require 'spec_helper' describe Unparser, mutant_expression: 'Unparser::Emitter*' do describe '.buffer' do let(:source) { 'a + b' } def apply described_class.buffer(source) end it 'returns parser buffer with expected name' do expect( eql('(string)') end it 'returns parser buffer with pre-filled source' do expect(apply.source).to eql(source) end end describe '.parser' do let(:invalid_source_buffer) { Unparser.buffer('a +') } def apply described_class.parser end context 'failure' do def apply super.tap do |parser| parser.diagnostics.consumer = ->(_) {} end end it 'returns a parser that fails with syntax error' do expect { apply.parse(invalid_source_buffer) } .to raise_error(Parser::SyntaxError) end end context 'warnings' do before do allow(Kernel).to receive(:warn) end it 'returns a parser that warns on diagnostics' do expect { apply.parse(invalid_source_buffer) } .to raise_error(Parser::SyntaxError) expect(Kernel).to have_received(:warn) .with([ "(string):1:4: error: unexpected token $end", "(string):1: a +", "(string):1: " ]) end end end describe '.parse' do def apply described_class.parse('self[1]=2') end it 'returns expected AST' do expect(apply).to eql(s(:indexasgn, s(:self), s(:int, 1), s(:int, 2))) end end describe '.unparse' do let(:builder_options) { {} } def parser Unparser.parser.tap do |parser| builder_options.each do |name, value| parser.builder.public_send(:"#{name}=", value) end end end def buffer(input) Unparser.buffer(input) end def parse_with_comments(string) parser.parse_with_comments(buffer(string)) end def self.with_builder_options(options, &block) context "with #{options}" do let(:builder_options) { options } class_eval(&block) end end def assert_round_trip(string, parser) ast, comments = parse_with_comments(string) generated = Unparser.unparse(ast, comments) expect(generated).to eql(string.chomp) generated_ast, _comments = parse_with_comments(generated) expect(ast == generated_ast).to be(true) end def assert_generates_from_string(parser, string, expected) ast_with_comments = parse_with_comments(string) assert_generates_from_ast(parser, ast_with_comments, expected.chomp) end def assert_generates_from_ast(parser, ast_with_comments, expected) generated = Unparser.unparse(*ast_with_comments) expect(generated).to eql(expected) ast, comments = parse_with_comments(generated) expect(Unparser.unparse(ast, comments)).to eql(expected) end def self.assert_unterminated(expression) assert_source(expression) assert_source("(#{expression}).foo") end def self.assert_terminated(expression) assert_source(expression) assert_source("foo(#{expression})") assert_source("#{expression}.foo") end def self.assert_generates(input, expected) it "should generate #{input} as #{expected}" do if input.is_a?(String) assert_generates_from_string(parser, input, expected) else assert_generates_from_ast(parser, [input, []], expected) end end end def self.assert_round_trip(input) it "should round trip #{input}" do assert_round_trip(input, parser) end end def self.assert_source(input) assert_round_trip(input) end context 'kwargs' do assert_source <<~RUBY def foo(bar:, baz:) end RUBY assert_source <<~RUBY foo(**bar) RUBY assert_source <<~RUBY def foo(bar:, baz: "value") end RUBY end context 'literal' do context 'int' do assert_generates '-0', '0' assert_source '++1' assert_terminated '1' assert_unterminated '-1' assert_generates '0x1', '1' assert_generates '1_000', '1000' assert_generates '1e10', '10000000000.0' assert_generates '10e10000000000', 'Float::INFINITY' assert_generates '-10e10000000000', '-Float::INFINITY' end context 'rational' do assert_terminated '1r' assert_generates '1.0r', '1r' assert_generates '-0r', '0r' assert_terminated '1.5r' assert_terminated '1.3r' end context 'complex' do %w( 5i -5i 0.6i -0.6i 1000000000000000000000000000000i 1ri ).each do |expression| assert_terminated(expression) end end context 'string' do assert_generates '?c', '"c"' assert_generates '"foo" "bar"', '"#{"foo"}#{"bar"}"' assert_generates '"foo" "bar #{baz}"', '"#{"foo"}#{"#{"bar "}#{baz}"}"' assert_generates '%Q(foo"#{@bar})', '"#{"foo\\""}#{@bar}"' assert_generates '"foo#{1}bar"', '"#{"foo"}#{1}#{"bar"}"' assert_generates '"\\\\#{}"', '"#{"\\\\"}#{}"' assert_generates '"#{}\#{}"', '"#{}#{"\#{}"}"' assert_generates '"\#{}#{}"', '"#{"\#{}"}#{}"' assert_terminated '"\""' assert_terminated '"foo bar"' assert_terminated '"foo\nbar"' # Within indentation assert_generates <<~'RUBY', <<~'RUBY' if foo " #{foo} " end RUBY if foo "#{"\n"}#{" "}#{foo}#{"\n"}#{" "}" end RUBY end context 'execute string' do assert_generates '`foo`', '`#{"foo"}`' assert_generates '`foo#{@bar}`', '`#{"foo"}#{@bar}`' assert_generates '%x(\))', '`#{")"}`' assert_generates '%x(`)', '`#{"`"}`' assert_generates '`"`', '`#{"\\""}`' end context 'symbol' do assert_generates s(:sym, :foo), ':foo' assert_generates s(:sym, :"A B"), ':"A B"' assert_terminated ':foo' assert_terminated ':"A B"' assert_terminated ':"A\"B"' assert_terminated ':""' end context 'regexp' do assert_terminated '/foo/' assert_terminated %q(/[^-+',.\/:@[:alnum:]\[\]]+/) assert_terminated '/foo#{@bar}/' assert_terminated '/foo#{@bar}/imx' assert_terminated '/#{"\u0000"}/' assert_terminated "/\n/" assert_terminated '/\n/' assert_terminated "/\n/x" # Within indentation assert_source <<~RUBY if foo / / end RUBY assert_generates '%r(/)', '/\//' assert_generates '%r(\))', '/\)/' assert_generates '%r(#{@bar}baz)', '/#{@bar}baz/' assert_terminated '/\/\//x' end context 'dynamic symbol' do assert_generates ':"foo#{bar}baz"', ':"#{"foo"}#{bar}#{"baz"}"' assert_source ':"#{"foo"}"' end context 'irange' do assert_unterminated '1..2' assert_unterminated '(0.0 / 0.0)..1' assert_unterminated '1..