# v0.2.18 - Merge [#96 Handle roles_path for role dependencies as well](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/96) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) # v0.2.17 - Merge [#90 Check if all array elements have a name](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/90) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) - Merge [#91 Parse roledirs from ansible.cfg](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/91) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) - Merge [#92 should use winrm < v2.1.1 at ruby 1.9.3](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/92) by volanja - Merge [#93 #89 use ENV['SSH_CONFIG_FILE'] or ssh_args at ansible_cfg](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/93) by volanja Original idea [#89 set a option, it can select file of SSH-configration](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/89) by [gigathlete](https://github.com/gigathlete) - Merge [add test at ruby 2.4.0 & 2.3.3 & 2.2.6 (drop test 2.3.1 & 2.2.5)](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/94) by volanja # v0.2.16 - Merge [#88 fix nil dependencies](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/88) by [developerinlondon](https://github.com/developerinlondon) - Merge [#87 added .DS_Store to gitignore](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/87) by [developerinlondon](https://github.com/developerinlondon) - Merge [#85 #84 modify variable expansion](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/85) by volanja - Merge [#84 On errors print the playbook name](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/84) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) - Merge [#83 Handle "simple" role dependencies](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/83) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) - Merge [#82 Handle directories with vars as well](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/82) by [agx](https://github.com/agx) - Merge [#78 should use json v1.8.3 at ruby 1.9.3](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/78) by volanja - Merge [#77 support ansible_host, ansible_user, ansible_port](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/77) by volanja # v0.2.15 - Merge [Add .rspec when run `ansiblespec-init`](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/76) by volanja # v0.2.14 - Merge [Fix NoMethodError at get_variables](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/75) by [hico-horiuchi](https://github.com/hico-horiuchi) # v0.2.13 - Merge [Dynamic Inventory use multiple hosts, lookup group children dependency group_vars.](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/73) by [guyon](https://github.com/guyon) # v0.2.12 - Merge [Support deep merge for variable](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/72) by [okamototk](https://github.com/okamototk) # v0.2.11 - Merge [Support Windows](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/68) by [takuyakawabuchi](https://github.com/takuyakawabuchi) # v0.2.10 - Merge [support group and host variables without yml extention.](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/66) by [okamototk](https://github.com/okamototk) # v0.2.9 - Merge [#65 return an empty array when the group has no hosts in it](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/65) by [franmrl](https://github.com/franmrl) # v0.2.8 - Merge [#60 Support ansible variable in playbook partially](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/60) by [okamototk](https://github.com/okamototk) # v0.2.7 - Fix [#55 Connection fails where dynamic inventory has basic host list](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/55) by [temyers](https://github.com/temyers) - Merge [#59 Issue55 fail dynamic inventory](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/59) # v0.2.6 - Merge [#53 Execute tests for dependent roles](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/53) by [Gerrrr](https://github.com/Gerrrr) # v0.2.5 - Merge [#51 Handle hosts which are not assigned to any group](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/51) by [Gerrrr](https://github.com/Gerrrr) # v0.2.4 - Fix [#50 do not fail on no hosts matched](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/pull/50) by [phiche](https://github.com/phiche) # v0.2.3 - Fix [#47 NoMethodError: undefined method 'each' for nil:NilClass if inventory has "roles"=>[]](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/47) by [phiche](https://github.com/phiche) # v0.2.2 - Fix [#43 Enable to set only either of `PLAYBOOK` or `INVENTORY`.](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/43) by [akagisho](https://github.com/akagisho) - Fix [#45 ansible_spec cannot use ec2.py dynamic inventory](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/45) by [phiche](https://github.com/phiche) # v0.2.1 - fix [#27 check name on playbook](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/27) - Add Test - 2.1.6 - 2.2.2 - Delete Test - 2.1.0 - 2.1.1 - 2.2.0 - 2.2.1 # v0.2 - fix [#24 Support ENV](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/24) ``` Example: $ PLAYBOOK=site.yml INVENTORY=hosts rake serverspec:Ansible-Sample-TDD ``` # v0.1.1 fix [#22 NameError: uninitialized constant AnsibleSpec::Open3](https://github.com/volanja/ansible_spec/issues/22) # v0.1 - Support Serverspec v2 - Simplification Rakefile and Modularization. Because of Improvement of testability. - Support InventoryParameters - ansible_ssh_port - ansible_ssh_user - ansible_ssh_host - ansible_ssh_private_key_file - Support [hostlist expressions](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_inventory.html#hosts-and-groups) - Support DynamicInventory This gem created template file until v0.0.1.4, But it was modularized on v0.1. Because module is easy to unit-test and Rakefile is simple. If you want old release that can create template, use `gem install ansible_spec -v` But I can't support(Bug fix, Add feature) old release. ## VersionUp from v0.0.1.4 to v0.1 ``` $ rm Rakefile $ rm spec/spec_helper.md $ ansiblespec-init ``` # v0.0.1.3 - Support `.ansiblespec`