require File.expand_path('../../lib/rest-assured/config', __FILE__) require 'rack' require 'openssl' require 'webrick' require 'enumerator' module RestAssured describe Config do before do end context 'builds config from user options' do #this is thoroughly covered in cucumber (since there it also serves documentation purposes) end context 'when included in Application' do let(:app) { mock(:app).as_null_object } it 'initializes logger' do Config.stub(:setup_db) logger = double(:logger).as_null_object AppConfig.stub(:logfile).and_return('test.log') Logger.should_receive(:new).with('test.log').and_return(logger) Config.included(app) end context 'db setup' do it 'connects db' do Config.stub(:init_logger) Config.stub(:migrate_db) # so it does not complain AppConfig.stub(:db_config).and_return('db_config') ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:establish_connection).with('db_config') Config.included(app) end context 'active_record logging' do let(:logger) { double(:logger).as_null_object } before do Config.stub(:migrate_db) Config.stub(:connect_db) end it 'is silenced in production' do AppConfig.stub(:environment).and_return('production') Logger.should_receive(:new).with(Config.dev_null).and_return(logger) ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:logger=).with(logger) Config.setup_db end it 'is set to app logger for non production' do AppConfig.stub(:environment).and_return('test') AppConfig.stub(:logger).and_return(logger) ActiveRecord::Base.should_receive(:logger=).with(logger) Config.setup_db end end it 'runs migrations' do Config.stub(:connect_db) # so it does not complain ActiveRecord::Migrator.should_receive(:migrate) Config.setup_db end end it 'sets up environment' do app.should_receive(:set).with(:environment, AppConfig.environment) Config.included(app) end it 'sets up port' do app.should_receive(:set).with(:port, AppConfig.port) Config.included(app) end it 'connects logger to application' do logger = double(:logger).as_null_object AppConfig.stub(:logger).and_return(logger) app.should_receive(:enable).with(:logging) app.should_receive(:use).with(Rack::CommonLogger, logger) Config.included(app) end context 'when ssl true' do before do AppConfig.stub(:ssl).and_return(true) end it 'makes sure only webrick can be used' do app.should_receive(:set).with(:server, %[webrick]) Config.included(app) end it 'sets up webrick ssl' do OpenSSL::X509::Certificate.stub(:new).with( AppConfig.ssl_cert ) ).and_return('ssl_cert') OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.stub(:new).with( AppConfig.ssl_key ) ).and_return('ssl_key') ssl_config = { :SSLEnable => true, :SSLCertificate => 'ssl_cert', :SSLPrivateKey => 'ssl_key', :SSLCertName => [ ["CN", WEBrick::Utils::getservername] ], :SSLVerifyClient => OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE } app.should_receive(:set).with(:webrick, hash_including(ssl_config)) Config.included(app) end it 'does all that only if ssl true' do AppConfig.stub(:ssl).and_return(false) app.should_not_receive(:set).with(:webrick, anything) Config.included(app) end end end context 'cmd args array conversion' do it 'converts true values in form of "value" => ["--#{value}"]' do => true) Config.to_cmdargs.should == ['--ssl'] end it 'does not include false values' do => false) Config.to_cmdargs.should_not include('--ssl') end it 'converts key value pairs in form of "key => value" => ["--#{key}", "value"]' do => 1234, :database => ':memory:') Config.to_cmdargs.each_slice(2) do |a| (a == ['--port', '1234'] || a == ['--database', ':memory:']).should == true end end end end end