(0.0 / 0.0)' assert_unterminated '(0.0 / 0.0)..100' end context 'erange' do assert_unterminated '1...2' end context 'float' do assert_source '-0.1' assert_terminated '0.1' assert_terminated '0.1' assert_generates '10.2e10000000000', 'Float::INFINITY' assert_generates '-10.2e10000000000', '-Float::INFINITY' assert_generates s(:float, -0.1), '-0.1' assert_generates s(:float, 0.1), '0.1' end context 'array' do assert_terminated '[1, 2]' assert_terminated '[1, (), n2]' assert_terminated '[1]' assert_terminated '[]' assert_terminated '[1, *@foo]' assert_terminated '[*@foo, 1]' assert_terminated '[*@foo, *@baz]' assert_generates '%w(foo bar)', '["foo", "bar"]' end context 'hash' do assert_terminated '{}' assert_source '{ () => () }' assert_source '{ 1 => 2 }' assert_source '{ 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }' # special case for 2.1.3 assert_source "{ foo: (if true\nend) }" context 'with symbol keys' do assert_source '{ a: (1 rescue foo), b: 2 }' assert_source '{ a: 1, b: 2 }' assert_source '{ a: :a }' assert_source '{ :"a b" => 1 }' assert_source '{ :-@ => 1 }' end end end context 'access' do %w(@a @@a $a $1 $` CONST SCOPED::CONST ::TOPLEVEL ::TOPLEVEL::CONST).each do |expression| assert_terminated(expression) end end context 'control keywords' do %w(retry redo).each do |expression| assert_terminated(expression) end end context 'singletons' do %w(self true false nil).each do |expression| assert_terminated(expression) end end context 'magic keywords' do assert_source '__ENCODING__' # These two assertions don't actually need to be wrapped in this block since `true` is the default, # but it is helpful to contrast with the assertions farther down. with_builder_options(emit_file_line_as_literals: true) do assert_generates '__FILE__', '"(string)"' assert_generates '__LINE__', '1' end with_builder_options(emit_file_line_as_literals: false) do assert_source '__FILE__' assert_source '__LINE__' end end context 'assignment' do context 'single' do assert_unterminated 'a = 1' assert_unterminated '@a = 1' assert_unterminated '@@a = 1' assert_unterminated '$a = 1' assert_unterminated 'CONST = 1' assert_unterminated 'Name::Spaced::CONST = 1' assert_unterminated '::Foo = ::Bar' end context 'lvar assigned from method with same name' do assert_unterminated 'foo = foo()' end context 'lvar introduction from condition' do assert_source 'foo = bar while foo' assert_source 'foo = bar until foo' assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo = exp while foo foo = bar end RUBY # Ugly I know. But its correct :D # # if foo { |pair| } # pair = :foo # foo # end assert_source <<~'RUBY' if foo do |pair| pair end pair = :foo foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' while foo foo = bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' each do |bar| while foo foo = bar end end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo foo = bar while foo != baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' each do |baz| while foo foo = bar end end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' each do |foo| while foo foo = bar end end RUBY end context 'multiple' do assert_source 'a, * = [1, 2]' assert_source 'a, *foo = [1, 2]' assert_source '*a = []' assert_source '*foo = [1, 2]' assert_source 'a, = foo' assert_unterminated 'a, b = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated '@a, @b = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated ', = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated 'a[0], a[1] = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated 'a[*foo], a[1] = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated '@@a, @@b = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated '$a, $b = [1, 2]' assert_unterminated 'a, b = foo' assert_unterminated 'a, (b, c) = [1, [2, 3]]' assert_unterminated 'a = (b, c = 1)' assert_unterminated '(a,), b = 1' end end %w(next return break).each do |keyword| context keyword do assert_terminated keyword.to_s assert_unterminated "#{keyword} 1" assert_unterminated "#{keyword} 2, 3" assert_unterminated "#{keyword} *nil" assert_unterminated "#{keyword} *foo, bar" assert_generates <<~RUBY, <<~RUBY foo do |bar| bar =~ // || #{keyword} baz end RUBY foo do |bar| (bar =~ //) || #{keyword} baz end RUBY assert_generates <<~RUBY, <<~RUBY #{keyword}(a ? b : c) RUBY #{keyword} (if a b else c end) RUBY end end context 'conditional send (csend)' do assert_terminated 'a&.b' assert_terminated 'a&.b(c)' end context 'send' do assert_terminated 'foo' assert_terminated '' assert_terminated '' assert_terminated '' assert_terminated 'foo[]' assert_terminated 'foo[1]' assert_terminated 'foo[*baz]' assert_terminated 'foo(1)' assert_terminated 'foo(bar)' assert_terminated 'foo(&block)' assert_terminated 'foo(&(foo || bar))' assert_terminated 'foo(*arguments)' assert_terminated 'foo(*arguments)' assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do |a| end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do |a, | end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do |a, b| end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo(1) do nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do |a, *b| nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do |a, *| nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo do bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY'*args) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |(a)| d end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |(a, b), c| d end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |*a; b| end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |a; b| end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |; a, b| end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |((*))| d end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |(a, (*))| d end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do |(a, b)| d end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' do end.baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' FOO() RUBY assert_terminated '(1..2).max' assert_terminated '1..2.max' assert_unterminated 'a || return' assert_unterminated 'foo << (bar * baz)' assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo ||= (a, _ = b) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin rescue RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case (def foo end :bar) when bar end.baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when bar end.baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class << self RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' until foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' while foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' loop do RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class Foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' module Foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' if foo end.baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' local = 1 RUBY assert_terminated '*args)' assert_terminated '*arga, foo, *argb)' assert_terminated '*args, foo)' assert_terminated ', *args)' assert_terminated ', *args, &block)' assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo(bar, *args) RUBY assert_terminated 'foo(*args, &block)' assert_terminated '' assert_terminated ', &baz)' assert_terminated '' assert_unterminated '' assert_terminated ' boz)' assert_terminated ', "baz" => boz)' assert_terminated '{ foo: boz }, boz)' assert_terminated ', {})' end context 'begin; end' do assert_generates s(:begin), '' assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo bar RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo bar end.blah RUBY end context 'begin / rescue / ensure' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo ensure bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo rescue baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin begin foo bar rescue end rescue baz bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin raise(Exception) rescue foo = bar rescue Exception end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo bar rescue baz bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo rescue Exception bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo rescue => bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo rescue Exception, Other => bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class << self undef :bar rescue nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' module Foo undef :bar rescue nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class Foo undef :bar rescue nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin rescue Exception => e end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin ensure end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin rescue ensure end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo rescue Exception => bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue SomeError, *bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue SomeError, *bar => exception baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue *bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue LoadError end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue else baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin bar rescue *bar => exception baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do rescue Exception => e end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do ensure end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do rescue ensure end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do foo rescue Exception => bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue SomeError, *bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue SomeError, *bar => exception baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue *bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue LoadError end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue else baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' m do bar rescue *bar => exception baz end RUBY assert_source 'foo rescue bar' assert_source 'foo rescue return bar' assert_source 'x = (foo rescue return bar)' %w(while until if).each do |keyword| assert_source <<~RUBY #{keyword} ( foo rescue false ) end RUBY assert_generates <<~RUBY, <<~GENERATED foo rescue false #{keyword} true RUBY #{keyword} true foo rescue false end GENERATED end assert_generates <<~'RUBY', <<~GENERATED case (foo rescue false) when true end RUBY case ( foo rescue false ) when true end GENERATED end context 'super' do assert_source 'super' assert_source 'super()' assert_source 'super(a)' assert_source 'super(a, b)' assert_source 'super(&block)' assert_source 'super(a, &block)' assert_source <<~'RUBY' super(a do foo end) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' super do foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' super(a) do foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' super() do foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' super(a, b) do foo end RUBY end context 'undef' do assert_source 'undef :foo' assert_source 'undef :foo, :bar' end context 'BEGIN' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' BEGIN { foo } RUBY end context 'END' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' END { foo } RUBY end context 'alias' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' alias $foo $bar RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' alias :foo :bar RUBY end context 'yield' do context 'without arguments' do assert_source 'yield' end context 'with argument' do assert_source 'yield(a)' end context 'with arguments' do assert_source 'yield(a, b)' end end context 'if statement' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' if /foo/ bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' if 3 9 end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' if 4 5 else 6 end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' unless 3 nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' unless 3 9 end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' if foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo = bar if foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' foo = bar unless foo RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(*foo) unless foo foo = bar end end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' each do |foo| unless foo foo = bar end end RUBY end context 'def' do context 'on instance' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo foo rescue bar ensure baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo ensure bar rescue nil end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo bar ensure baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def bar rescue baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo bar rescue baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar, baz) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar = ()) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar = (baz nil)) end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar = true) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar, baz = true) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar: 1) end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar: bar) end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar: bar()) end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(*) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(*bar) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar, *baz) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(baz = true, *bor) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(baz = true, *bor, &block) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar, baz = true, *bor) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(&block) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo(bar, &block) bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def foo bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def (foo do |bar| end).bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def (foo(1)).bar bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def (Foo::Bar.baz).bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def (Foo::Bar).bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def baz end RUBY end context 'on singleton' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' def end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def bar baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def bar end RUBY end context 'class' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' class TestClass end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class << some_object end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class << some_object the_body end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class SomeNameSpace::TestClass end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class Some::Name::Space::TestClass end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class TestClass < Object end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class TestClass < SomeNameSpace::Object end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class TestClass def foo :bar end end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' class ::TestClass end RUBY end context 'module' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' module TestModule end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' module SomeNameSpace::TestModule end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' module Some::Name::Space::TestModule end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' module TestModule def foo :bar end end RUBY end context 'op assign' do %w(|= ||= &= &&= += -= *= /= **= %=).each do |op| assert_source " #{op} bar" assert_source "foo[key] #{op} bar" assert_source "a #{op} (true\nfalse)" end end context 'element assignment' do assert_source 'foo[index] = value' assert_source 'foo[*index] = value' assert_source 'foo[a, b] = value' assert_source 'foo[1..2] = value' assert_source 'foo.[]=()' assert_source 'foo.[]=true' assert_source 'foo.