require 'spec_helper' require 'ohai' module Omnibus describe Project do subject do do name 'sample' friendly_name 'Sample Project' install_dir '/sample' maintainer 'Sample Devs' homepage '' build_version '1.0' build_iteration 1 extra_package_file '/path/to/sample_dir' extra_package_file '/path/to/file.conf' resources_path 'sample/project/resources' end end it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :name, %|name 'chef'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :friendly_name, %|friendly_name 'Chef'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :maintainer, %|maintainer 'Chef Software, Inc'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :homepage, %|homepage ''| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :description, %|description 'Installs the thing'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :replace, %|replace 'old-chef'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :conflict, %|conflict 'puppet'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :build_version, %|build_version '1.2.3'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :build_iteration, %|build_iteration 1| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :package_user, %|package_user 'chef'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :package_group, %|package_group 'chef'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :override, %|override :chefdk, source: ''| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :resources_path, %|resources_path '/path'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :package_scripts_path, %|package_scripts_path '/path/scripts'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :dependency, %|dependency 'libxslt-dev'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :runtime_dependency, %|runtime_dependency 'libxslt'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :exclude, %|exclude 'hamlet'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :config_file, %|config_file '/path/to/config.rb'| it_behaves_like 'a cleanroom setter', :extra_package_file, %|extra_package_file '/path/to/asset'| describe 'basics' do it 'returns a name' do expect( eq('sample') end it 'returns an install_dir' do expect(subject.install_dir).to eq('/sample') end it 'returns a maintainer' do expect(subject.maintainer).to eq('Sample Devs') end it 'returns a homepage' do expect(subject.homepage).to eq('') end it 'returns a build version' do expect(subject.build_version).to eq('1.0') end it 'returns a build iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end it 'returns an array of files and dirs' do expect(subject.extra_package_files).to eq(['/path/to/sample_dir', '/path/to/file.conf']) end it 'returns a friendly_name' do expect(subject.friendly_name).to eq('Sample Project') end it 'returns a resources_path' do expect(subject.resources_path).to include('sample/project/resources') end end describe '#install_dir' do it 'removes duplicate slashes' do subject.install_dir('///opt//chef') expect(subject.install_dir).to eq('/opt/chef') end it 'converts Windows slashes to Ruby ones' do subject.install_dir('C:\\chef\\chefdk') expect(subject.install_dir).to eq('C:/chef/chefdk') end it 'removes trailing slashes' do subject.install_dir('/opt/chef//') expect(subject.install_dir).to eq('/opt/chef') end it 'is a DSL method' do expect(subject).to have_exposed_method(:install_dir) end end describe '#default_root' do context 'on Windows' do before { stub_ohai(platform: 'windows', version: '2012') } it 'returns C:/' do expect(subject.default_root).to eq('C:') end end context 'on non-Windows' do before { stub_ohai(platform: 'ubuntu', version: '12.04') } it 'returns /opt' do expect(subject.default_root).to eq('/opt') end end it 'is a DSL method' do expect(subject).to have_exposed_method(:default_root) end end describe '#dirty!' do it 'dirties the cache' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@dirty, nil) subject.dirty! expect(subject).to be_dirty end end describe '#dirty?' do it 'returns true by default' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@dirty, nil) expect(subject).to_not be_dirty end it 'returns true when the cache is dirty' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@dirty, true) expect(subject).to be_dirty end it 'returns false when the cache is not dirty' do subject.instance_variable_set(:@dirty, false) expect(subject).to_not be_dirty end end describe '#<=>' do let(:chefdk) { { |p|'chefdk') } } let(:chef) { { |p|'chef') } } let(:ruby) { { |p|'ruby') } } it 'compares projects by name' do list = [chefdk, chef, ruby] expect( eq(%w(chef chefdk ruby)) end end describe '#build_iteration' do