Feature: Maven
In order to deploy maven artifacts
As the jenkins build server
I need to know details about the constructed artifact
Scenario: I get the correct artifact name for an assembly project
Given I have an assembly pom.xml
Given that the assembly jar is built
When I ask for the artifact name
Then I should return the name of the assembly jar
Scenario Outline: I get the correct artifact name for an assembly project and a regular project
Given I have an ""
Given its artifact "" is built
When I ask for the artifact name
Then I should return the name of the ""
| input pom | artifact |
| CRMOD_WS_Wriassembly_pom.xml | hrmsToCrmodUserDataIntegration-jar-with-dependencies.jar |
| autosr2_ear_pom.xml | autoSR2-EAR.ear |