require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper.rb' describe QuickTime::Track do describe "" do before(:each) do @movie = + '/../fixtures/') end describe " video track" do before(:each) do @track = @movie.video_tracks.first end it "should have a codec of Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)" do @track.codec.should == "Apple ProRes 422 (HQ)" end it "has video track aspect ratio of 1:1" do @track.pixel_aspect_ratio.should == [1, 1] end end describe " audio track" do before(:each) do @track = @movie.audio_tracks.first end it "should have a volume of 1.0" do @track.volume.should == 1.0 end it "should have a channel count" do @track.channel_count.should == 2 end it "should have an audio channel map size" do @track.channel_map.size.should == 2 end it "should have an audio channel map with tags" do @track.channel_map[0][:assignment].should == :Left @track.channel_map[1][:assignment].should == :Right end it "should have all audio tracks > 1 mono" do @movie.audio_tracks[1..-1].each do |tr| tr.channel_map[0][:assignment].should == :Mono end end end end describe "" do before(:each) do @movie = + '/../fixtures/') end describe "video track" do before(:each) do @track = @movie.video_tracks.first end it "has size of 720x480" do @track.width.should == 720 @track.height.should == 480 end it "has encoded pixel size of 720x480" do @track.encoded_pixel_dimensions.should == {:width => 720, :height => 480} end it "has aspect ratio of 1:0.84375" do @track.pixel_aspect_ratio.should == [100000, 84375] end end describe "audio tracks" do it "has audio track 0 with left/right" do track = @movie.audio_tracks[0] track.channel_map.should_not == nil track.channel_map[0][:assignment].should == :Left track.channel_map[1][:assignment].should == :Right end it "has audio track 1 with left/right" do track = @movie.audio_tracks[1] track.channel_map.should_not == nil track.channel_map[0][:assignment].should == :Left end it "has audio tracks with proper assignments" do channel_maps = @movie.audio_tracks.collect {|tr| tr.channel_map} channel_maps.should == [ [{:assignment => :Left}, {:assignment => :Right}], [{:assignment => :Left}], [{:assignment => :Right}], [{:assignment => :Center}], [{:assignment => :LFEScreen}], [{:assignment => :LeftSurround}], [{:assignment => :RightSurround}], ] end end end describe " audio tracks" do before(:each) do @movie = + '/../fixtures/') end it "has audio tracks with proper assignments" do channel_maps = @movie.audio_tracks.collect {|tr| tr.channel_map} channel_maps.should == [ [{:assignment => :Left}, {:assignment => :Right}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], [{:assignment => :Mono}], ] end it "has video track aspect ratio of 1:1" do track = @movie.video_tracks.first track.pixel_aspect_ratio.should == [1, 1] end end describe " audio tracks" do before(:each) do @movie = + '/../fixtures/') end it "has video track aspect ratio of 100000:112500" do track = @movie.video_tracks.first track.pixel_aspect_ratio.should == [100000, 112500] end end describe " audio tracks" do before(:each) do @movie = + '/../fixtures/') end it "has audio tracks with proper assignments" do channel_maps = @movie.audio_tracks.collect {|tr| tr.channel_map} channel_maps.should == [ [{:assignment => :UnsupportedByRMov, :message => "ChannelLabel unsupported by rmov: 65537"}] ] end end end