module FHIR module Boot class Generator attr_accessor :lib attr_accessor :defn # templates keeps track of all the templates in context within a given StructureDefinition attr_accessor :templates def initialize(auto_setup = true) # load the valueset expansions @defn = FHIR::Definitions # templates is an array @templates = [] setup if auto_setup end def setup # make folders for generated content if they do not exist @lib = File.expand_path '..', File.dirname(File.absolute_path(__FILE__)) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@lib, 'fhir')) unless Dir.exist?(File.join(@lib, 'fhir')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', 'types')) unless Dir.exist?(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', 'types')) Dir.mkdir(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', 'resources')) unless Dir.exist?(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', 'resources')) # delete previously generated folder contents Dir.glob(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', '*')).each { |f| File.delete(f) unless } Dir.glob(File.join(@lib, 'fhir', '**', '*')).each { |f| File.delete(f) unless } end def generate_metadata template =[], true) primitives = @defn.get_primitive_types hash = {} primitives.each do |p| field = = nil # try to find the element that describes the value type = p['snapshot']['element'].select { |e| e['path'].end_with?('.value') }.first['type'].first # try to find the JSON data type ext = type['_code']['extension'].find { |e| e['url'] == '' } field.type = ext ? ext['valueString'] : 'string' # try to find a regex if type['extension'] ext = type['extension'].find { |e| e['url'] == '' } field.regex = ext['valueString'] if ext end hash[p['id']] = field.serialize end template.constants['PRIMITIVES'] = hash template.constants['TYPES'] = { |t| t['id'] } # resources template.constants['RESOURCES'] = { |r| r['id'] } filename = File.join(@lib, 'fhir', 'metadata.rb') file =, 'w:UTF-8') file.write(template.to_s) file.close end def generate_types folder = File.join @lib, 'fhir', 'types' # complex data types start with an uppercase letter # and we'll filter out profiles on types (for example, Age is a profile on Quantity) complex_types = @defn.get_complex_types generate_class_files(folder, complex_types) end def generate_resources folder = File.join @lib, 'fhir', 'resources' generate_class_files(folder, @defn.get_resource_definitions) end def generate_class_files(folder = @lib, structure_defs = []) structure_defs.each do |structure_def| @templates.clear type_name = structure_def['id'] template = generate_class([type_name], structure_def, true) params = @defn.get_search_parameters(type_name) template.constants['SEARCH_PARAMS'] = params unless params.nil? filename = File.join(folder, "#{type_name}.rb") file =, 'w:UTF-8') file.write(template.to_s) file.close end end def cap_first(string) t = t[0] = t[0].upcase t end def generate_class(hierarchy, structure_def, top_level = false) type_name = structure_def['id'] constrained_type = structure_def['constrained_type'] path_type = type_name path_type = constrained_type if constrained_type template =[type_name], top_level) template.hierarchy = hierarchy template.kind = structure_def['kind'] return template if structure_def['snapshot'].nil? || structure_def['snapshot']['element'].nil? multiple_data_types = {} # examine the snapshot.elements... move the Element and BackboneElements, # and their children, into separate StructureDefiniton hashes and process as # child templates. child_templates = [] structure_def['snapshot']['element'].each do |element| # skip the first element next if element['path'] == path_type next unless element['type'] unique_types = element['type'].map { |t| t['code'] }.uniq if unique_types.include?('Element') || unique_types.include?('BackboneElement') child_templates << element['path'] end end # now build the child templates... child_templates.each do |child_name| child_fixed_name = cap_first(child_name.gsub("#{type_name}.", '')) next if child_fixed_name.include?('.') child_def = { 'id' => child_fixed_name, 'snapshot' => { 'element' => [] } } # Copy the element definitions for the child structure structure_def['snapshot']['element'].each do |element| child_def['snapshot']['element'] << element.clone if element['path'].start_with?