en: activerecord: models: solidus_nexio/payment_method: Nexio solidus_nexio/alternative_payment_method: Nexio APM nexio: apms: braintree_pay_pal: name: Braintree PayPal pay_pal: name: PayPal errors: default_error: Something went wrong base: card_save_failed: Can't process the credit card token_generation_failed: Can't initialize Nexio form blank: Please fill invalid: is invalid fail_process_payment: There's an error processing the payment fail_process_card: There's an error processing the credit card fail_three_d_secure_check: '3D Secure check is failed' number: invalid: Please enter a valid card number blank: Please enter a valid card number name: blank: Please enter your name expiry: invalid: Please enter a valid date blank: Please enter a valid date capture: payment_failed: The order payment failed payment_method_mismatched: There is a mismatch in the payment method order_mismatched: There is a mismatch in the order order_in_wrong_state: The order is in the wrong state