# This file is part of Metasm, the Ruby assembly manipulation suite # Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Yoann GUILLOT # # Licence is LGPL, see LICENCE in the top-level directory module Metasm module Gui class CoverageWidget < DrawableWidget attr_accessor :dasm, :sections, :pixel_w, :pixel_h # TODO wheel -> zoom, dragdrop -> scroll?(zoomed) def initialize_widget(dasm, parent_widget) @dasm = dasm @parent_widget = parent_widget @curaddr = 0 @pixel_w = @pixel_h = 2 # use a font ? @sections = [] @section_x = [] @slave = nil # another dasmwidget whose curaddr is kept sync @default_color_association = ColorTheme.merge :caret => :yellow, :caret_col => :darkyellow, :background => :palegrey, :code => :red, :data => :blue end def click(x, y) x, y = x.to_i - 1, y.to_i @sections.zip(@section_x).each { |s, sx| if x >= sx[0] and x < sx[1]+@pixel_w @curaddr = s[0] + (x-sx[0])/@pixel_w*@byte_per_col + (y/@pixel_h-@spacing)*@byte_per_col/@col_height @slave.focus_addr(@curaddr) if @slave rescue @slave=nil redraw break end } end def doubleclick(x, y) click(x, y) cw = @parent_widget.clone_window(@curaddr, :listing) @slave = cw.dasm_widget @slave.focus_changed_callback = lambda { redraw rescue @slave.focus_changed_callback = nil } end alias rightclick doubleclick def mouse_wheel(dir, x, y) # TODO zoom ? case dir when :up when :down end end def paint @curaddr = @slave.curaddr if @slave and @slave.curaddr rescue @slave=nil @spacing = 4 # pixels left for borders / inter-section @col_height = height/@pixel_h - 2*@spacing # pixels per column @col_height = 1 if @col_height < 1 cols = width/@pixel_w - 2*@spacing cols -= (@sections.length-1) * (@spacing+1) # space+1: last col of each section may be only 1byte long cols = 64 if cols < 64 # find how much bytes we must stuff per pixel so that it fits in the window bytes = @sections.map { |a, l, seq| l }.inject(0) { |a, b| a+b } @byte_per_col = (bytes / cols + @col_height) / @col_height * @col_height @byte_per_col = @col_height if @byte_per_col < @col_height x = @spacing*@pixel_w ybase = @spacing*@pixel_h # draws a rectangle covering h1 to h2 in y, of width w # advances x as needed draw_rect = lambda { |h1, h2, rw| h2 += 1 draw_rectangle(x, ybase+@pixel_h*h1, @pixel_w*rw, @pixel_h*(h2-h1)) rw -= 1 if h2 != @col_height x += rw*@pixel_w } # draws rectangles to cover o1 to o2 draw = lambda { |o1, o2| next if o1 > o2 o1_ = o1 o1 /= @byte_per_col / @col_height o2 /= @byte_per_col / @col_height o11 = o1 % @col_height o12 = o1 / @col_height o21 = o2 % @col_height o22 = o2 / @col_height p11 = (o1_ - 1) / (@byte_per_col / @col_height) % @col_height x -= @pixel_w if o11 == @col_height-1 and o11 == p11 if o11 > 0 draw_rect[o11, (o12 == o22 ? o21 : @col_height-1), 1] next if o12 == o22 o12 += 1 end if o12 < o22 draw_rect[0, @col_height-1, o22-o12] end draw_rect[0, o21, 1] } @section_x = [] @sections.each { |a, l, seq| curoff = 0 @section_x << [x] seq += [[l, l-1]] if not seq[-1] or seq[-1][1] < l # to draw last data seq.each { |o, oe| draw_color :data draw[curoff, o-1] draw_color :code draw[o, oe] curoff = oe+1 } @section_x.last << x x += @spacing*@pixel_w } @sections.zip(@section_x).each { |s, sx| next if @curaddr.kind_of? Integer and not s[0].kind_of? Integer next if @curaddr.kind_of? Expression and not s[0].kind_of? Expression co = @curaddr-s[0] if co >= 0 and co < s[1] draw_color :caret_col x = sx[0] + (co/@byte_per_col)*@pixel_w draw_rect[-@spacing, -1, 1] draw_rect[@col_height, @col_height+@spacing, 1] draw_color :caret y = (co*@col_height/@byte_per_col) % @col_height y = (co % @byte_per_col) / (@byte_per_col/@col_height) draw_rect[y, y, 1] end } end def get_cursor_pos @curaddr end def set_cursor_pos(p) @curaddr = p @slave.focus_addr(@curaddr) if @slave rescue @slave=nil redraw end # focus on addr # returns true on success (address exists) def focus_addr(addr) return if not addr = @parent_widget.normalize(addr) or not @dasm.get_section_at(addr) @curaddr = addr @slave.focus_addr(@curaddr) if @slave rescue @slave=nil gui_update true end # returns the address of the data under the cursor def current_address @curaddr end def gui_update # ary of section [addr, len, codespan] # codespan is an ary of [code_off_start, code_off_end] (sorted by off) @sections = @dasm.sections.map { |a, ed| a = Expression[a].reduce l = ed.length if a.kind_of? Integer l += a % 32 a -= a % 32 end acc = [] # stuff with addr-section_addr is to handle non-numeric section addrs (eg elf ET_REL) @dasm.decoded.keys.map { |da| da-a rescue nil }.grep(Integer).grep(0..l).sort.each { |o| next if not da = @dasm.di_at(a+o) oe = o + da.bin_length if acc[-1] and acc[-1][1] >= o # handle di overlapping acc[-1][1] = oe if acc[-1][1] < oe else acc << [o, oe] end } [a, l, acc] } @sections = @sections.sort if @sections.all? { |a, l, s| a.kind_of? Integer } redraw end end end end