require 'httparty' require 'cgi' require 'uri' require 'json' require 'hudson/config' module Hudson module Api include HTTParty headers 'content-type' => 'application/json' format :json # http_proxy 'localhost', '8888' JobAlreadyExistsError = def self.setup_base_url(options) # Thor's HashWithIndifferentAccess is based on string keys which ignores options = options.inject({}) { |mem, (key, val)| mem[key.to_sym] = val; mem } options[:host] ||= ENV['HUDSON_HOST'] options[:port] ||= ENV['HUDSON_PORT'] options[:port] &&= options[:port].to_i return false unless options[:host] || Hudson::Config.config["base_uri"] uri = options[:host] ? : Hudson::Config.config["base_uri"] base_uri uri.to_s uri end # returns true if successfully create a new job on Hudson # +job_config+ is a Hudson::JobConfigBuilder instance # +options+ are: # :override - true, will delete any existing job with same name, else error # # returns true if successful, else false # # TODO Exceptions? def self.create_job(name, job_config, options = {}) res = post "/createItem/api/xml?name=#{CGI.escape(name)}", { :body => job_config.to_xml, :format => :xml, :headers => { 'content-type' => 'application/xml' } } if res.code == 200 cache_base_uri true else puts res.body if res.body =~ /A job already exists with the name/ if options[:override] delete_job(name) return create_job(name, job_config) else raise end else require "hpricot" puts "Server error:" puts Hpricot(res.body).search("//body").text end false end end # Attempts to delete a job +name+ def self.delete_job(name) uri = URI.parse base_uri res = Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) { |http|"#{job_url name}/doDelete", {}) } res.code.to_i == 302 end def self.summary begin json = get "/api/json" cache_base_uri json rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e false end end # Return hash of job statuses def self.job(name) begin json = get "/job/#{name}/api/json" cache_base_uri json rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e false end end def self.nodes json = get "/computer/api/json" cache_base_uri json rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e false end # Adds SSH nodes only, for now def self.add_node(options = {}) default_options ="") default_options.merge!( :slave_port => 22, :master_key => "/home/hudson/.ssh/id_rsa", # FIXME - hardcoded master username assumption :remote_fs => "/data/hudson-slave/", :description => "Automatically created by Hudson.rb", :executors => 2, :exclusive => true ) options = default_options.merge(options) name = options[:name] type = "hudson.slaves.DumbSlave$DescriptorImpl" fields = { "name" => name, "type" => type, "json" => { "name" => name, "nodeDescription" => options[:description], "numExecutors" => options[:executors], "remoteFS" => options[:remote_fs], "labelString" => options[:label], "mode" => options[:exclusive] ? "EXCLUSIVE" : "NORMAL", "type" => type, "retentionStrategy" => { "stapler-class" => "hudson.slaves.RetentionStrategy$Always" }, "nodeProperties" => { "stapler-class-bag" => "true" }, "launcher" => { "stapler-class" => "hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher", "host" => options[:slave_host], "username" => options[:slave_user], "privatekey" => options[:master_key], "port" => options[:slave_port] } }.to_json } url = URI.parse("#{base_uri}/computer/doCreateItem") req = req.set_form_data(fields) http =, url.port) case http.request(req) when Net::HTTPFound true else false end end private def self.cache_base_uri Hudson::Config.config["base_uri"] = base_uri! end def self.job_url(name) "#{base_uri}/job/#{name}" end end end