("#{child_name}.") end # Remove the child elements child_paths = child_def['snapshot']['element'].map { |e| e['path'] } # child_paths = child_paths.drop(1) structure_def['snapshot']['element'].keep_if do |element| !child_paths.include?(element['path']) end # Rename the child paths child_def['snapshot']['element'].each do |element| element['path'] = element['path'].gsub(child_name, child_fixed_name) end # add the child child_hierarchy = hierarchy + [child_fixed_name] child_klass = generate_class(child_hierarchy, child_def) template.templates << child_klass @templates << child_klass end # Process the remaining attributes (none of which are Elements or BackboneElements) structure_def['snapshot']['element'].each do |element| # skip the first element next if element['path'] == path_type field_base_name = element['path'].gsub("#{path_type}.", '') # If the element has a type, treat it as a datatype or resource # If not, treat it as a reference to an already declared internal class if !element['type'].nil? # profiles contains a list of profiles if the datatype is Reference or Extension profiles = [] element['type'].select { |t| t['code'] == 'Reference' || t['code'] == 'Extension' }.each do |data_type| profiles << data_type['profile'] end! { |p| !p.nil? } profiles.flatten! # Calculate fields that have multiple data types if element['type'].length > 1 fieldname = field_base_name.gsub('[x]', '') unique_types = element['type'].map { |t| t['code'] }.uniq multiple_data_types[fieldname] = unique_types if unique_types.length > 1 end # generate a field for each valid datatype... this is for things like Resource.attribute[x] element['type'].map { |t| t['code'] }.uniq.each do |data_type| capitalized = cap_first(data_type) fieldname = field_base_name.gsub('[x]', capitalized) field = field.path = element['path'].gsub(path_type, type_name) field.type = data_type field.type = 'Extension' if field.path.end_with?('extension') field.type_profiles = profiles if data_type == 'Reference' || data_type == 'Extension' field.min = element['min'] field.max = element['max'] field.max = field.max.to_i field.max = '*' if element['max'] == '*' if %w(code Coding CodeableConcept).include?(data_type) && element['binding'] field.binding = element['binding'] field.binding['uri'] = field.binding['valueSetUri'] field.binding['uri'] = field.binding['valueSetReference'] if field.binding['uri'].nil? field.binding['uri'] = field.binding['uri']['reference'] if field.binding['uri'].is_a?(Hash) field.binding.delete('valueSetUri') field.binding.delete('valueSetReference') field.binding.delete('description') field.binding.delete('extension') # set the actual code list codes = @defn.get_codes(field.binding['uri']) field.valid_codes = codes unless codes.nil? FHIR.logger.warn " MISSING EXPANSION -- #{field.path} #{field.min}..#{field.max}: #{field.binding['uri']} (#{field.binding['strength']})" if field.valid_codes.empty? && field.binding['uri'] && !field.binding['uri'].end_with?('bcp47') && !field.binding['uri'].end_with?('bcp13.txt') elsif %w(Element BackboneElement).include?(data_type) # This is a nested structure or class field.type = "#{hierarchy.join('::')}::#{cap_first(}" end template.fields << field end else # If there is no data type, treat the type as a reference to an already declared internal class field = field.path = element['path'].gsub(path_type, type_name) field.type = element['contentReference'] field.type = field.type[1..-1] if field.type[0] == '#' if hierarchy.last == field.type # reference to self field.type = hierarchy.join('::').to_s else # reference to contained template klass = { |x| x.hierarchy.last == field.type }.first field.type = if !klass.nil? # the template/child class was declared somewhere else in this class hierarchy klass.hierarchy.join('::') else # the template/child is a direct ancester (it isn't in @templates yet because it is being defined now) field.type.split('.').map { |x| cap_first(x) }.join('::') end end field.min = element['min'] field.max = element['max'] field.max = field.max.to_i field.max = '*' if element['max'] == '*' template.fields << field end end template.constants['MULTIPLE_TYPES'] = multiple_data_types unless multiple_data_types.empty? template end end end end