# Copyright (c) 2008 Michael Fellinger m.fellinger@gmail.com # All files in this distribution are subject to the terms of the Ruby license. module Ramaze class Action def stack Action.stack << self yield self rescue Object => ex Log.error "#{ex} in: #{self}" raise ex ensure Action.stack.pop end # Render this instance of Action, this will (eventually) pass itself to # Action#engine.transform # Usage, given that Foo is a Controller and has the method/template # for index: # > Action(:controller => Foo).render # #> 'bar' def render Log.dev("Action: #{self}") stack do if should_cache? cached_render else uncached_render end end end private # Return the cached output of the action if it exists, otherwise do a # normal Action#uncached_render and store the output in the Cache.actions. # Action#cached_render is only called if Action#should_cache? returns # true. def cached_render if Global.file_cache cached_render_file else cached_render_memory end end def cached_render_file rendered = uncached_render global_epath = Global.public_root/self.controller.mapping/extended_path FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(global_epath)) File.open(global_epath, 'w+') {|fp| fp.print(rendered) } rendered end def cached_render_memory action_cache = Cache.actions full_path = self.controller.mapping/extended_path # backwards compat with trait :actions_cached => [] cache_opts = actions_cached.is_a?(Hash) ? actions_cached[path.to_sym] : {} if cache_opts[:key] action_cache[full_path] ||= {} cache = action_cache[full_path][ cache_opts[:key].call ] ||= {} else cache = action_cache[full_path] ||= {} end if cache.size > 0 and (cache_opts[:ttl].nil? or cache[:time] + cache_opts[:ttl] > Time.now) Log.debug("Using Cached version") Response.current['Content-Type'] = cache[:type] else Log.debug("Compiling Action") cache.replace({ :time => Time.now, :content => uncached_render, :type => Response.current['Content-Type'] }) end cache[:content] end # The 'normal' rendering process. Passes the Action instance to # Action#engine.transform, which returns the output of the action. # Layout will be found and rendered in this step after self was rendered. def uncached_render before_process content = engine.transform(self) if path and tlayout = layout [instance, tlayout.instance].each do |i| i.instance_variable_set("@content", content) end content = tlayout.render end content ensure after_process unless $! end # Determine whether or not we have a layout to process and sets it up # correctly to be rendered in the same context as current action. Will # return false if the layout is the same as current action to avoid # infinite recursion and also if no layout on this controller or its # ancestors was found. def layout return false unless layouts = controller.ancestral_trait[:layout] possible = [layouts[path], layouts[:all]].compact denied = layouts[:deny].to_a if layout = possible.first if layout.to_s !~ /\A\// # late bind layout action to current controller layout = R(controller, layout) end layout_action = Controller.resolve(layout) return false if denied.any?{|deny| deny === path} or layout_action.path == path if layout_action.controller != controller instance.instance_variables.each do |x| if layout_action.instance.instance_variable_defined?(x) Log.warn "overwriting instance variable #{x} from layout controller with instance variable from action controller." end layout_action.instance.instance_variable_set(x, instance.instance_variable_get(x)) end else layout_action.binding = binding layout_action.controller = controller layout_action.instance = instance end layout_action.path = nil layout_action end end def actions_cached controller.trait[:actions_cached] end # return true if the action is flagged for caching. Called by # Action#render. def should_cache? ctrait = controller.trait [ Global.cache_all, ctrait[:cache_all], actions_cached.map{|k,v| k.to_s}.include?(method), ].any? end end end