require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper" describe Braintree::ValidationErrorCollection do describe "initialize" do it "builds an error object given an array of hashes" do hash = {:errors => [{ :attribute => "some model attribute", :code => 1, :message => "bad juju" }]} collection = error = collection[0] error.attribute.should == "some model attribute" error.code.should == 1 error.message.should == "bad juju" end end describe "for" do it "provides access to nested errors" do hash = { :errors => [{ :attribute => "some model attribute", :code => 1, :message => "bad juju" }], :nested => { :errors => [{ :attribute => "number", :code => 2, :message => "badder juju"}] } } errors = errors.for(:nested).on(:number)[0].code.should == 2 errors.for(:nested).on(:number)[0].message.should == "badder juju" errors.for(:nested).on(:number)[0].attribute.should == "number" end end describe "inspect" do it "shows the errors at the current level" do errors = => [ {:attribute => "name", :code => "code1", :message => "message1"}, {:attribute => "name", :code => "code2", :message => "message2"} ]) errors.inspect.should == "#" end it "shows errors 1 level deep" do errors = :errors => [ {:attribute => "name", :code => "code1", :message => "message1"}, ], :level1 => { :errors => [{:attribute => "name", :code => "code2", :message => "message2"}] } ) errors.inspect.should == "#" end it "shows errors 2 levels deep" do errors = :errors => [ {:attribute => "name", :code => "code1", :message => "message1"}, ], :level1 => { :errors => [{:attribute => "name", :code => "code2", :message => "message2"}], :level2 => { :errors => [{:attribute => "name", :code => "code3", :message => "message3"}], } } ) errors.inspect.should == "#" end end describe "on" do it "returns an array of errors on the given attribute" do errors = => [ {:attribute => "name", :code => 1, :message => "is too long"}, {:attribute => "name", :code => 2, :message => "contains invalid chars"}, {:attribute => "not name", :code => 3, :message => "is invalid"} ]) errors.on("name").size.should == 2 errors.on("name").map{ |e| e.code }.should == [1, 2] end it "has indifferent access" do errors = => [ { :attribute => "name", :code => 3, :message => "is too long" }, ]) errors.on(:name).size.should == 1 errors.on(:name)[0].code.should == 3 end end describe "deep_size" do it "returns the size for a non-nested collection" do errors = => [ {:attribute => "one", :code => 1, :message => "is too long"}, {:attribute => "two", :code => 2, :message => "contains invalid chars"}, {:attribute => "thr", :code => 3, :message => "is invalid"} ]) errors.deep_size.should == 3 end it "returns the size of nested errors as well" do errors = :errors => [{ :attribute => "some model attribute", :code => 1, :message => "bad juju" }], :nested => { :errors => [{ :attribute => "number", :code => 2, :message => "badder juju"}] } ) errors.deep_size.should == 2 end it "returns the size of multiple nestings of errors" do errors = :errors => [ { :attribute => "one", :code => 1, :message => "bad juju" }, { :attribute => "two", :code => 1, :message => "bad juju" }], :nested => { :errors => [{ :attribute => "three", :code => 2, :message => "badder juju"}], :nested_again => { :errors => [{ :attribute => "four", :code => 2, :message => "badder juju"}] } }, :same_level => { :errors => [{ :attribute => "five", :code => 2, :message => "badder juju"}], } ) errors.deep_size.should == 5 end end end