#%RAML 0.8 title: Test! documentation: - title: Some Test Content content: | **Hello** and welcome to test content! # Very Important Heading This is all great! securitySchemes: - "Super Security": description: | This is a description of the super secure system we employ to secure our *secured* api. type: x-{other} describedBy: headers: X-SUPER-SECURE: description: Super Secure auth token type: string required: true queryParameters: auth: responses: 401: body: application/json: example: | { "error": "Whatcha doin' here?" } - "More Security": description: | This is a description of some more security we employ to secure our *secured* api. type: x-{other} traits: - teapot: usage: Used to test traits responses: 418: body: application/json: example: | { "status": "I'm a teapot" } /test_resource: post: description: An example of a schema with no inheritance is: [teapot] securedBy: ["Super Security"] body: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: formParameters: foo: description: | **Fooing** type: string example: Foo bar: description: A place to get a drink type: string application/json: /nested_test_resource: post: description: An example of a nested resource body: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: formParameters: stuff: description: Just some junk type: string example: Junk