describe :file_exist, :shared => true do it "return true if the file exist" do #@object.send(@method, __FILE__).should == true @object.send(@method, 'a_fake_file').should == false end it "return true if the file exist using the alias exists?" do #@object.send(@method, __FILE__).should == true @object.send(@method, 'a_fake_file').should == false end it "raises an ArgumentError if not passed one argument" do lambda { @object.send(@method) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) lambda { @object.send(@method, __FILE__, __FILE__) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises a TypeError if not passed a String type" do lambda { @object.send(@method, nil) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end #ruby_version_is "1.9" do # it "accepts an object that has a #to_path method" do # @object.send(@method, mock_to_path(__FILE__)).should == true # end #end end