require 'test_helper' require 'simple_aws/s3' describe SimpleAWS::S3 do before do @api = "key", "secret" end it "points to the endpoint" do @api.uri.must_equal "" end it "properly builds region endpoints" do api = "key", "secret", "us-west-1" api.uri.must_equal "" end it "works with the current version" do @api.version.must_equal "2006-03-01" end describe "url_for" do it "can build an unsigned, regular URL for the requested path" do url = @api.url_for("/object", :bucket => "johnson") url.must_equal "" end it "can build a signed, expiring URL" do url = @api.url_for("/object", :bucket => "johnson", :expires => + 60) url.must_match %r[\?] url.must_match %r[Expires=#{ + 60}] url.must_match %r[AWSAccessKeyId=key] url.must_match %r[Signature=] end it "adds parameters to the path" do url = @api.url_for("/object", :bucket => "johnson", :params => {"param1" => "14"}) url.must_equal "" end it "properly handles response- parameters" do url = @api.url_for("/object", :bucket => "johnson", :params => {"response-content-type" => "text/xml"}) url.must_equal "" end it "combines parameters and signing params properly" do url = @api.url_for("/object", :bucket => "johnson", :params => {"response-content-type" => "text/xml"}, :expires => ) url.must_match %r{/johnson/object\?response-content-type=text/xml&Signature=} end end describe "API calls" do [:get, :post, :put, :delete, :head].each do |method| it "supports the #{method} HTTP method" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.method.must_equal method "" request.path.must_equal "/" true end @api.send method, "/" end end it "rebuilds the path if :bucket given" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.path.must_equal "/bucket-name/" true end @api.get "/", :bucket => "bucket-name" end it "auto-fixes path names if not preceeded by a /" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.path.must_equal "/bucket-name/object_name/that_thing.jpg" true end @api.get "object_name/that_thing.jpg", :bucket => "bucket-name" end it "takes parameters" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.params["Parameter1"].must_equal "Value2" true end @api.get "/", :params => { "Parameter1" => "Value2" } end it "handles the special response- parameters" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.path.must_equal "/?response-content-type=application/xml" request.params["response-content-type"].must_be_nil true end @api.get "/", :params => { "response-content-type" => "application/xml" } end it "takes extra headers" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.headers["Header14"].must_equal "Out to Lunch" true end @api.get "/", :headers => { "Header14" => "Out to Lunch" } end it "takes a raw body" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.body.must_equal "This is a body of text" true end @api.get "/", :body => "This is a body of text" end it "adds appropriate headers if the body has a file in it" do file ="Gemfile") SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.body.must_equal file request.headers["Content-Length"].must_equal File.size(file).to_s request.headers["Content-Type"].must_equal "application/octet-stream" request.headers["Expect"].must_equal "100-continue" true end @api.get "/", :body => file end it "calculates size of body that isn't a File (responds to read)" do raw_body = "raw data" SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.headers["Content-Length"].must_equal "8" true end @api.get "/", :body => raw_body end it "uses previously set content type if given" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.headers["Content-Type"].must_equal( "application/pdf" ) true end @api.get "/", :body =>"Gemfile"), :headers => {"Content-Type" => "application/pdf"} end it "sets the default content-type on post / put if none explicitly given" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| request.headers["Content-Type"].must_equal "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" true end @api.put "/", :body => "some random body" end it "signs the given request according to Version 3 rules" do SimpleAWS::Connection.any_instance.expects(:call).with do |request| header = request.headers["Authorization"] parts = header.split(":") parts[0].must_equal "AWS key" parts[1].wont_be_nil Time.parse(request.headers["Date"]).wont_be_nil true end.returns @api.get "/" end end end