let(:fauxhai_options) { } before { stub_ohai(fauxhai_options) } context 'when on RHEL' do let(:fauxhai_options) { { platform: 'redhat', version: '6.4' } } it 'returns a RHEL iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end end context 'when on Debian' do let(:fauxhai_options) { { platform: 'debian', version: '7.2' } } it 'returns a Debian iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end end context 'when on FreeBSD' do let(:fauxhai_options) { { platform: 'freebsd', version: '9.1' } } it 'returns a FreeBSD iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end end context 'when on Windows' do before { stub_ohai(platform: 'windows', version: '2008R2') } before { stub_const('File::ALT_SEPARATOR', '\\') } it 'returns a Windows iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end end context 'when on OS X' do let(:fauxhai_options) { { platform: 'mac_os_x', version: '10.8.2' } } it 'returns a generic iteration' do expect(subject.build_iteration).to eq(1) end end end describe '#overrides' do before { subject.overrides.clear } it 'sets all the things through #overrides' do subject.override(:thing, version: '6.6.6') expect(subject.override(:zlib)).to be_nil end it 'retrieves the things set through #overrides' do subject.override(:thing, version: '6.6.6') expect(subject.override(:thing)[:version]).to eq('6.6.6') end end describe '#ohai' do before { stub_ohai(platform: 'ubuntu', version: '12.04') } it 'is a DSL method' do expect(subject).to have_exposed_method(:ohai) end it 'delegates to the Ohai class' do expect(subject.ohai).to be(Ohai) end end describe '#packager' do it 'returns a packager object' do expect(subject.packager).to be_a(Packager::Base) end it 'calls Packager#for_current_system' do expect(Packager).to receive(:for_current_system) .and_call_original subject.packager end end describe '#package' do it 'raises an exception when a block is not given' do expect { subject.package(:foo) }.to raise_error(InvalidValue) end it 'adds the block to the list' do block = {} subject.package(:foo, &block) expect(subject.packagers[:foo]).to include(block) end it 'allows for multiple invocations, keeping order' do block_1, block_2 = {}, {} subject.package(:foo, &block_1) subject.package(:foo, &block_2) expect(subject.packagers[:foo]).to eq([block_1, block_2]) end end describe '#packagers' do it 'returns a Hash' do expect(subject.packagers).to be_a(Hash) end it 'has a default Hash value of an empty array' do expect(subject.packagers[:foo]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.packagers[:bar]).to_not be(subject.packagers[:foo]) end end describe '#compressor' do it 'returns a compressor object' do expect(subject.compressor).to be_a(Compressor::Base) end it 'calls Compressor#for_current_system' do expect(Compressor).to receive(:for_current_system) .and_call_original subject.compressor end it 'passes in the current compressors' do subject.compress(:dmg) subject.compress(:tgz) expect(Compressor).to receive(:for_current_system) .with([:dmg, :tgz]) .and_call_original subject.compressor end end describe '#compress' do it 'does not raises an exception when a block is not given' do expect { subject.compress(:foo) }.to_not raise_error end it 'adds the compressor to the list' do subject.compress(:foo) expect(subject.compressors).to include(:foo) end it 'adds the block to the list' do block = {} subject.compress(:foo, &block) expect(subject.compressors[:foo]).to include(block) end it 'allows for multiple invocations, keeping order' do block_1, block_2 = {}, {} subject.compress(:foo, &block_1) subject.compress(:foo, &block_2) expect(subject.compressors[:foo]).to eq([block_1, block_2]) end end describe '#compressors' do it 'returns a Hash' do expect(subject.compressors).to be_a(Hash) end it 'has a default Hash value of an empty array' do expect(subject.compressors[:foo]).to be_a(Array) expect(subject.compressors[:bar]).to_not be(subject.compressors[:foo]) end end describe '#shasum' do context 'when a filepath is given' do let(:path) { '/project.rb' } let(:file) { double(File) } before do subject.instance_variable_set(:@filepath, path) allow(File).to receive(:exist?) .with(path) .and_return(true) allow(File).to receive(:open) .with(path) .and_return(file) end it 'returns the correct shasum' do expect(subject.shasum).to eq('2cb8bdd11c766caa11a37607e84ffb51af3ae3da16931988f12f7fc9de98d68e') end end context 'when a filepath is not given' do before { subject.send(:remove_instance_variable, :@filepath) } it 'returns the correct shasum' do expect(subject.shasum).to eq('3cc6bd98da4d643b79c71be2c93761a458b442e2931f7d421636f526d0c1e8bf') end end end end end