module Arcade class Vertex < Base # include Arcade::Support::Sql include Arcade::Support::Model # instance methods extend Arcade::Support::Model # class methods attribute :in?, Types::Nominal::Any attribute :out?, Types::Nominal::Any # # def accepted_methods super + [ :in, :out, :both, :edges, :inE, :outE, :bothE, :assign] end ## ----------------------------------------- Class Methods------------------------------------ ## # # =begin Vertex.delete fires a "delete vertex" command to the database. To remove all records use »all: true« as argument To remove a specific rid, use rid: "#nn:mmm" as argument "where" parameter is optional ExtraNode.delete where: { item: 67 } == ExtraNode.delete item: 67 =end def self.delete where: {} , **args if args[:all] == true where = {} elsif args[:rid].present? return db.execute { "delete vertex #{args[:rid]}" }.first["count"] else where.merge!(args) if where.is_a?(Hash) return 0 if where.empty? end # query returns [{count => n }] db.execute { "delete vertex #{database_name} #{compose_where(where)}" } &.first[:count] rescue 0 end =begin Creates a Vertex-Instance. Similar to `Vertex#insert`. Difference is the presence of a `created` property, a timestamp set to the time and date of creation. =end def self.create timestamp: true, **args #t= timestamp ? ", created = Date(#{}) " : "" t= timestamp ? ", created = sysdate() " : "" db.execute { "create VERTEX #{database_name} set #{{|x,y| [x,y.to_or].join("=")}.join(', ')+t}" } &.first.allocate_model(false) end ## get adjacent nodes based on a query on the actual model def self.nodes in_or_out = :both, via: nil , **args s = from: self s.nodes in_or_out, via: via, **args s.query.select_result end # # ## --------------------------------- Instance Methods --------------------------------- ## # # We need expand as fallback if a vertex, which is stored as link is automatically loaded # def expand self end # Supports where: --> Strategie.first nodes where: {size: 10} # "select both()[ size = 10 ] from #113:8 " def nodes in_or_out=:both, depth= 1, via: nil , execute: true, **args s = from: rid s.nodes in_or_out, via: via, **args if execute s.query.select_result else s # just return the query end end # Supports where: { where condition for edges } def edges in_or_out = :both, depth= 1, via: nil , execute: true, **args in_or_out = in_or_out.to_s + "E" nodes in_or_out, depth, via: via , execute: execute, **args end # get Vertices through in by edges of type via def in count=0, via:nil if @bufferedin ||= nodes :in, 1, via: via else nodes :in, count, via: via # not cached end end # get Vertices through out by edges of type via def out count=0, via:nil if @bufferedout ||= nodes :out, 1, via: via else nodes :out, count, via: via # not cached end end # # get all Vertices connected by edges of type via def both count=0, via:nil if @bufferedboth ||= nodes :both, 1, via: via else nodes :both, count, via: via # not cached end end # get via-type-edges through in def inE count=1, via:nil nodes :inE, count, via: via end # # get via-type-edges through out def outE count=1, via:nil nodes :outE, count, via: via end # get all via-type-edges def bothE count=1, via:nil nodes :bothE, count, via: via end # Returns a collection of all vertices passed during the traversal # # Includes the start_vertex (start_at =0 by default) # # If the vector should not include the start_vertex, call with `start_at: 1` and increase the depth by 1 # # fires a query # # select from ( traverse outE('}#{via}').in from #{vertex} while $depth < #{depth} ) # where $depth >= #{start_at} # # If » execute: false « is specified, the traverse-statement is returned (as Arcade::Query object) # # Multiple Edges can be specifies in the via-parameter (use Array-notation) # e.i. # traverse( :in, via: [TG::DateOf, Arcade::HasOrder], depth: 4, start_at: 1 ).map(&:w).reverse # def traverse in_or_out = :out, via: nil, depth: 1, execute: true, start_at: 0, where: nil the_query = query kind: 'traverse' the_query.projection in_or_out.to_s + "(" + resolve_edge_name(*via) + ")" the_query.where where if where.present? the_query.while "$depth < #{depth} " unless depth <=0 outer_query = from: the_query, where: "$depth >= #{start_at}" if execute outer_query.execute.allocate_model else # the_query.from self # complete the query by assigning self the_query # returns the Query -traverse object end end =begin Assigns another Vertex via an EdgeClass. If specified, puts attributes on the edge. Returns the reloaded assigned vertex Wrapper for Edge.create in: self, out: a_vertex, some: attributes. on: the, edge: type } returns the assigned vertex, thus enabling to chain vertices through Vertex.assign() via: E , vertex: VertexClass.create()).assign( via: E, ... ) or (1..100).each{|n| vertex = vertex.assign(via: E2, vertex: V2.create(item: n))} =end def assign vertex: , via: , **attributes via.create from: self, to: vertex, **attributes db.get vertex.rid # return the assigned vertex rescue IndexError => e db.logger.error "Edge not created, already present." vertex # return the vertex (for chaining) rescue ArgumentError => e db.logger.error "ArgumentError: #{e.message}" nil end def remove db.execute{ "delete vertex #{rid}" } end =begin Human readable representation of Vertices Format: < Classname: Edges, Attributes > =end def to_human in_and_out = -> { "{#{}->}{->#{self.out.count }}, " } #Default presentation of Arcade::Base::Model-Objects "<#{self.class.to_s.snake_case}[#{rid}]: " + in_and_out[] + do |attr, value| v= case value when Class "< #{self.class.to_s.snake_case}: #{value.rid} >" when Array value.to_s else value.from_db end "%s: %s" % [ attr, v] unless v.nil? end.compact.sort.join(', ') + ">".gsub('"' , ' ') end def refresh # force reloading of edges and nodes # edges are not cached (now) @bufferedin, @bufferedout, @bufferedboth = nil super end # expose class method to instances (as private) # private define_method :resolve_edge_name, &method(:resolve_edge_name) # private_class_method :resolve_edge_name end end