en: lita: handlers: activedirectory: help: user_locked?: syntax: is locked? desc: queries active directory to see if a user is locked unlock: syntax: unlock desc: unlocks an active directory user account user_groups: syntax: groups desc: lists all group memberships for the given username replies: user_locked?: working: let me check on that locked: "looks like '%{user}' is locked" notlocked: "'%{user}' is not locked" error: "'%{user}' does not appear to be a valid user" unlock: working: lets see what we can do success: "'%{user}' has been unlocked" fail: "could not unlock '%{user}', check active directory directly" user_groups: working: Give me a second to search success: "'%{user}' is a member of" not_found: "could not find any groups that '%{user}' is a member of" error: "That did not work, double check the '%{user}' is a valid samAccountName"