# et-orbi credits * Mayur Dave https://github.com/mdave16 reported trailing warning, gh-10 * Phil Ross https://github.com/philr added support for upcoming TZInfo 2.x, gh-9 * Miles Lane https://github.com/mileslane issue with ActiveSupport::TimeZone, gh-8 * Chris Arcand https://github.com/chrisarcand shew various issues around America/Chicago on OSX, gh-4 * Jeremy Strouse https://github.com/jstrouse helped alleviate issue with older versions of TZInfo See also https://github.com/floraison/et-orbi/graphs/contributors ## since rufus-scheduler Many thanks to all the rufus-scheduler contributors and people who gave feedback. https://github.com/jmettraux/rufus-scheduler/blob/master/CREDITS.txt