# Customizing the CSV format Active Admin provides CSV file downloads on the index screen for each Resource. By default it will render a CSV file with all the content columns of your registered model. Customizing the CSV format is as simple as customizing the index page. ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Post do csv do column :title column(:author) { |post| post.author.full_name } end end ``` You can also set custom CSV settings for an individual resource: ```ruby ActiveAdmin.register Post do csv force_quotes: true, col_sep: ';' do column :title column(:author) { |post| post.author.full_name } end end ``` Or system-wide: ```ruby # config/initializers/active_admin.rb # Set the CSV builder separator config.csv_options = { col_sep: ';' } # Force the use of quotes config.csv_options = { force_quotes: true } ```