/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 8; coding: utf-8 -*- * gtksourceview.h * This file is part of GtkSourceView * * Copyright (C) 2001 - Mikael Hermansson and * Chris Phelps * Copyright (C) 2003 - Gustavo Giráldez and Paolo Maggi * * GtkSourceView is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * GtkSourceView is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef __GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_H__ #define __GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_H__ #include #include G_BEGIN_DECLS #define GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW (gtk_source_view_get_type ()) #define GTK_SOURCE_VIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW, GtkSourceView)) #define GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW, GtkSourceViewClass)) #define GTK_SOURCE_IS_VIEW(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW)) #define GTK_SOURCE_IS_VIEW_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW)) #define GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), GTK_SOURCE_TYPE_VIEW, GtkSourceViewClass)) /** * GtkSourceViewGutterPosition: * @GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_GUTTER_POSITION_LINES: the gutter position of the lines * renderer * @GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_GUTTER_POSITION_MARKS: the gutter position of the marks * renderer **/ typedef enum { GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_GUTTER_POSITION_LINES = -30, GTK_SOURCE_VIEW_GUTTER_POSITION_MARKS = -20 } GtkSourceViewGutterPosition; typedef struct _GtkSourceViewClass GtkSourceViewClass; typedef struct _GtkSourceViewPrivate GtkSourceViewPrivate; struct _GtkSourceView { GtkTextView parent; GtkSourceViewPrivate *priv; }; struct _GtkSourceViewClass { GtkTextViewClass parent_class; void (*undo) (GtkSourceView *view); void (*redo) (GtkSourceView *view); void (*line_mark_activated) (GtkSourceView *view, GtkTextIter *iter, GdkEvent *event); void (*show_completion) (GtkSourceView *view); void (*move_lines) (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean copy, gint step); void (*move_words) (GtkSourceView *view, gint step); /* Padding for future expansion */ }; /** * GtkSourceSmartHomeEndType: * @GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_DISABLED: smart-home-end disabled. * @GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_BEFORE: move to the first/last * non-whitespace character on the first press of the HOME/END keys and * to the beginning/end of the line on the second press. * @GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_AFTER: move to the beginning/end of the * line on the first press of the HOME/END keys and to the first/last * non-whitespace character on the second press. * @GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_ALWAYS: always move to the first/last * non-whitespace character when the HOME/END keys are pressed. **/ typedef enum { GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_DISABLED, GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_BEFORE, GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_AFTER, GTK_SOURCE_SMART_HOME_END_ALWAYS } GtkSourceSmartHomeEndType; /** * GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags: * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_SPACE: whether the space character should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TAB: whether the tab character should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_NEWLINE: whether the line breaks should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_NBSP: whether the non-breaking whitespaces should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_LEADING: whether leading whitespaces should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TEXT: whether whitespaces inside text should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TRAILING: whether trailing whitespaces should be drawn. * @GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_ALL: wheter all kind of spaces should be drawn. * * GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags determine what kind of spaces whould be drawn. If none * of GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_LEADING, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TEXT or * GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TRAILING is specified, whitespaces at any position in * the line will be drawn (i.e. it has the same effect as specifying all of them). */ typedef enum { GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_SPACE = 1 << 0, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TAB = 1 << 1, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_NEWLINE = 1 << 2, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_NBSP = 1 << 3, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_LEADING = 1 << 4, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TEXT = 1 << 5, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_TRAILING = 1 << 6, GTK_SOURCE_DRAW_SPACES_ALL = 0x7f } GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags; GType gtk_source_view_get_type (void) G_GNUC_CONST; /* Constructors */ GtkWidget *gtk_source_view_new (void); GtkWidget *gtk_source_view_new_with_buffer (GtkSourceBuffer *buffer); /* Properties */ void gtk_source_view_set_show_line_numbers (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean show); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_show_line_numbers (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_tab_width (GtkSourceView *view, guint width); guint gtk_source_view_get_tab_width (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_indent_width (GtkSourceView *view, gint width); gint gtk_source_view_get_indent_width (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_auto_indent (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean enable); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_auto_indent (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean enable); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_indent_on_tab (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean enable); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_indent_on_tab (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_highlight_current_line (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean hl); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_highlight_current_line (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_show_right_margin (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean show); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_show_right_margin (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_right_margin_position (GtkSourceView *view, guint pos); guint gtk_source_view_get_right_margin_position (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_show_line_marks (GtkSourceView *view, gboolean show); gboolean gtk_source_view_get_show_line_marks (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_mark_attributes (GtkSourceView *view, const gchar *category, GtkSourceMarkAttributes *attributes, gint priority); GtkSourceMarkAttributes * gtk_source_view_get_mark_attributes (GtkSourceView *view, const gchar *category, gint *priority); void gtk_source_view_set_smart_home_end (GtkSourceView *view, GtkSourceSmartHomeEndType smart_he); GtkSourceSmartHomeEndType gtk_source_view_get_smart_home_end (GtkSourceView *view); void gtk_source_view_set_draw_spaces (GtkSourceView *view, GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags flags); GtkSourceDrawSpacesFlags gtk_source_view_get_draw_spaces (GtkSourceView *view); guint gtk_source_view_get_visual_column (GtkSourceView *view, const GtkTextIter *iter); GtkSourceCompletion * gtk_source_view_get_completion (GtkSourceView *view); GtkSourceGutter *gtk_source_view_get_gutter (GtkSourceView *view, GtkTextWindowType window_type); G_END_DECLS #endif /* end of SOURCE_VIEW_H__ */