require "spec_helper" RSpec.describe IsoDoc do it "processes IsoXML terms" do expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true)).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" Terms and Definitions paddy rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust.

  • A
  • A

The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, and Note 1 to entry is not included here

paddypaddy rice rough rice cargo rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

  • A

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

  • A

1  Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:



<rice> rice retaining its husk after threshing

EXAMPLE 1  Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust.


[TERMREF] ISO 7301:2011, 3.1 [MODIFICATION]The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, and Note 1 to entry is not included here [/TERMREF]



paddy rice

rough rice

DEPRECATED: cargo rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing


Note 1 to entry: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

Note 2 to entry:

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

[TERMREF] ISO 7301:2011, 3.1 [/TERMREF]

OUTPUT end it "processes IsoXML terms (Word)" do expect({}).convert("test", <<~"INPUT", true).sub(%r{^.*

}m, "")).to be_equivalent_to <<~"OUTPUT" Terms and Definitions paddy rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust.


The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, and Note 1 to entry is not included here

paddypaddy rice rough rice cargo rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.


1  Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.

ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:



<rice> rice retaining its husk after threshing

EXAMPLE 1  Foreign seeds, husks, bran, sand, dust.


[TERMREF] ISO 7301:2011, 3.1 [MODIFICATION]The term "cargo rice" is shown as deprecated, and Note 1 to entry is not included here [/TERMREF]



paddy rice

rough rice

DEPRECATED: cargo rice

rice retaining its husk after threshing


Note 1 to entry: The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

Note 2 to entry:

The starch of waxy rice consists almost entirely of amylopectin. The kernels have a tendency to stick together after cooking.

[TERMREF] ISO 7301:2011, 3.1 [/TERMREF]

OUTPUT end end