require 'spec_helper' describe 'check_enabled', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_enabled('httpd') } it { should eq 'chkconfig --list httpd | grep 3:on' } end describe 'check_file', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_file('/etc/passwd') } it { should eq 'test -f /etc/passwd' } end describe 'check_directory', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_directory('/var/log') } it { should eq 'test -d /var/log' } end describe 'check_user', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_user('root') } it { should eq 'id root' } end describe 'check_group', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_group('wheel') } it { should eq 'getent group | grep -wq wheel' } end describe 'check_installed', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_installed('httpd') } it { should eq 'rpm -q httpd' } end describe 'check_listening', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_listening(80) } it { should eq "netstat -tunl | grep ':80 '" } end describe 'check_running', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_running('httpd') } it { should eq 'service httpd status' } end describe 'check_running_under_supervisor', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_running_under_supervisor('httpd') } it { should eq 'supervisorctl status httpd' } end describe 'check_process', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_process('httpd') } it { should eq 'ps aux | grep -w httpd | grep -qv grep' } end describe 'check_file_contain', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_file_contain('/etc/passwd', 'root') } it { should eq "grep -q 'root' /etc/passwd" } end describe 'check_file_contain_within', :os => :redhat do context 'contain a pattern in the file' do subject { commands.check_file_contain_within('Gemfile', 'rspec') } it { should eq "sed -n '1,$p' Gemfile | grep -q 'rspec' -" } end context 'contain a pattern after a line in a file' do subject { commands.check_file_contain_within('Gemfile', 'rspec', '/^group :test do/') } it { should eq "sed -n '/^group :test do/,$p' Gemfile | grep -q 'rspec' -" } end context 'contain a pattern before a line in a file' do subject {commands.check_file_contain_within('Gemfile', 'rspec', nil, '/^end/') } it { should eq "sed -n '1,/^end/p' Gemfile | grep -q 'rspec' -" } end context 'contain a pattern from within a line and another line in a file' do subject { commands.check_file_contain_within('Gemfile', 'rspec', '/^group :test do/', '/^end/') } it { should eq "sed -n '/^group :test do/,/^end/p' Gemfile | grep -q 'rspec' -" } end end describe 'check_mode', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_mode('/etc/sudoers', 440) } it { should eq 'stat -c %a /etc/sudoers | grep \'^440$\'' } end describe 'check_owner', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_owner('/etc/passwd', 'root') } it { should eq 'stat -c %U /etc/passwd | grep \'^root$\'' } end describe 'check_grouped', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_grouped('/etc/passwd', 'wheel') } it { should eq 'stat -c %G /etc/passwd | grep \'^wheel$\'' } end describe 'check_cron_entry', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_cron_entry('root', '* * * * * /usr/local/bin/') } it { should eq 'crontab -u root -l | grep "\* \* \* \* \* /usr/local/bin/"' } end describe 'check_link', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_link('/etc/system-release', '/etc/redhat-release') } it { should eq 'stat -c %N /etc/system-release | grep /etc/redhat-release' } end describe 'check_installed_by_gem', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_installed_by_gem('jekyll') } it { should eq 'gem list --local | grep \'^jekyll \'' } end describe 'check_belonging_group', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_belonging_group('root', 'wheel') } it { should eq "id root | awk '{print $3}' | grep wheel" } end describe 'have_gid', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_gid('root', 0) } it { should eq "getent group | grep -w ^root | cut -f 3 -d ':' | grep -w 0" } end describe 'have_uid', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_uid('root', 0) } it { should eq "id root | grep uid=0(" } end describe 'have_login_shell', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_login_shell('root', '/bin/bash') } it { should eq "grep -w ^root /etc/passwd | cut -f 7 -d ':' | grep -w /bin/bash" } end describe 'have_home_directory', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.check_home_directory('root', '/root') } it { should eq "grep -w ^root /etc/passwd | cut -f 6 -d ':' | grep -w /root" } end describe 'check_ipatbles', :os => :redhat do context 'check a rule without a table and a chain' do subject { commands.check_iptables_rule('-P INPUT ACCEPT') } it { should eq "iptables -S | grep '\\-P INPUT ACCEPT'" } end context 'chack a rule with a table and a chain' do subject { commands.check_iptables_rule('-P INPUT ACCEPT', 'mangle', 'INPUT') } it { should eq "iptables -t mangle -S INPUT | grep '\\-P INPUT ACCEPT'" } end end describe 'check_selinux', :os => :redhat do context 'enforcing' do subject { commands.check_selinux('enforcing') } it { should eq "/usr/sbin/getenforce | grep -i 'enforcing'" } end context 'permissive' do subject { commands.check_selinux('permissive') } it { should eq "/usr/sbin/getenforce | grep -i 'permissive'" } end context 'disabled' do subject { commands.check_selinux('disabled') } it { should eq "/usr/sbin/getenforce | grep -i 'disabled'" } end end describe 'get_mode', :os => :redhat do subject { commands.get_mode('/dev') } it { should eq 'stat -c %a /dev' } end