[]=(1, 2)' assert_source 'foo[] = 1' assert_unterminated 'foo[] = 1' %w(+ - * / % & | || &&).each do |operator| context "with #{operator}" do assert_source "foo[index] #{operator}= 2" assert_source "foo[] #{operator}= 2" end end end context 'defined?' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' defined?(@foo) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' defined?(Foo) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' defined?((a, b = [1, 2])) RUBY end end context 'lambda' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' lambda do end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' lambda do |a, b| a end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' ->() do end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' ->(a) do end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' ->(a, b) do end RUBY end context 'match operators' do assert_source '/bar/ =~ foo' assert_source '/bar/ =~ :foo' assert_source '(/bar/ =~ :foo).foo' assert_source 'foo =~ /bar/' assert_source 'foo(foo =~ /bar/)' assert_source '(foo =~ /bar/).foo' end context 'binary operator methods' do %w(+ - * / & | << >> == === != <= < <=> > >= =~ !~ ^ **).each do |operator| assert_source "(-1) #{operator} 2" assert_source "(-1.2) #{operator} 2" assert_source "left.#{operator}(*foo)" assert_source "left.#{operator}(a, b)" assert_source "self #{operator} b" assert_source "a #{operator} b" assert_source "(a #{operator} b).foo" end assert_source 'left / right' end context 'nested binary operators' do assert_source '(a + b) / (c - d)' assert_source '(a + b) / c.-(e, f)' assert_source '(a + b) / c.-(*f)' end context 'binary operator' do assert_source 'a || (return foo)' assert_source '(return foo) || a' assert_source 'a || (break foo)' assert_source '(break foo) || a' assert_source '(a || b).foo' assert_source 'a || (b || c)' end { or: :'||', and: :'&&' }.each do |word, symbol| assert_generates "a #{word} return foo", "a #{symbol} (return foo)" assert_generates "a #{word} break foo", "a #{symbol} (break foo)" assert_generates "a #{word} next foo", "a #{symbol} (next foo)" end context 'expansion of shortcuts' do assert_source 'a += 2' assert_source 'a -= 2' assert_source 'a **= 2' assert_source 'a *= 2' assert_source 'a /= 2' end context 'shortcuts' do assert_source 'a &&= b' assert_source 'a ||= 2' assert_source '(a ||= 2).bar' assert_source '(h ||= {})[k] = v' end context 'flip flops' do context 'inclusive' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' if ((i == 4)..(i == 4)) foo end RUBY end context 'exclusive' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' if ((i == 4)...(i == 4)) foo end RUBY end end context 'case statement' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' case when bar baz when baz bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when bar when baz bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when bar baz when baz bar end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when bar, baz :other end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when *bar :value end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' case foo when bar baz else :foo end RUBY end context 'for' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' bar(for a in bar do baz end) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' for a in bar do baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' for a, *b in bar do baz end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' for a, b in bar do baz end RUBY end context 'unary operators' do assert_source '!1' assert_source '!(!1)' assert_source '!(!(foo || bar))' assert_source '!(!1).baz' assert_source '~a' assert_source '-a' assert_source '+a' assert_source '-(-a).foo' end context 'loop' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' loop do foo end RUBY end context 'post conditions' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' x = (begin foo end while baz) RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo end while baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo bar end until baz RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' begin foo bar end while baz RUBY end context 'while' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' while false end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' while false 3 end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' while (foo do end) :body end RUBY end context 'until' do assert_source <<~'RUBY' until false end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' until false 3 end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' until (foo do end) :body end RUBY end assert_source <<~'RUBY' # comment before a_line_of_code RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' a_line_of_code # comment after RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' nested do # first # second something # comment # another end # last RUBY assert_generates <<~'RUBY', <<~'RUBY' foo if bar # comment RUBY if bar foo end # comment RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' def noop # do nothing end RUBY assert_source <<~'RUBY' =begin block comment =end nested do =begin another block comment =end something =begin last block comment =end end RUBY assert_generates(<<~'RUBY', <<~'RUBY') 1 + # first 2 # second RUBY 1 + 2 # first # second RUBY assert_generates(<<~'RUBY', <<~'RUBY') 1 + # first 2 # second RUBY 1 + 2 # first # second RUBY assert_generates(<<~'RUBY', <<~'RUBY') 1 + =begin block comment =end 2 RUBY 1 + 2 =begin block comment =end RUBY end end