], new_text: String).returns(Interface::TextEdit) } def create_text_edit(range, new_text) Interface::TextEdit.new( range: Interface::Range.new( start: Interface::Position.new(line: range.dig(:start, :line), character: range.dig(:start, :character)), end: Interface::Position.new(line: range.dig(:end, :line), character: range.dig(:end, :character)), ), new_text: new_text, ) end sig { params(node: Prism::BlockNode, indentation: T.nilable(String)).returns(String) } def recursively_switch_nested_block_styles(node, indentation) parameters = node.parameters body = node.body # We use the indentation to differentiate between do...end and brace style blocks because only the do...end # style requires the indentation to build the edit. # # If the block is using `do...end` style, we change it to a single line brace block. Newlines are turned into # semi colons, so that the result is valid Ruby code and still a one liner. If the block is using brace style, # we do the opposite and turn it into a `do...end` block, making all semi colons into newlines. source = +"" if indentation source << "do" source << " #{parameters.slice}" if parameters source << "\n#{indentation} " source << switch_block_body(body, indentation) if body source << "\n#{indentation}end" else source << "{ " source << "#{parameters.slice} " if parameters source << switch_block_body(body, nil) if body source << "}" end source end sig { params(body: Prism::Node, indentation: T.nilable(String)).returns(String) } def switch_block_body(body, indentation) # Check if there are any nested blocks inside of the current block body_loc = body.location nested_block = @document.locate_first_within_range( { start: { line: body_loc.start_line - 1, character: body_loc.start_column }, end: { line: body_loc.end_line - 1, character: body_loc.end_column }, }, node_types: [Prism::BlockNode], ) body_content = body.slice.dup # If there are nested blocks, then we change their style too and we have to mutate the string using the # relative position in respect to the beginning of the body if nested_block.is_a?(Prism::BlockNode) location = nested_block.location correction_start = location.start_offset - body_loc.start_offset correction_end = location.end_offset - body_loc.start_offset next_indentation = indentation ? "#{indentation} " : nil body_content[correction_start...correction_end] = recursively_switch_nested_block_styles(nested_block, next_indentation) end indentation ? body_content.gsub(";", "\n") : "#{body_content.gsub("\n", ";")} " end end end end